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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Overview of the High DPI technology.
To develop High DPI, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS Describes per-monitor DPI scaling behavior overrides for child windows within dialogs. The values in this enumeration are bitfields and can be combined. |
DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS In Per Monitor v2 contexts, dialogs will automatically respond to DPI changes by resizing themselves and re-computing the positions of their child windows (here referred to as re-layouting). |
DPI_AWARENESS Identifies the dots per inch (dpi) setting for a thread, process, or window. |
DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR Identifies the DPI hosting behavior for a window. This behavior allows windows created in the thread to host child windows with a different DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT. |
MONITOR_DPI_TYPE Identifies the dots per inch (dpi) setting for a monitor. |
PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS Identifies dots per inch (dpi) awareness values. DPI awareness indicates how much scaling work an application performs for DPI versus how much is done by the system. |
AdjustWindowRectExForDpi Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired size of the client rectangle and the provided DPI. |
AreDpiAwarenessContextsEqual Determines whether two DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT values are identical. |
EnableNonClientDpiScaling In high-DPI displays, enables automatic display scaling of the non-client area portions of the specified top-level window. Must be called during the initialization of that window. |
GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the DPI_AWARENESS value from a DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT. |
GetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior Retrieves and per-monitor DPI scaling behavior overrides of a child window in a dialog. |
GetDialogDpiChangeBehavior Returns the flags that might have been set on a given dialog by an earlier call to SetDialogDpiChangeBehavior. |
GetDpiAwarenessContextForProcess Gets a DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT handle for the specified process. |
GetDpiForMonitor Queries the dots per inch (dpi) of a display. |
GetDpiForSystem Returns the system DPI. |
GetDpiForWindow Returns the dots per inch (dpi) value for the specified window. |
GetDpiFromDpiAwarenessContext Retrieves the DPI from a given DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT handle. This enables you to determine the DPI of a thread without needed to examine a window created within that thread. |
GetProcessDpiAwareness Retrieves the dots per inch (dpi) awareness of the specified process. |
GetSystemDpiForProcess Retrieves the system DPI associated with a given process. This is useful for avoiding compatibility issues that arise from sharing DPI-sensitive information between multiple system-aware processes with different system DPI values. |
GetSystemMetricsForDpi Retrieves the specified system metric or system configuration setting taking into account a provided DPI. |
GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext Gets the DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT for the current thread. |
GetThreadDpiHostingBehavior Retrieves the DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR from the current thread. |
GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext Returns the DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT associated with a window. |
GetWindowDpiHostingBehavior Returns the DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR of the specified window. |
InheritWindowMonitor Causes a specified window to inherit the monitor of another window. |
IsValidDpiAwarenessContext Determines if a specified DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT is valid and supported by the current system. |
LogicalToPhysicalPointForPerMonitorDPI Converts a point in a window from logical coordinates into physical coordinates, regardless of the dots per inch (dpi) awareness of the caller. |
OpenThemeDataForDpi A variant of OpenThemeData that opens a theme handle associated with a specific DPI. |
PhysicalToLogicalPointForPerMonitorDPI Converts a point in a window from physical coordinates into logical coordinates, regardless of the dots per inch (dpi) awareness of the caller. |
SetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior Overrides the default per-monitor DPI scaling behavior of a child window in a dialog. |
SetDialogDpiChangeBehavior Dialogs in Per-Monitor v2 contexts are automatically DPI scaled. This method lets you customize their DPI change behavior. |
SetProcessDpiAwareness Sets the process-default DPI awareness level. This is equivalent to calling SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext with the corresponding DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT value. |
SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext Sets the current process to a specified dots per inch (dpi) awareness context. The DPI awareness contexts are from the DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT value. |
SetThreadCursorCreationScaling Sets the DPI scale for which the cursors being created on this thread are intended. This value is taken into account when scaling the cursor for the specific monitor on which it is being shown. |
SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext Set the DPI awareness for the current thread to the provided value. |
SetThreadDpiHostingBehavior Sets the thread's DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR. This behavior allows windows created in the thread to host child windows with a different DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT. |
SystemParametersInfoForDpi Retrieves the value of one of the system-wide parameters, taking into account the provided DPI value. |
Képzési terv
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization