Microsoft Graph PowerShell Cmdlets
Add-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Apply review decisions on an accessReviewInstance if the decisions were not applied automatically because the autoApplyDecisionsEnabled property is false in the review's accessReviewScheduleSettings. The status of the accessReviewInstance must be Completed to call this method. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Add-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Get-MgAgreement |
Get entity from agreements by key Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreement |
Get-MgAgreementAcceptance |
Read-only. Information about acceptances of this agreement. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementAcceptance |
Get-MgAgreementAcceptanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementAcceptanceCount |
Get-MgAgreementFile |
Retrieve the details of an agreement file, including the language and version information. The default file can have multiple versions, each with its own language, that can be retrieved by specifying the Accept-Language header. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFile |
Get-MgAgreementFileCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileCount |
Get-MgAgreementFileLocalization |
The localized version of the terms of use agreement files attached to the agreement. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalization |
Get-MgAgreementFileLocalizationCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalizationCount |
Get-MgAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Read-only. Customized versions of the terms of use agreement in the Microsoft Entra tenant. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Get-MgAgreementFileLocalizationVersionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalizationVersionCount |
Get-MgAgreementFileVersion |
Read-only. Customized versions of the terms of use agreement in the Microsoft Entra tenant. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileVersion |
Get-MgAgreementFileVersionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaAgreementFileVersionCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackage object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageApplicablePolicyRequirement |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, this action retrieves a list of accessPackageAssignmentRequestRequirements objects that the currently signed-in user can use to create an accessPackageAssignmentRequest. Each requirement object corresponds to an access package assignment policy that the currently signed-in user is allowed to request an assignment for. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageApplicablePolicyRequirement |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalStage |
Retrieve the properties of an approvalStage object. An approval stage is contained within an approval object. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalStageCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageCatalog |
Required when creating the access package. Read-only. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageCatalog |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackage |
Retrieve a list of the accessPackage objects that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackage |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackageByRef |
Retrieve a list of the accessPackage objects that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackageByRef |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroup |
Retrieve a list of the group objects that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroup |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroupByRef |
Retrieve a list of the group objects that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroupByRef |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleWith |
The access packages that are incompatible with this package. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleWith |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignment |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignment object. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentAdditional |
In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, retrieve a collection of accessPackageAssignment objects that indicate a target user has an assignment to a specified access package and also an assignment to another, potentially incompatible, access package. This can be used to prepare to configure the incompatible access packages for a specific access package. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicy |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentPolicy object. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyAccessPackage |
Access package containing this policy. Read-only. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCatalog |
Catalog of the access package containing this policy. Read-only. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCustomExtensionStageSetting |
The collection of stages when to execute one or more custom access package workflow extensions. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCustomExtensionStageSettingCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCustomExtensionStageSettingCustomExtension |
Indicates the custom workflow extension that will be executed at this stage. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyQuestion |
Questions that are posed to the requestor. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyQuestionCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequestCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalog |
Retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackageCatalog object. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogAccessPackageCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogCustomWorkflowExtensionCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResource |
Access package resources in this catalog. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRole |
Get resourceRoles from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScope |
Get resourceScopes from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Retrieve the properties and relationships of a connectedOrganization object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsor |
Get externalSponsors from identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsor |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorByRef |
Get ref of externalSponsors from identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorByRef |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsor |
Get internalSponsors from identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsor |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorByRef |
Get ref of internalSponsors from identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorByRef |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorCount |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResource |
The resources associated with the catalogs. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironment |
A reference to the geolocation environments in which a resource is located. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResource |
Read-only. Required. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequest |
Represents a request to add or remove a resource to or from a catalog respectively. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalog |
Get catalog from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogAccessPackage |
The access packages in this catalog. Read-only. Nullable. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogAccessPackageCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Get customWorkflowExtensions from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogCustomWorkflowExtensionCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResource |
Access package resources in this catalog. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRole |
Get resourceRoles from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScope |
Get resourceScopes from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScope |
Get resourceRoleScopes from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRole |
Get role from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScope |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRole |
Read-only. Nullable. Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRoleCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Get resource from identityGovernance |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceEnvironment |
Contains the environment information for the resource. This can be set using either the @odata.bind annotation or the environment's originId.Supports $expand. |
Get-MgEntitlementManagementSetting |
Retrieve the properties of an entitlementManagementSettings object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaEntitlementManagementSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Read the properties and relationships of an accessReviewScheduleDefinition object. To retrieve the instances of the access review series, use the list accessReviewInstance API. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Read the properties and relationships of an accessReviewInstance object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Returns the collection of reviewers who were contacted to complete this review. While the reviewers and fallbackReviewers properties of the accessReviewScheduleDefinition might specify group owners or managers as reviewers, contactedReviewers returns their individual identities. Supports $select. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewerCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewerCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Read the properties and relationships of an accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Insights are recommendations to reviewers on whether to approve or deny a decision. There can be multiple insights associated with an accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsightCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsightCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessReviewStage object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Read the properties and relationships of an accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Insights are recommendations to reviewers on whether to approve or deny a decision. There can be multiple insights associated with an accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Retrieve an accessReviewHistoryDefinition object by its identifier. All the properties of the access review history definition object are returned. If the definition is 30 days or older, a 404 Not Found error is returned. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
If the accessReviewHistoryDefinition is a recurring definition, instances represent each recurrence. A definition that doesn't recur will have exactly one instance. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstanceCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Read the properties and relationships of an appConsentRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Read the properties and relationships of a userConsentRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApproval |
Approval decisions associated with a request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApproval |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApprovalStage |
A collection of stages in the approval decision. |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApprovalStageCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Read the properties and relationships of a workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedBy |
The user who created the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Read the properties and relationships of a customTaskExtension object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedBy |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user that created the custom task extension.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedBy |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user that modified the custom task extension last.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItem |
Deleted workflows in your lifecycle workflows instance. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItem |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Retrieve a deleted workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowCreatedBy |
The user who created the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowCreatedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowExecutionScope |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra identity that last modified the workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowExecutionScope |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowLastModifiedBy |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra identity that last modified the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowLastModifiedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowRun |
Workflow runs. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowRun |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
The tasks in the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTaskReport |
Represents the aggregation of task execution data for tasks within a workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTaskReport |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowUserProcessingResult |
Per-user workflow execution results. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowUserProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowVersion |
The workflow versions that are available. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowVersion |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowExecutionScope |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra identity that last modified the workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowExecutionScope |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowExecutionScopeCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowExecutionScopeCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
The insight container holding workflow insight summaries for a tenant. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedBy |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra identity that last modified the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRun |
Read the properties and relationships of a run object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRun |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResult |
The related taskProcessingResults. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user targeted for the task execution.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultTask |
The related workflow task Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResult |
Get the user processing result of a user processing result of a run. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the AAD user targeted for the taskProcessingResult.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultTaskProcessingResult |
The associated individual task execution. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowSetting |
Read the properties and relationships of a lifecycleManagementSettings object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Get a specific task from a workflow or workflowVersion. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskDefinition |
Read the details of a built-in workflow task in Lifecycle Workflows. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskDefinition |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskDefinitionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskDefinitionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResult |
The result of processing the task. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user targeted for the task execution.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultTask |
The related workflow task Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReport |
Represents the aggregation of task execution data for tasks within a workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReport |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTask |
The related lifecycle workflow task.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskDefinition |
The taskDefinition associated with the related lifecycle workflow task.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskDefinition |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResult |
The related lifecycle workflow taskProcessingResults. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user targeted for the task execution.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultTask |
The related workflow task Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplate |
Read the properties and relationships of a workflowTemplate object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplate |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTask |
Represents the configured tasks to execute and their execution sequence within a workflow. This relationship is expanded by default. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResult |
The result of processing the task. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user targeted for the task execution.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultTask |
The related workflow task Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResult |
Per-user workflow execution results. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the AAD user targeted for the taskProcessingResult.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultTaskProcessingResult |
The associated individual task execution. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersion |
Read the properties and relationships of a workflowVersion object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersion |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedBy |
The user who created the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedBy |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra identity that last modified the workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedBy |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Get a specific task from a workflow or workflowVersion. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResult |
The result of processing the task. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResult |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubject |
The unique identifier of the Microsoft Entra user targeted for the task execution.Supports $filter(eq, ne) and $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubject |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. You can get or update settings for sending automatic replies to incoming messages, locale, and time zone. Returned only on $select. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a user object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultTask |
The related workflow task Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultTask |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccess |
Get privilegedAccess from identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccess |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroup |
A group that's governed through Privileged Identity Management (PIM). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Get assignmentApprovals from identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalStage |
A collection of stages in the approval decision. |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalStageCount |
Get the number of the resource |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Read the properties and relationships of a privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleActivatedUsing |
When the request activates an ownership or membership assignment in PIM for groups, this object represents the eligibility relationship. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleActivatedUsing |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleGroup |
References the group that is the scope of the membership or ownership assignment through PIM for groups. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for select properties like id, displayName, and mail. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a group object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Read the properties and relationships of a privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceActivatedUsing |
When the request activates a membership or ownership in PIM for groups, this object represents the eligibility request for the group. Otherwise, it is null. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceActivatedUsing |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceGroup |
References the group that is the scope of the membership or ownership assignment through PIM for groups. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a group object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstancePrincipal |
References the principal that's in the scope of the membership or ownership assignment request through the group that's governed by PIM. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstancePrincipal |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedulePrincipal |
References the principal that's in the scope of this membership or ownership assignment request to the group that's governed through PIM. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for id only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedulePrincipal |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Read the properties and relationships of a privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestActivatedUsing |
When the request activates a membership or ownership assignment in PIM for groups, this object represents the eligibility policy for the group. Otherwise, it is null. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestActivatedUsing |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestGroup |
References the group that is the scope of the membership or ownership assignment request through PIM for groups. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for select properties like id, displayName, and mail. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a group object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestPrincipal |
References the principal that's in the scope of this membership or ownership assignment request through the group that's governed by PIM. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for id only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestPrincipal |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Schedule created by this request. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Read the properties and relationships of a privilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleGroup |
References the group that is the scope of the membership or ownership eligibility through PIM for groups. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a group object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Read the properties and relationships of a privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceGroup |
References the group that is the scope of the membership or ownership eligibility through PIM for groups. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a group object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstancePrincipal |
References the principal that's in the scope of the membership or ownership eligibility request through the group that's governed by PIM. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstancePrincipal |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedulePrincipal |
References the principal that's in the scope of this membership or ownership eligibility request to the group that's governed by PIM. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedulePrincipal |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Read the properties and relationships of a privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestGroup |
References the group that is the scope of the membership or ownership eligibility request through PIM for groups. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for select properties like id, displayName, and mail. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestGroup |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Errors published by a federated service describing a nontransient, service-specific error regarding the properties or link from a group object. Supports $filter (eq, not, for isResolved and serviceInstance). Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningError |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestGroupServiceProvisioningErrorCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestPrincipal |
References the principal that's in the scope of the membership or ownership eligibility request through the group that's governed by PIM. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for id only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestPrincipal |
Get-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Schedule created by this request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Retrieve the properties and relationships of an agreement object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Represents the current status of a user's response to a company's customizable terms of use agreement. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptanceCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Retrieve the details of an agreement file, including the language and version information. The default file can have multiple versions, each with its own language, that can be retrieved by specifying the Accept-Language header. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
The localized version of the terms of use agreement files attached to the agreement. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Read-only. Customized versions of the terms of use agreement in the Microsoft Entra tenant. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersionCount |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Read-only. Customized versions of the terms of use agreement in the Microsoft Entra tenant. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Get-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersionCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectory |
Get directory from roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectory |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Get resourceNamespaces from roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Get resourceActions from roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceActionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceActionCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Retrieve the properties and relationships of a unifiedRoleAssignment object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app specific scope when the assignment scope is app specific. Containment entity. Supports $expand for the entitlement provider only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment. Read-only. Supports $expand for the directory provider. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentPrincipal |
Referencing the assigned principal. Read-only. Supports $expand except for the Exchange provider. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentPrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentRoleDefinition |
The roleDefinition the assignment is for. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Retrieve the schedule for an active role assignment operation. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleActivatedUsing |
If the request is from an eligible administrator to activate a role, this parameter shows the related eligible assignment for that activation. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleActivatedUsing |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the role eligibility or assignment is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the role eligibility or assignment. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Get the instance of an active role assignment. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceActivatedUsing |
If the request is from an eligible administrator to activate a role, this parameter shows the related eligible assignment for that activation. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceActivatedUsing |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the assignment or role eligibility is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment or role eligibility. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstancePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or role eligibility through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstancePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedulePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or that's eligible for a role through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedulePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
In PIM, read the details of a request for an active and persistent role assignment made through the unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestActivatedUsing |
If the request is from an eligible administrator to activate a role, this parameter will show the related eligible assignment for that activation. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestActivatedUsing |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the assignment is scoped to an app. Nullable. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment. Read-only. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestPrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment through the request. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for id only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestPrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the unifiedRoleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
The schedule for an eligible role assignment that is referenced through the targetScheduleId property. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Read the properties and relationships of a unifiedRoleDefinition object. The following role-based access control (RBAC) providers are currently supported: Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Read-only collection of role definitions that the given role definition inherits from. Only Microsoft Entra built-in roles (isBuiltIn is true) support this attribute. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFromCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFromCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Retrieve the schedule for a role eligibility operation. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the role eligibility or assignment is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the role eligibility or assignment. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Get the instance of a role eligibility. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the assignment or role eligibility is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment or role eligibility. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstancePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or role eligibility through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstancePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedulePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or that's eligible for a role through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedulePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
In PIM, read the details of a request for for a role eligibility request made through the unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the role eligibility is scoped to an app. Nullable. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the role eligibility. Read-only. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestPrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role eligibility through the request. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestPrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the unifiedRoleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
The schedule for a role eligibility that is referenced through the targetScheduleId property. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagement |
Container for roles and assignments for entitlement management resources. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagement |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Get resourceNamespaces from roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Get resourceActions from roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceActionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceActionCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Resource to grant access to users or groups. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app specific scope when the assignment scope is app specific. Containment entity. Supports $expand for the entitlement provider only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment. Read-only. Supports $expand for the directory provider. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentPrincipal |
Referencing the assigned principal. Read-only. Supports $expand except for the Exchange provider. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentPrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentRoleDefinition |
The roleDefinition the assignment is for. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Schedules for active role assignment operations. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleActivatedUsing |
If the request is from an eligible administrator to activate a role, this parameter shows the related eligible assignment for that activation. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleActivatedUsing |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the role eligibility or assignment is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the role eligibility or assignment. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Instances for active role assignments. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceActivatedUsing |
If the request is from an eligible administrator to activate a role, this parameter shows the related eligible assignment for that activation. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceActivatedUsing |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the assignment or role eligibility is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment or role eligibility. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstancePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or role eligibility through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstancePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedulePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or that's eligible for a role through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedulePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Requests for active role assignments to principals through PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestActivatedUsing |
If the request is from an eligible administrator to activate a role, this parameter will show the related eligible assignment for that activation. Otherwise, it's null. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestActivatedUsing |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the assignment is scoped to an app. Nullable. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment. Read-only. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestPrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment through the request. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand for id only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestPrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the unifiedRoleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
The schedule for an eligible role assignment that is referenced through the targetScheduleId property. Supports $expand and $select nested in $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Resource representing the roles allowed by RBAC providers and the permissions assigned to the roles. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Read-only collection of role definitions that the given role definition inherits from. Only Microsoft Entra built-in roles (isBuiltIn is true) support this attribute. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFromCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFromCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Schedules for role eligibility operations. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the role eligibility or assignment is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the role eligibility or assignment. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Instances for role eligibility requests. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the assignment or role eligibility is scoped to an app. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the assignment or role eligibility. Read-only. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstancePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or role eligibility through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstancePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedulePrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role assignment or that's eligible for a role through the request. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedulePrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Requests for role eligibilities for principals through PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestAppScope |
Read-only property with details of the app-specific scope when the role eligibility is scoped to an app. Nullable. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestAppScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestCount |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
The directory object that is the scope of the role eligibility. Read-only. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestDirectoryScope |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestPrincipal |
The principal that's getting a role eligibility through the request. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestPrincipal |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the unifiedRoleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestRoleDefinition |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
The schedule for a role eligibility that is referenced through the targetScheduleId property. Supports $expand. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestTargetSchedule |
Get-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRoleDefinition |
Detailed information for the roleDefinition object that is referenced through the roleDefinitionId property. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRoleDefinition |
Get-MgUserAgreementAcceptance |
The user's terms of use acceptance statuses. Read-only. Nullable. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaUserAgreementAcceptance |
Get-MgUserAgreementAcceptanceCount |
Get the number of the resource Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaUserAgreementAcceptanceCount |
Initialize-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Run a workflow object on-demand. You can run any workflow on-demand, including scheduled workflows. Workflows created from the 'Real-time employee termination' template are run on-demand only. When you run a workflow on demand, the tasks are executed regardless of whether the user state matches the scope and trigger execution conditions. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Initialize-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Initialize-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Run a workflow object on-demand. You can run any workflow on-demand, including scheduled workflows. Workflows created from the 'Real-time employee termination' template are run on-demand only. When you run a workflow on demand, the tasks are executed regardless of whether the user state matches the scope and trigger execution conditions. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Initialize-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Invoke-MgAcceptIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceRecommendation |
Allows the acceptance of recommendations on all accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects that haven't been reviewed on an accessReviewInstance object for which the calling user is a reviewer. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaAcceptIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceRecommendation |
Invoke-MgBatchIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceRecordDecision |
Enables reviewers to review all accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects in batches by using principalId, resourceId, or neither. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaBatchIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceRecordDecision |
Invoke-MgFilterEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalByCurrentUser |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, return a collection of access package assignment approvals. The objects returned are those that are in scope for approval by the calling user. In PIM for groups, return a collection of assignment approvals. The objects returned are those that are in scope for approval by the calling user. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterEntitlementManagementAccessPackageByCurrentUser |
In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, retrieve a list of accessPackage objects filtered on the signed-in user. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterEntitlementManagementAccessPackageByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterEntitlementManagementAssignmentByCurrentUser |
In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, retrieve a list of accessPackageAssignment objects filtered on the signed-in user. |
Invoke-MgFilterEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequestByCurrentUser |
In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, retrieve a list of accessPackageAssignmentRequest objects filtered on the signed-in user. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionByCurrentUser |
Returns accessReviewScheduleDefinition objects where the calling user is a reviewer on one or more accessReviewInstance objects. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceByCurrentUser |
Retrieve all accessReviewInstance objects on a given accessReviewScheduleDefinition where the calling user is a reviewer on one or more accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionByCurrentUser |
Retrieve all decision items for an instance of an access review or a stage of an instance of a multi-stage access review, for which the calling user is the reviewer. The decision items are represented by accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects on a given accessReviewInstance or accessReviewStage for which the calling user is the reviewer. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageByCurrentUser |
Return all accessReviewStage objects on a given accessReviewInstance where the calling user is a reviewer on one or more accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionByCurrentUser |
Retrieve all decision items for an instance of an access review or a stage of an instance of a multi-stage access review, for which the calling user is the reviewer. The decision items are represented by accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects on a given accessReviewInstance or accessReviewStage for which the calling user is the reviewer. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestByCurrentUser |
Retrieve a collection of appConsentRequest objects for which the current user is the reviewer and the status of the userConsentRequest for accessing the specified app is InProgress. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestByCurrentUser |
Retrieve a collection of userConsentRequest objects for accessing a specified app, for which the current user is the reviewer. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalByCurrentUser |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, return a collection of access package assignment approvals. The objects returned are those that are in scope for approval by the calling user. In PIM for groups, return a collection of assignment approvals. The objects returned are those that are in scope for approval by the calling user. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleByCurrentUser |
In PIM for groups, retrieve the schedules for membership or ownership assignments for the calling principal to groups that are governed by PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
In PIM for groups, retrieve the schedule instances for membership or ownership assignments for the calling principal to groups that are governed by PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
In PIM for groups, retrieve the requests for membership or ownership assignments for the calling principal to groups that are governed by PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleByCurrentUser |
Retrieve schedules of membership and ownership eligibility requests for the calling principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Return instances of membership and ownership eligibility schedules for the calling principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
In PIM for groups, retrieve the requests for membership or ownership eligibilities for the calling principal to groups that are governed by PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleByCurrentUser |
Retrieve the schedules for active role assignment operations for which the signed-in user is the principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Get the instances of active role assignments for the calling principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
In PIM, retrieve the requests for active role assignments for a particular principal. The principal can be the creator or approver of the unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest object, or they can be the target of the assignment. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleByCurrentUser |
Retrieve the schedules for role eligibilities for which the signed-in user is the principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Get the instances of eligible roles for the calling principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
In PIM, retrieve the requests for role eligibilities for a particular principal. The principal can be the creator or approver of the unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest object, or they can be the target of the role eligibility. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleByCurrentUser |
Retrieve the schedules for active role assignment operations for which the signed-in user is the principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Get the instances of active role assignments for the calling principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
In PIM, retrieve the requests for active role assignments for a particular principal. The principal can be the creator or approver of the unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest object, or they can be the target of the assignment. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleByCurrentUser |
Retrieve the schedules for role eligibilities for which the signed-in user is the principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Get the instances of eligible roles for the calling principal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstanceByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
In PIM, retrieve the requests for role eligibilities for a particular principal. The principal can be the creator or approver of the unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest object, or they can be the target of the role eligibility. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaFilterRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequestByCurrentUser |
Invoke-MgGraphIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Provide a summary of workflows processed, by category, in a tenant. This allows you to quickly get category information, by numerical value, bypassing other information found in the WorkflowsProcessedSummary call. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaGraphIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Invoke-MgSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRun |
Get a summary of runs for a specified time period. Because the amount of runs returned by the List API call can be overwhelming, this summary allows the administrator to get a quick overview based on counts. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRun |
Invoke-MgSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResult |
Invoke function summary Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResult |
Invoke-MgSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReport |
Get a taskReportSummary object. This API provides a summary of task processing results for a specified time period. Because the volume of task processing results and task reports returned by the List API calls can be overwhelming, this summary allows the administrator to get a quick overview based on counts. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReport |
Invoke-MgSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResult |
Invoke function summary Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaSummaryIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResult |
Invoke-MgTopIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsightTaskProcessedSummary |
Provide a summary of the most processed tasks, known as top tasks, for a specified time period in a tenant. The task definition is provided, along with numerical counts of total, successful, and failed runs. For information about workflows processed, see insights: topWorkflowsProcessedSummary. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaTopIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsightTaskProcessedSummary |
Invoke-MgTopIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsightWorkflowProcessedSummary |
Provide a summary of the workflows processed the most, known as top workflows, for a specified period in a tenant. Workflow basic details are given, along with run information. For information about tasks processed, see insights: topTasksProcessedSummary. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaTopIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsightWorkflowProcessedSummary |
Invoke-MgWorkflowIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsightProcessedSummary |
Provide a summary of all workflows processed within a tenant for a specified period. Because the amount of results for listed workflows as returned by the List workflows does not tell you which workflows were processed from the list of created workflows, this summary gives you a quick overview of processed status based on counts. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Invoke-MgBetaWorkflowIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsightProcessedSummary |
New-MgAgreement |
Add new entity to agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaAgreement |
New-MgAgreementAcceptance |
Create new navigation property to acceptances for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaAgreementAcceptance |
New-MgAgreementFile |
Create new navigation property to files for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaAgreementFile |
New-MgAgreementFileLocalization |
Create new navigation property to localizations for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalization |
New-MgAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Create new navigation property to versions for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
New-MgAgreementFileVersion |
Create new navigation property to versions for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaAgreementFileVersion |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Create a new accessPackage object. The access package will be added to an existing accessPackageCatalog. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalStage |
Create new navigation property to stages for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Create new navigation property to assignmentPolicies for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackageByRef |
Add an accessPackage to the list of access packages that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackageByRef |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroupByRef |
Add a group to the list of groups that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroupByRef |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageResourceRoleScope |
Create a new accessPackageResourceRoleScope for adding a resource role to an access package. The access package resource, for a group, an app, or a SharePoint Online site, must already exist in the access package catalog, and the originId for the resource role retrieved from the list of the resource roles. Once you add the resource role scope to the access package, the user will receive this resource role through any current and future access package assignments. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageResourceRoleScope |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAssignment |
Create new navigation property to assignments for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicy |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, create a new accessPackageAssignmentPolicy object. The request will include a reference to the accessPackage that will contain this policy, which must already exist. |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCustomExtensionStageSetting |
Create new navigation property to customExtensionStageSettings for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyQuestion |
Create new navigation property to questions for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, create a new accessPackageAssignmentRequest object. This operation is used to assign a user to an access package, update the assignment, or to remove an access package assignment. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalog |
Create a new accessPackageCatalog object. |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Create a new accessPackageAssignmentRequestWorkflowExtension or accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object and add it to an existing accessPackageCatalog object. You must explicitly provide an @odata.type property that indicates whether the object is an accessPackageAssignmentRequestWorkflowExtension or an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension. |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResource |
Create new navigation property to resources for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to resourceRoles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to resourceScopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Create a new connectedOrganization object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
New-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorByRef |
Add a user or a group to the connected organization's external sponsors. The external sponsors are a set of users who can approve requests on behalf of other users from that connected organization. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorByRef |
New-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorByRef |
Add a user or a group to the connected organization's internal sponsors. The internal sponsors are a set of users who can approve requests on behalf of other users from that connected organization. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorByRef |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResource |
Create new navigation property to resources for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironment |
Create new navigation property to resourceEnvironments for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResource |
Create new navigation property to resources for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequest |
Create a new accessPackageResourceRequest object to request the addition of a resource to an access package catalog, update of a resource, or the removal of a resource from a catalog. A resource must be included in an access package catalog before a role of that resource can be added to an access package. |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Create new navigation property to customWorkflowExtensions for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResource |
Create new navigation property to resources for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to resourceRoles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to resourceScopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScope |
Create new navigation property to resourceRoleScopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScope |
Create new navigation property to scopes for identityGovernance |
New-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRole |
Create new navigation property to roles for identityGovernance |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Create a new accessReviewScheduleDefinition object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Create new navigation property to instances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Create new navigation property to contactedReviewers for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Create new navigation property to decisions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Create new navigation property to insights for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Create new navigation property to stages for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Create new navigation property to decisions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Create new navigation property to insights for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Create a new accessReviewHistoryDefinition object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
Create new navigation property to instances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstanceDownloadUri |
Generates a URI for an accessReviewHistoryInstance object the status for which is done. Each URI can be used to retrieve the instance's review history data. Each URI is valid for 24 hours and can be retrieved by fetching the downloadUri property from the accessReviewHistoryInstance object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstanceDownloadUri |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Create new navigation property to appConsentRequests for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Create new navigation property to userConsentRequests for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApprovalStage |
Create new navigation property to stages for identityGovernance |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Create a new workflow object. You can create up to 100 workflows in a tenant. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Create a new customTaskExtension object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowNewVersion |
Create a new version of the workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowNewVersion |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
Create new navigation property to tasks for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowNewVersion |
Create a new version of the workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowNewVersion |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Create new navigation property to tasks for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Create new navigation property to tasks for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Create new navigation property to assignmentApprovals for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalStage |
Create new navigation property to stages for identityGovernance |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Create new navigation property to assignmentSchedules for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Create new navigation property to assignmentScheduleInstances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Create a new privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Create new navigation property to eligibilitySchedules for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Create new navigation property to eligibilityScheduleInstances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
New-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Create a new privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Create a new agreement object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Create new navigation property to agreementAcceptances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Create a new localized agreement file. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
Create new navigation property to localizations for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Create new navigation property to versions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
New-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Create new navigation property to versions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Create new navigation property to resourceNamespaces for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Create new navigation property to resourceActions for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Create a new unifiedRoleAssignment object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Create new navigation property to roleAssignmentSchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Create new navigation property to roleAssignmentScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
In PIM, carry out the following operations through the unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest object: To call this API to update, renew, and extend assignments for yourself, you must have multifactor authentication (MFA) enforced, and running the query in a session in which they were challenged for MFA. See Enable per-user Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication to secure sign-in events. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Create a new custom unifiedRoleDefinition object. This feature requires a Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2 license. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Create new navigation property to inheritsPermissionsFrom for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Create new navigation property to roleEligibilitySchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Create new navigation property to roleEligibilityScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
In PIM, request for a role eligibility for a principal through the unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest object. This operation allows both admins and eligible users to add, revoke, or extend eligible assignments. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Create new navigation property to resourceNamespaces for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Create new navigation property to resourceActions for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Create a new unifiedRoleAssignment object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Create new navigation property to roleAssignmentSchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Create new navigation property to roleAssignmentScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Create new navigation property to roleAssignmentScheduleRequests for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Create new navigation property to roleDefinitions for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Create new navigation property to inheritsPermissionsFrom for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Create new navigation property to roleEligibilitySchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Create new navigation property to roleEligibilityScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
New-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Create new navigation property to roleEligibilityScheduleRequests for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view New-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Remove-MgAgreement |
Delete entity from agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaAgreement |
Remove-MgAgreementAcceptance |
Delete navigation property acceptances for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaAgreementAcceptance |
Remove-MgAgreementFile |
Delete navigation property file for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaAgreementFile |
Remove-MgAgreementFileLocalization |
Delete navigation property localizations for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalization |
Remove-MgAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Delete navigation property versions for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Remove-MgAgreementFileVersion |
Delete navigation property versions for agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaAgreementFileVersion |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Delete an accessPackage object. You cannot delete an access package if it has any accessPackageAssignment. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApproval |
Delete navigation property accessPackageAssignmentApprovals for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApproval |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalStage |
Delete navigation property stages for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Delete navigation property assignmentPolicies for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackageByRef |
Remove an access package from the list of access packages that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleAccessPackageByRef |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroupByRef |
Remove a group from the list of groups that have been marked as incompatible on an accessPackage. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageIncompatibleGroupByRef |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageResourceRoleScope |
Remove a accessPackageResourceRoleScope from an accessPackage list of resource role scopes. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageResourceRoleScope |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAssignment |
Delete navigation property assignments for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicy |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, delete an accessPackageAssignmentPolicy. |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCustomExtensionStageSetting |
Delete navigation property customExtensionStageSettings for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyQuestion |
Delete navigation property questions for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Delete an accessPackageAssignmentRequest object. This request can be made to remove a denied or completed request. You cannot delete an access package assignment request if it has any accessPackageAssignment objects. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalog |
Delete an accessPackageCatalog. |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Delete an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object. The custom workflow extension must first be removed from any associated policies before it can be deleted. Follow these steps to remove the custom workflow extension from any associated policies: |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResource |
Delete navigation property resources for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRole |
Delete navigation property resourceRoles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScope |
Delete navigation property resourceScopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Delete a connectedOrganization object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorByRef |
Remove a user or a group from the connected organization's external sponsors. The external sponsors are a set of users who can approve requests on behalf of other users from that connected organization. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorDirectoryObjectByRef |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorDirectoryObjectByRef |
Remove a user or a group from the connected organization's external sponsors. The external sponsors are a set of users who can approve requests on behalf of other users from that connected organization. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationExternalSponsorDirectoryObjectByRef |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorByRef |
Remove a user or a group from the connected organization's internal sponsors. The internal sponsors are a set of users who can approve requests on behalf of other users from that connected organization. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorDirectoryObjectByRef |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorDirectoryObjectByRef |
Remove a user or a group from the connected organization's internal sponsors. The internal sponsors are a set of users who can approve requests on behalf of other users from that connected organization. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganizationInternalSponsorDirectoryObjectByRef |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResource |
Delete navigation property resources for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironment |
Delete navigation property resourceEnvironments for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResource |
Delete navigation property resources for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequest |
Delete navigation property resourceRequests for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalog |
Delete navigation property catalog for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Delete navigation property customWorkflowExtensions for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResource |
Delete navigation property resources for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRole |
Delete navigation property resourceRoles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScope |
Delete navigation property resourceScopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScope |
Delete navigation property resourceRoleScopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRole |
Delete navigation property role for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScope |
Delete navigation property scopes for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRole |
Delete navigation property roles for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Delete navigation property resource for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Deletes an accessReviewScheduleDefinition object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Delete navigation property instances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Delete navigation property contactedReviewers for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Delete navigation property decisions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Delete navigation property insights for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Delete navigation property stages for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Delete navigation property decisions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Delete navigation property insights for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Delete navigation property historyDefinitions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
Delete navigation property instances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Delete navigation property appConsentRequests for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Delete navigation property userConsentRequests for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApproval |
Delete navigation property approval for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApproval |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApprovalStage |
Delete navigation property stages for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Delete a workflow object and its associated tasks, taskProcessingResults and versions. You can restore a deleted workflow and its associated objects within 30 days of deletion. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Delete a customTaskExtension object. A custom task extension can only be deleted if it is not referenced in any task objects in a lifecycle workflow. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItem |
Delete navigation property deletedItems for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItem |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Delete a workflow object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
Delete navigation property tasks for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Delete navigation property insights for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Delete navigation property tasks for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Delete navigation property tasks for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccess |
Delete navigation property privilegedAccess for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccess |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroup |
Delete navigation property group for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroup |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Delete navigation property assignmentApprovals for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalStage |
Delete navigation property stages for identityGovernance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Delete navigation property assignmentSchedules for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Delete navigation property assignmentScheduleInstances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Delete navigation property assignmentScheduleRequests for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Delete navigation property eligibilitySchedules for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Delete navigation property eligibilityScheduleInstances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Delete navigation property eligibilityScheduleRequests for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Delete an agreement object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Delete navigation property agreementAcceptances for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Delete navigation property file for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
Delete navigation property localizations for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Delete navigation property versions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Remove-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Delete navigation property versions for identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectory |
Delete navigation property directory for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectory |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Delete navigation property resourceNamespaces for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Delete navigation property resourceActions for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Delete a unifiedRoleAssignment object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Delete navigation property appScope for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Delete navigation property roleAssignmentSchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Delete navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Delete navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleRequests for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Delete a unifiedRoleDefinition object. You can't delete built-in roles. This feature requires a Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2 license. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Delete navigation property inheritsPermissionsFrom for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Delete navigation property roleEligibilitySchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Delete navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Remove-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Delete navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleRequests for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagement |
Delete navigation property entitlementManagement for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagement |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Delete navigation property resourceNamespaces for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Delete navigation property resourceActions for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Delete navigation property roleAssignments for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Delete navigation property appScope for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Delete navigation property roleAssignmentSchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Delete navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Delete navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleRequests for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Delete navigation property roleDefinitions for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Delete navigation property inheritsPermissionsFrom for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Delete navigation property roleEligibilitySchedules for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Delete navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleInstances for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Remove-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Delete navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleRequests for roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Remove-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Reset-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Resets all accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects on an accessReviewInstance to notReviewed. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Reset-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Restore-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Restore a workflow that has been deleted. You can only restore a workflow that was deleted within the last 30 days before Microsoft Entra ID automatically permanently deletes it. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Restore-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Restore-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Restore a workflow that has been deleted. You can only restore a workflow that was deleted within the last 30 days before Microsoft Entra ID automatically permanently deletes it. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Restore-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflow |
Resume-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Resume a user's access package request after waiting for a callback from a custom extension. In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, when an access package policy has been enabled to call out a custom extension and the request processing is waiting for the callback from the customer, the customer can initiate a resume action. It's performed on an accessPackageAssignmentRequest object whose requestStatus is in a WaitingForCallback state. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Resume-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Resume-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResult |
Resume a task processing result that's inProgress. In the default case an Azure Logic Apps system-assigned managed identity calls this API. For more information, see: Lifecycle Workflows extensibility approach. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Resume-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResult |
Resume-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResult |
Resume a task processing result that's inProgress. In the default case an Azure Logic Apps system-assigned managed identity calls this API. For more information, see: Lifecycle Workflows extensibility approach. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Resume-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResult |
Resume-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResult |
Resume a task processing result that's inProgress. In the default case an Azure Logic Apps system-assigned managed identity calls this API. For more information, see: Lifecycle Workflows extensibility approach. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Resume-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResult |
Resume-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResult |
Resume a task processing result that's inProgress. In the default case an Azure Logic Apps system-assigned managed identity calls this API. For more information, see: Lifecycle Workflows extensibility approach. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Resume-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResult |
Resume-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResult |
Resume a task processing result that's inProgress. In the default case an Azure Logic Apps system-assigned managed identity calls this API. For more information, see: Lifecycle Workflows extensibility approach. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Resume-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResult |
Send-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceReminder |
Send a reminder to the reviewers of an active accessReviewInstance. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Send-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceReminder |
Set-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicy |
Update an existing accessPackageAssignmentPolicy object to change one or more of its properties, such as the display name or description. |
Set-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Update an existing accessReviewScheduleDefinition object to change one or more of its properties. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Set-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Stop-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
In Microsoft Entra Entitlement Management, cancel accessPackageAssignmentRequest objects that are in a cancellable state: accepted, pendingApproval, pendingNotBefore, pendingApprovalEscalated. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Stop-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Invoke action stop Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinition |
Stop-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Stop a currently active accessReviewInstance. After the access review instance stops, the instance status is marked as Completed, the reviewers can no longer give input, and the access review decisions are applied. Stopping an instance will not stop future instances. To prevent a recurring access review from starting future instances, update the schedule definition to change its scheduled end date. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Stop-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Stop an access review stage that is inProgress. After the access review stage stops, the stage status will be Completed and the reviewers can no longer give input. If there are subsequent stages that depend on the completed stage, the next stage will be created. The accessReviewInstanceDecisionItem objects will always reflect the last decisions recorded across all stages at that given time, regardless of the status of the stages. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Stop-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Cancel an access assignment request to a group whose membership and ownership are governed by PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Stop-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Cancel an eligibility assignment request to a group whose membership and ownership are governed by PIM. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Stop-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Immediately cancel a unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest object that is in a Granted status, and have the system automatically delete the canceled request after 30 days. After calling this action, the status of the canceled unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest changes to Canceled. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Stop-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Immediately cancel a unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest object whose status is Granted and have the system automatically delete the cancelled request after 30 days. After calling this action, the status of the cancelled unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest changes to Revoked. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Stop-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Immediately cancel a unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest object that is in a Granted status, and have the system automatically delete the canceled request after 30 days. After calling this action, the status of the canceled unifiedRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest changes to Canceled. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Stop-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Immediately cancel a unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest object whose status is Granted and have the system automatically delete the cancelled request after 30 days. After calling this action, the status of the cancelled unifiedRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest changes to Revoked. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Stop-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Update-MgAgreement |
Update entity in agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaAgreement |
Update-MgAgreementAcceptance |
Update the navigation property acceptances in agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaAgreementAcceptance |
Update-MgAgreementFile |
Update the navigation property file in agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaAgreementFile |
Update-MgAgreementFileLocalization |
Update the navigation property localizations in agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalization |
Update-MgAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Update the navigation property versions in agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Update-MgAgreementFileVersion |
Update the navigation property versions in agreements Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaAgreementFileVersion |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Update an existing accessPackage object to change one or more of its properties, such as the display name or description. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackage |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApproval |
Update the navigation property accessPackageAssignmentApprovals in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApproval |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentApprovalStage |
Approve or deny an approvalStage object in an approval. |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Update the navigation property assignmentPolicies in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentPolicy |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageResourceRoleScope |
Update the navigation property resourceRoleScopes in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAccessPackageResourceRoleScope |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAssignment |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, callers can automatically reevaluate and enforce an accessPackageAssignment object of a user's assignments for a specific access package. The state of the access package assignment must be Delivered for the administrator to reprocess the user's assignment. Only admins with the Access Package Assignment Manager role, or higher, in Microsoft Entra entitlement management can perform this action. |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyCustomExtensionStageSetting |
Update the navigation property customExtensionStageSettings in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentPolicyQuestion |
Update the navigation property questions in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
In Microsoft Entra entitlement management, callers can automatically retry a user's request for access to an access package. It's performed on an accessPackageAssignmentRequest object whose requestState is in a DeliveryFailed or PartiallyDelivered state. You can only reprocess a request within 14 days from the time the original request was completed. For requests completed more than 14 days, you will need to ask the users to cancel the request(s) and make a new request in the MyAccess portal. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementAssignmentRequest |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalog |
Update an existing accessPackageCatalog object to change one or more of its properties, such as the display name or description. |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Update the properties of an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object. |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResource |
Update the navigation property resources in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRole |
Update the navigation property resourceRoles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScope |
Update the navigation property resourceScopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Update a connectedOrganization object to change one or more of its properties. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementConnectedOrganization |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResource |
Update the navigation property resources in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironment |
Update the navigation property resourceEnvironments in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResource |
Update the navigation property resources in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceEnvironmentResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequest |
Update the navigation property resourceRequests in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalog |
Update the navigation property catalog in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogCustomWorkflowExtension |
Update the navigation property customWorkflowExtensions in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResource |
Update the navigation property resources in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRole |
Update the navigation property resourceRoles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScope |
Update the navigation property resourceScopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestCatalogResourceScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRequestResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScope |
Update the navigation property resourceRoleScopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRole |
Update the navigation property role in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceRoleScopeRoleResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScope |
Update the navigation property scopes in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRole |
Update the navigation property roles in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementResourceScopeResourceRoleResource |
Update the navigation property resource in identityGovernance |
Update-MgEntitlementManagementSetting |
Update an existing entitlementManagementSettings object to change one or more of its properties. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaEntitlementManagementSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Update the properties of an accessReviewInstance object. Only the reviewers and fallbackReviewers properties can be updated but the scope property is also required in the request body. You can only add reviewers to the fallbackReviewers property but can't remove existing fallbackReviewers. To update an accessReviewInstance, it's status must be InProgress. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Update the navigation property contactedReviewers in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceContactedReviewer |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Update the navigation property decisions in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecision |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Update the navigation property insights in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDecisionInsight |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Update the properties of an accessReviewStage object. Only the reviewers and fallbackReviewers properties can be updated. You can only add reviewers to the fallbackReviewers property but can't remove existing fallbackReviewers. To update an accessReviewStage, its status must be NotStarted, Initializing, or InProgress. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStage |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Update access decisions, known as accessReviewInstanceDecisionItems, for which the user is the reviewer. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecision |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Update the navigation property insights in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceStageDecisionInsight |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Update the navigation property historyDefinitions in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinition |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
Update the navigation property instances in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewHistoryDefinitionInstance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Update the navigation property appConsentRequests in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequest |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Update the navigation property userConsentRequests in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequest |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApproval |
Update the navigation property approval in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApproval |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceAppConsentRequestUserConsentRequestApprovalStage |
Update the navigation property stages in identityGovernance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Update the properties of a workflow object. Only the properties listed in the request body table can be updated. To update any other workflow properties, see workflow: createNewVersion. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Update the properties of a customTaskExtension object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtension |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowCustomTaskExtensionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
Update the navigation property tasks in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowDeletedItemWorkflowTask |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Update the navigation property insights in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowInsight |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowRunUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowSetting |
Update the properties of a lifecycleManagementSettings object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Update the navigation property tasks in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTask |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTaskReportTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowTemplateTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowUserProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionCreatedByMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionLastModifiedByMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Update the navigation property tasks in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTask |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update property mailboxSettings value. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflowVersionTaskProcessingResultSubjectMailboxSetting |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccess |
Update the navigation property privilegedAccess in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccess |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroup |
Update the navigation property group in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroup |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Update the navigation property assignmentApprovals in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApproval |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentApprovalStage |
Update the navigation property stages in identityGovernance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Update the navigation property assignmentSchedules in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Update the navigation property assignmentScheduleInstances in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Update the navigation property assignmentScheduleRequests in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Update the navigation property eligibilitySchedules in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Update the navigation property eligibilityScheduleInstances in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Update the navigation property eligibilityScheduleRequests in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernancePrivilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Update the properties of an agreement object. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreement |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Update the navigation property agreementAcceptances in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementAcceptance |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Update the navigation property file in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFile |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
Update the navigation property localizations in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalization |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Update the navigation property versions in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileLocalizationVersion |
Update-MgIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Update the navigation property versions in identityGovernance Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaIdentityGovernanceTermsOfUseAgreementFileVersion |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectory |
Update the navigation property directory in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectory |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Update the navigation property resourceNamespaces in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespace |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Update the navigation property resourceActions in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Update the navigation property roleAssignments in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Update the navigation property appScope in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Update the navigation property roleAssignmentSchedules in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Update the navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleInstances in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Update the navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleRequests in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Update the properties of a unifiedRoleDefinition object. You cannot update built-in roles. This feature requires a Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2 license. Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Update the navigation property inheritsPermissionsFrom in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Update the navigation property roleEligibilitySchedules in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Update the navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleInstances in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Update-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Update the navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleRequests in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementDirectoryRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagement |
Update the navigation property entitlementManagement in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagement |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Update the navigation property resourceNamespaces in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespace |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Update the navigation property resourceActions in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementResourceNamespaceResourceAction |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Update the navigation property roleAssignments in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignment |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Update the navigation property appScope in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentAppScope |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Update the navigation property roleAssignmentSchedules in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentSchedule |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Update the navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleInstances in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleInstance |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Update the navigation property roleAssignmentScheduleRequests in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Update the navigation property roleDefinitions in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinition |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Update the navigation property inheritsPermissionsFrom in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleDefinitionInheritPermissionFrom |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Update the navigation property roleEligibilitySchedules in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilitySchedule |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Update the navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleInstances in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleInstance |
Update-MgRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |
Update the navigation property roleEligibilityScheduleRequests in roleManagement Catatan To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Update-MgBetaRoleManagementEntitlementManagementRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest |