Cara: Memeriksa dan membuat instans jenis generik dengan pantulan
Informasi tentang jenis generik diperoleh dengan cara yang sama seperti informasi tentang jenis lain: dengan memeriksa objek Type yang mewakili jenis generik. Perbedaan prinsipnya adalah bahwa jenis generik memiliki daftar objek Type yang mewakili parameter jenis generiknya. Prosedur pertama di bagian ini memeriksa jenis generik.
Anda dapat membuat objek Type yang mewakili jenis yang dibangun dengan mengikat argumen jenis ke parameter jenis definisi jenis generik. Prosedur kedua menunjukkan hal ini.
Untuk memeriksa jenis generik dan parameter jenisnya
Dapatkan instans Type yang mewakili jenis generik. Dalam kode berikut, jenis diperoleh menggunakan operator C#
dalam Visual Basic,typeid
di Visual C++). Lihat topik kelas Type untuk cara lain mendapatkan Type objek. Perhatikan bahwa di sisa prosedur ini, jenisnya terkandung dalam parameter metode bernamat
.Type^ d1 = Dictionary::typeid;
Type d1 = typeof(Dictionary<,>);
Dim d1 As Type = GetType(Dictionary(Of ,))
Gunakan properti IsGenericType untuk menentukan apakah jenisnya generik, dan gunakan properti IsGenericTypeDefinition untuk menentukan apakah jenisnya adalah definisi jenis generik.
Console::WriteLine(" Is this a generic type? {0}", t->IsGenericType); Console::WriteLine(" Is this a generic type definition? {0}", t->IsGenericTypeDefinition);
Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type? {0}", t.IsGenericType); Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type definition? {0}", t.IsGenericTypeDefinition);
Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type? " _ & t.IsGenericType) Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type definition? " _ & t.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
Dapatkan array yang berisi argumen jenis generik, menggunakan metode GetGenericArguments.
array<Type^>^ typeParameters = t->GetGenericArguments();
Type[] typeParameters = t.GetGenericArguments();
Dim typeParameters() As Type = t.GetGenericArguments()
Untuk setiap argumen jenis, tentukan apakah itu parameter jenis (misalnya, dalam definisi jenis generik) atau jenis yang telah ditentukan untuk parameter jenis (misalnya, dalam jenis yang dibangun), menggunakan properti IsGenericParameter.
Console::WriteLine(" List {0} type arguments:", typeParameters->Length); for each( Type^ tParam in typeParameters ) { if (tParam->IsGenericParameter) { DisplayGenericParameter(tParam); } else { Console::WriteLine(" Type argument: {0}", tParam); } }
Console.WriteLine(" List {0} type arguments:", typeParameters.Length); foreach( Type tParam in typeParameters ) { if (tParam.IsGenericParameter) { DisplayGenericParameter(tParam); } else { Console.WriteLine(" Type argument: {0}", tParam); } }
Console.WriteLine(" List {0} type arguments:", _ typeParameters.Length) For Each tParam As Type In typeParameters If tParam.IsGenericParameter Then DisplayGenericParameter(tParam) Else Console.WriteLine(" Type argument: {0}", _ tParam) End If Next
Dalam sistem jenis, parameter jenis generik diwakili oleh instans Type, sama seperti jenis biasa. Kode berikut menampilkan nama dan posisi parameter objek Type yang mewakili parameter jenis generik. Posisi parameter adalah informasi sepele di sini; ini lebih menarik ketika Anda memeriksa parameter jenis yang telah digunakan sebagai argumen jenis dari jenis generik lainnya.
static void DisplayGenericParameter(Type^ tp) { Console::WriteLine(" Type parameter: {0} position {1}", tp->Name, tp->GenericParameterPosition);
private static void DisplayGenericParameter(Type tp) { Console.WriteLine(" Type parameter: {0} position {1}", tp.Name, tp.GenericParameterPosition);
Private Shared Sub DisplayGenericParameter(ByVal tp As Type) Console.WriteLine(" Type parameter: {0} position {1}", _ tp.Name, tp.GenericParameterPosition)
Tentukan batasan jenis dasar dan batasan antarmuka parameter jenis generik dengan menggunakan metode GetGenericParameterConstraints untuk mendapatkan semua batasan dalam satu array. Batasan tidak dijamin berada dalam urutan tertentu.
Type^ classConstraint = nullptr; for each(Type^ iConstraint in tp->GetGenericParameterConstraints()) { if (iConstraint->IsInterface) { Console::WriteLine(" Interface constraint: {0}", iConstraint); } } if (classConstraint != nullptr) { Console::WriteLine(" Base type constraint: {0}", tp->BaseType); } else Console::WriteLine(" Base type constraint: None");
Type classConstraint = null; foreach(Type iConstraint in tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints()) { if (iConstraint.IsInterface) { Console.WriteLine(" Interface constraint: {0}", iConstraint); } } if (classConstraint != null) { Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: {0}", tp.BaseType); } else { Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: None"); }
Dim classConstraint As Type = Nothing For Each iConstraint As Type In tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints() If iConstraint.IsInterface Then Console.WriteLine(" Interface constraint: {0}", _ iConstraint) End If Next If classConstraint IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: {0}", _ tp.BaseType) Else Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: None") End If
Gunakan properti GenericParameterAttributes untuk menemukan batasan khusus pada parameter jenis, seperti mengharuskannya menjadi jenis referensi. Properti ini juga menyertakan nilai yang mewakili varians, yang dapat Anda masker seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam kode berikut.
GenericParameterAttributes sConstraints = tp->GenericParameterAttributes & GenericParameterAttributes::SpecialConstraintMask;
GenericParameterAttributes sConstraints = tp.GenericParameterAttributes & GenericParameterAttributes.SpecialConstraintMask;
Dim sConstraints As GenericParameterAttributes = _ tp.GenericParameterAttributes And _ GenericParameterAttributes.SpecialConstraintMask
Atribut batasan khusus adalah bendera, dan bendera yang sama (GenericParameterAttributes.None) yang tidak mewakili batasan khusus juga tidak mewakili kovarians atau kontravariansi. Dengan demikian, untuk menguji salah satu kondisi ini, Anda harus menggunakan masker yang sesuai. Dalam hal ini, gunakan GenericParameterAttributes.SpecialConstraintMask untuk mengisolasi bendera batasan khusus.
if (sConstraints == GenericParameterAttributes::None) { Console::WriteLine(" No special constraints."); } else { if (GenericParameterAttributes::None != (sConstraints & GenericParameterAttributes::DefaultConstructorConstraint)) { Console::WriteLine(" Must have a parameterless constructor."); } if (GenericParameterAttributes::None != (sConstraints & GenericParameterAttributes::ReferenceTypeConstraint)) { Console::WriteLine(" Must be a reference type."); } if (GenericParameterAttributes::None != (sConstraints & GenericParameterAttributes::NotNullableValueTypeConstraint)) { Console::WriteLine(" Must be a non-nullable value type."); } }
if (sConstraints == GenericParameterAttributes.None) { Console.WriteLine(" No special constraints."); } else { if (GenericParameterAttributes.None != (sConstraints & GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint)) { Console.WriteLine(" Must have a parameterless constructor."); } if (GenericParameterAttributes.None != (sConstraints & GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint)) { Console.WriteLine(" Must be a reference type."); } if (GenericParameterAttributes.None != (sConstraints & GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint)) { Console.WriteLine(" Must be a non-nullable value type."); } }
If sConstraints = GenericParameterAttributes.None Then Console.WriteLine(" No special constraints.") Else If GenericParameterAttributes.None <> (sConstraints And _ GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) Then Console.WriteLine(" Must have a parameterless constructor.") End If If GenericParameterAttributes.None <> (sConstraints And _ GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) Then Console.WriteLine(" Must be a reference type.") End If If GenericParameterAttributes.None <> (sConstraints And _ GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) Then Console.WriteLine(" Must be a non-nullable value type.") End If End If
Membuat instans jenis generik
Jenis generik seperti templat. Anda tidak dapat membuat instansnya kecuali Anda menentukan jenis nyata untuk parameter jenis generiknya. Untuk melakukan ini pada waktu proses, menggunakan pantulan, memerlukan metode MakeGenericType.
Dapatkan objek Type yang mewakili jenis generik. Kode berikut mendapatkan jenis generik Dictionary<TKey,TValue> dengan dua cara berbeda: dengan menggunakan metode Type.GetType(String) kelebihan beban dengan string yang menjelaskan jenisnya, dan dengan memanggil metode GetGenericTypeDefinition pada jenis
Dictionary\<String, Example>
yang dibangun (Dictionary(Of String, Example)
dalam Visual Basic). Metode ini MakeGenericType memerlukan definisi jenis generik.// Use the typeid keyword to create the generic type // definition directly. Type^ d1 = Dictionary::typeid; // You can also obtain the generic type definition from a // constructed class. In this case, the constructed class // is a dictionary of Example objects, with String keys. Dictionary<String^, Example^>^ d2 = gcnew Dictionary<String^, Example^>(); // Get a Type object that represents the constructed type, // and from that get the generic type definition. The // variables d1 and d4 contain the same type. Type^ d3 = d2->GetType(); Type^ d4 = d3->GetGenericTypeDefinition();
// Use the typeof operator to create the generic type // definition directly. To specify the generic type definition, // omit the type arguments but retain the comma that separates // them. Type d1 = typeof(Dictionary<,>); // You can also obtain the generic type definition from a // constructed class. In this case, the constructed class // is a dictionary of Example objects, with String keys. Dictionary<string, Example> d2 = new Dictionary<string, Example>(); // Get a Type object that represents the constructed type, // and from that get the generic type definition. The // variables d1 and d4 contain the same type. Type d3 = d2.GetType(); Type d4 = d3.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
' Use the GetType operator to create the generic type ' definition directly. To specify the generic type definition, ' omit the type arguments but retain the comma that separates ' them. Dim d1 As Type = GetType(Dictionary(Of ,)) ' You can also obtain the generic type definition from a ' constructed class. In this case, the constructed class ' is a dictionary of Example objects, with String keys. Dim d2 As New Dictionary(Of String, Example) ' Get a Type object that represents the constructed type, ' and from that get the generic type definition. The ' variables d1 and d4 contain the same type. Dim d3 As Type = d2.GetType() Dim d4 As Type = d3.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
Buat array argumen jenis untuk mengganti parameter jenis. Array harus berisi jumlah objek Type yang benar, dalam urutan yang sama seperti yang muncul dalam daftar parameter jenis. Dalam hal ini, kunci (parameter jenis pertama) berjenis String, dan nilai dalam kamus adalah instans kelas bernama
.array<Type^>^ typeArgs = {String::typeid, Example::typeid};
Type[] typeArgs = {typeof(string), typeof(Example)};
Dim typeArgs() As Type = _ {GetType(String), GetType(Example)}
Panggil metode MakeGenericType untuk mengikat argumen jenis ke parameter jenis dan buat jenisnya.
Type^ constructed = d1->MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
Type constructed = d1.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
Dim constructed As Type = _ d1.MakeGenericType(typeArgs)
Gunakan metode CreateInstance(Type) kelebihan beban untuk membuat objek dari jenis yang dibangun. Kode berikut menyimpan dua instans kelas
dalam objekDictionary<String, Example>
yang dihasilkan.Object^ o = Activator::CreateInstance(constructed);
object o = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed);
Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed)
Contoh kode berikut mendefinisikan metode DisplayGenericType
untuk memeriksa definisi jenis generik dan jenis yang dibangun yang digunakan dalam kode dan menampilkan informasinya. Metode ini DisplayGenericType
menunjukkan cara menggunakan properti IsGenericType, IsGenericParameter, dan GenericParameterPosition dan metode GetGenericArguments.
Contoh ini juga mendefinisikan metode DisplayGenericParameter
untuk memeriksa parameter jenis generik dan menampilkan batasannya.
Contoh kode mendefinisikan sekumpulan jenis pengujian, termasuk jenis generik yang mengilustrasikan batasan parameter jenis, dan menunjukkan cara menampilkan informasi tentang jenis ini.
Contoh membuat jenis dari kelas Dictionary<TKey,TValue> dengan membuat array argumen jenis dan memanggil metode MakeGenericType. Program ini membandingkan objek yang Type dibangun menggunakan MakeGenericType dengan objek yang Type diperoleh menggunakan typeof
dalam Visual Basic), menunjukkan bahwa objek tersebut sama. Demikian pula, program ini menggunakan metode GetGenericTypeDefinition untuk mendapatkan definisi jenis generik dari jenis yang dibangun, dan membandingkannya Type dengan objek yang mewakili kelas Dictionary<TKey,TValue>.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
// Define an example interface.
public interface class ITestArgument {};
// Define an example base class.
public ref class TestBase {};
// Define a generic class with one parameter. The parameter
// has three constraints: It must inherit TestBase, it must
// implement ITestArgument, and it must have a parameterless
// constructor.
generic<class T>
where T : TestBase, ITestArgument, gcnew()
public ref class Test {};
// Define a class that meets the constraints on the type
// parameter of class Test.
public ref class TestArgument : TestBase, ITestArgument
TestArgument() {}
public ref class Example
// The following method displays information about a generic
// type.
static void DisplayGenericType(Type^ t)
Console::WriteLine("\r\n {0}", t);
Console::WriteLine(" Is this a generic type? {0}",
Console::WriteLine(" Is this a generic type definition? {0}",
// Get the generic type parameters or type arguments.
array<Type^>^ typeParameters = t->GetGenericArguments();
Console::WriteLine(" List {0} type arguments:",
for each( Type^ tParam in typeParameters )
if (tParam->IsGenericParameter)
Console::WriteLine(" Type argument: {0}",
// The following method displays information about a generic
// type parameter. Generic type parameters are represented by
// instances of System.Type, just like ordinary types.
static void DisplayGenericParameter(Type^ tp)
Console::WriteLine(" Type parameter: {0} position {1}",
tp->Name, tp->GenericParameterPosition);
Type^ classConstraint = nullptr;
for each(Type^ iConstraint in tp->GetGenericParameterConstraints())
if (iConstraint->IsInterface)
Console::WriteLine(" Interface constraint: {0}",
if (classConstraint != nullptr)
Console::WriteLine(" Base type constraint: {0}",
Console::WriteLine(" Base type constraint: None");
GenericParameterAttributes sConstraints =
tp->GenericParameterAttributes &
if (sConstraints == GenericParameterAttributes::None)
Console::WriteLine(" No special constraints.");
if (GenericParameterAttributes::None != (sConstraints &
Console::WriteLine(" Must have a parameterless constructor.");
if (GenericParameterAttributes::None != (sConstraints &
Console::WriteLine(" Must be a reference type.");
if (GenericParameterAttributes::None != (sConstraints &
Console::WriteLine(" Must be a non-nullable value type.");
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction::Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
static void Main()
// Two ways to get a Type object that represents the generic
// type definition of the Dictionary class.
// Use the typeid keyword to create the generic type
// definition directly.
Type^ d1 = Dictionary::typeid;
// You can also obtain the generic type definition from a
// constructed class. In this case, the constructed class
// is a dictionary of Example objects, with String keys.
Dictionary<String^, Example^>^ d2 = gcnew Dictionary<String^, Example^>();
// Get a Type object that represents the constructed type,
// and from that get the generic type definition. The
// variables d1 and d4 contain the same type.
Type^ d3 = d2->GetType();
Type^ d4 = d3->GetGenericTypeDefinition();
// Display information for the generic type definition, and
// for the constructed type Dictionary<String, Example>.
// Construct an array of type arguments to substitute for
// the type parameters of the generic Dictionary class.
// The array must contain the correct number of types, in
// the same order that they appear in the type parameter
// list of Dictionary. The key (first type parameter)
// is of type string, and the type to be contained in the
// dictionary is Example.
array<Type^>^ typeArgs = {String::typeid, Example::typeid};
// Construct the type Dictionary<String, Example>.
Type^ constructed = d1->MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
Object^ o = Activator::CreateInstance(constructed);
Console::WriteLine("\r\nCompare types obtained by different methods:");
Console::WriteLine(" Are the constructed types equal? {0}",
Console::WriteLine(" Are the generic definitions equal? {0}",
// Demonstrate the DisplayGenericType and
// DisplayGenericParameter methods with the Test class
// defined above. This shows base, interface, and special
// constraints.
int main()
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Define an example interface.
public interface ITestArgument {}
// Define an example base class.
public class TestBase {}
// Define a generic class with one parameter. The parameter
// has three constraints: It must inherit TestBase, it must
// implement ITestArgument, and it must have a parameterless
// constructor.
public class Test<T> where T : TestBase, ITestArgument, new() {}
// Define a class that meets the constraints on the type
// parameter of class Test.
public class TestArgument : TestBase, ITestArgument
public TestArgument() {}
public class Example
// The following method displays information about a generic
// type.
private static void DisplayGenericType(Type t)
Console.WriteLine("\r\n {0}", t);
Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type? {0}",
Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type definition? {0}",
// Get the generic type parameters or type arguments.
Type[] typeParameters = t.GetGenericArguments();
Console.WriteLine(" List {0} type arguments:",
foreach( Type tParam in typeParameters )
if (tParam.IsGenericParameter)
Console.WriteLine(" Type argument: {0}",
// The following method displays information about a generic
// type parameter. Generic type parameters are represented by
// instances of System.Type, just like ordinary types.
private static void DisplayGenericParameter(Type tp)
Console.WriteLine(" Type parameter: {0} position {1}",
tp.Name, tp.GenericParameterPosition);
Type classConstraint = null;
foreach(Type iConstraint in tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints())
if (iConstraint.IsInterface)
Console.WriteLine(" Interface constraint: {0}",
if (classConstraint != null)
Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: {0}",
Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: None");
GenericParameterAttributes sConstraints =
tp.GenericParameterAttributes &
if (sConstraints == GenericParameterAttributes.None)
Console.WriteLine(" No special constraints.");
if (GenericParameterAttributes.None != (sConstraints &
Console.WriteLine(" Must have a parameterless constructor.");
if (GenericParameterAttributes.None != (sConstraints &
Console.WriteLine(" Must be a reference type.");
if (GenericParameterAttributes.None != (sConstraints &
Console.WriteLine(" Must be a non-nullable value type.");
public static void Main()
// Two ways to get a Type object that represents the generic
// type definition of the Dictionary class.
// Use the typeof operator to create the generic type
// definition directly. To specify the generic type definition,
// omit the type arguments but retain the comma that separates
// them.
Type d1 = typeof(Dictionary<,>);
// You can also obtain the generic type definition from a
// constructed class. In this case, the constructed class
// is a dictionary of Example objects, with String keys.
Dictionary<string, Example> d2 = new Dictionary<string, Example>();
// Get a Type object that represents the constructed type,
// and from that get the generic type definition. The
// variables d1 and d4 contain the same type.
Type d3 = d2.GetType();
Type d4 = d3.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
// Display information for the generic type definition, and
// for the constructed type Dictionary<String, Example>.
// Construct an array of type arguments to substitute for
// the type parameters of the generic Dictionary class.
// The array must contain the correct number of types, in
// the same order that they appear in the type parameter
// list of Dictionary. The key (first type parameter)
// is of type string, and the type to be contained in the
// dictionary is Example.
Type[] typeArgs = {typeof(string), typeof(Example)};
// Construct the type Dictionary<String, Example>.
Type constructed = d1.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
object o = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed);
Console.WriteLine("\r\nCompare types obtained by different methods:");
Console.WriteLine(" Are the constructed types equal? {0}",
Console.WriteLine(" Are the generic definitions equal? {0}",
// Demonstrate the DisplayGenericType and
// DisplayGenericParameter methods with the Test class
// defined above. This shows base, interface, and special
// constraints.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Collections.Generic
' Define an example interface.
Public Interface ITestArgument
End Interface
' Define an example base class.
Public Class TestBase
End Class
' Define a generic class with one parameter. The parameter
' has three constraints: It must inherit TestBase, it must
' implement ITestArgument, and it must have a parameterless
' constructor.
Public Class Test(Of T As {TestBase, ITestArgument, New})
End Class
' Define a class that meets the constraints on the type
' parameter of class Test.
Public Class TestArgument
Inherits TestBase
Implements ITestArgument
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Example
' The following method displays information about a generic
' type.
Private Shared Sub DisplayGenericType(ByVal t As Type)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & t.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type? " _
& t.IsGenericType)
Console.WriteLine(" Is this a generic type definition? " _
& t.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
' Get the generic type parameters or type arguments.
Dim typeParameters() As Type = t.GetGenericArguments()
Console.WriteLine(" List {0} type arguments:", _
For Each tParam As Type In typeParameters
If tParam.IsGenericParameter Then
Console.WriteLine(" Type argument: {0}", _
End If
End Sub
' The following method displays information about a generic
' type parameter. Generic type parameters are represented by
' instances of System.Type, just like ordinary types.
Private Shared Sub DisplayGenericParameter(ByVal tp As Type)
Console.WriteLine(" Type parameter: {0} position {1}", _
tp.Name, tp.GenericParameterPosition)
Dim classConstraint As Type = Nothing
For Each iConstraint As Type In tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints()
If iConstraint.IsInterface Then
Console.WriteLine(" Interface constraint: {0}", _
End If
If classConstraint IsNot Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: {0}", _
Console.WriteLine(" Base type constraint: None")
End If
Dim sConstraints As GenericParameterAttributes = _
tp.GenericParameterAttributes And _
If sConstraints = GenericParameterAttributes.None Then
Console.WriteLine(" No special constraints.")
If GenericParameterAttributes.None <> (sConstraints And _
GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) Then
Console.WriteLine(" Must have a parameterless constructor.")
End If
If GenericParameterAttributes.None <> (sConstraints And _
GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) Then
Console.WriteLine(" Must be a reference type.")
End If
If GenericParameterAttributes.None <> (sConstraints And _
GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) Then
Console.WriteLine(" Must be a non-nullable value type.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Two ways to get a Type object that represents the generic
' type definition of the Dictionary class.
' Use the GetType operator to create the generic type
' definition directly. To specify the generic type definition,
' omit the type arguments but retain the comma that separates
' them.
Dim d1 As Type = GetType(Dictionary(Of ,))
' You can also obtain the generic type definition from a
' constructed class. In this case, the constructed class
' is a dictionary of Example objects, with String keys.
Dim d2 As New Dictionary(Of String, Example)
' Get a Type object that represents the constructed type,
' and from that get the generic type definition. The
' variables d1 and d4 contain the same type.
Dim d3 As Type = d2.GetType()
Dim d4 As Type = d3.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
' Display information for the generic type definition, and
' for the constructed type Dictionary(Of String, Example).
' Construct an array of type arguments to substitute for
' the type parameters of the generic Dictionary class.
' The array must contain the correct number of types, in
' the same order that they appear in the type parameter
' list of Dictionary. The key (first type parameter)
' is of type string, and the type to be contained in the
' dictionary is Example.
Dim typeArgs() As Type = _
{GetType(String), GetType(Example)}
' Construct the type Dictionary(Of String, Example).
Dim constructed As Type = _
Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed)
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
"Compare types obtained by different methods:")
Console.WriteLine(" Are the constructed types equal? " _
& (d2.GetType() Is constructed))
Console.WriteLine(" Are the generic definitions equal? " _
& (d1 Is constructed.GetGenericTypeDefinition()))
' Demonstrate the DisplayGenericType and
' DisplayGenericParameter methods with the Test class
' defined above. This shows base, interface, and special
' constraints.
DisplayGenericType(GetType(Test(Of )))
End Sub
End Class