The HelloWorld sample set contains the following simple projects to help you get started with Direct3D 12.
Creates a window in preparation of rendering Direct3D 12 content.
Renders a simple triangle using Direct3D 12.
Demonstrates the usage of a bundle for rendering using Direct3D 12.
Demonstrates how to use constant buffers to pass data to the GPU used for rendering in Direct3D 12.
Demonstrates how to apply a texture to a triangle using Direct3D 12.
Demonstrates how to handle fullscreen to windowed transitions and window resizing in DirectX 12.
Demonstrates how to share workloads amongst multiple heterogenous GPUs using shared heaps.
Demonstrates the use of reserved (tiled) resources. In this sample a quad is textured with a reserved resource containing a full mip chain.
This is intended as a low-integration-cost solution to managing your Direct3D 12 heaps and committed resources, using memory management techniques from Direct3D 11.
Demonstrates the use of small placed resources, showing the potential memory savings gained using placed resources (with a 4K alignment) over committed and reserved resources (with a 64K alignment).
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