WdfPreDeviceInstallEx function (wdfinstaller.h)
[Applies to KMDF only]
The co-installer's WdfPreDeviceInstallEx function performs any operations that the co-installer might require before a non-Plug and Play (PnP) driver's installer creates the driver's kernel-mode service.
ULONG WdfPreDeviceInstallEx(
[in] LPCWSTR InfPath,
[in, optional] LPCWSTR InfSectionName,
[in] InfPath
A pointer to a null-terminated wide-character string that contains the directory path to the driver's INF file. The driver's installer can obtain this string by calling GetCurrentDirectory, which is described in the Microsoft Windows SDK.
[in, optional] InfSectionName
A pointer to a null-terminated wide-character string that contains the Wdf-install-section name in the driver's INF file. For more information about this name, see Using the KMDF Co-installer. If this pointer is NULL, the co-installer uses WdfSection for the name.
[in] ClientOptions
A pointer to a caller-allocated WDF_COINSTALLER_INSTALL_OPTIONS-typed structure that contains driver-specified installation options.
WdfPreDeviceInstallEx returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds. Otherwise, the function returns one of the additional ERROR_XXX values that are defined in Winerror.h.
The installer for the framework-based drivers of a non-PnP device must call WdfPreDeviceInstall or WdfPreDeviceInstallEx before the installer calls CreateService.
To obtain the address of the co-installer's WdfPreDeviceInstallEx function, the installer must call GetProcAddress after the installer has called LoadLibrary to load the co-installer.
If the co-installer determines that the computer must be restarted to complete the driver installation (typically because an older version of the framework was previously installed), the WdfPreDeviceInstallEx function enables you to control when or whether the user is prompted to restart the computer, as follows:
- If the installer sets the ShowRebootPrompt member of the WDF_COINSTALLER_INSTALL_OPTIONS structure to TRUE, WdfPreDeviceInstallEx informs the PnP manager that the computer must be restarted, and the PnP manager prompts the user that a restart is necessary. Setting the ShowRebootPrompt member to TRUE is equivalent to calling WdfPreDeviceInstall.
- If the installer sets the ShowRebootPrompt member of the WDF_COINSTALLER_INSTALL_OPTIONS structure to FALSE, WdfPreDeviceInstallEx does not inform the PnP manager that a restart is necessary. Instead, the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED. Your installer can determine when or whether to restart the computer,
For a code example that uses the WdfPreDeviceInstallEx function, see the installer for the NONPNP sample.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Universal |
Minimum KMDF version | 1.9 |
Header | wdfinstaller.h (include Wdfinstaller.h) |
Library | N/A (Exported by the KMDF co-installer library. For information about the co-installer library's filename, see Using the KMDF Co-installer.) |