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ContentControlBase.Entering Event (2007 System)

Occurs when the user clicks in the content control, or when the cursor is moved into the content control programmatically.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v9.0 (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v9.0.dll)


Public Event Entering As EventHandler(Of ContentControlEnteringEventArgs)
Dim instance As ContentControlBase 
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of ContentControlEnteringEventArgs)

AddHandler instance.Entering, handler
public event EventHandler<ContentControlEnteringEventArgs> Entering
 event EventHandler<ContentControlEnteringEventArgs^>^ Entering {
    void add (EventHandler<ContentControlEnteringEventArgs^>^ value);
    void remove (EventHandler<ContentControlEnteringEventArgs^>^ value);
JScript does not support events.


If the content control is nested inside another content control, the Entering event is raised only for the nested control, not the parent control. For example, if the user clicks in a PlainTextContentControl that is nested in a GroupContentControl, this event is raised only for the PlainTextContentControl; this event is not raised for the GroupContentControl.

For more information about handling events, see Consuming Events.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ContentControlBase Class

ContentControlBase Members

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word Namespace