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How to: Locate WSDL Files for Web Services

In Application Designer, you must specify the location of a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file when you perform any of the following actions:

When you perform these any of these actions, the Add Web Reference dialog box appears.


While the Add Web Reference dialog box appears in each scenario, a Web reference is created only when adding a Web reference to an application project in Solution Explorer. If the Web reference you add to a project is associated with an existing Web service in the solution, the application to which you added the Web reference will be connected to the existing Web service. Otherwise, a new external Web service is created and connected to the application. For more information, see Add Web Reference Dialog Box and How to: Add and Remove Web References.

In all other scenarios, the dialog box makes it possible for you to specify the location of a WSDL file.


WSDL files that contain multiple WSDL bindings or DISCO files that reference multiple Web services are not supported. Do not create external Web services directly from Web services that already exist in your solution. The location of a Web service provider endpoint can be referenced only once on the application diagram. Instead, specify a WSDL file location for a Web service not in the solution.

To specify a WSDL file location for a Web service

  1. In the Add Web Reference dialog box, enter the location of the WSDL file or Web service definition and click Go.


    You can specify a WSDL (.wsdl) file, a location on the Web, or the location of a Web service if the Web service publishes its WSDL file automatically.

    If a WSDL file exists, the Add Web Reference dialog box displays information about the Web service and operations it offers.

  2. Click Add Reference.

    The external Web service, BizTalk Web service, or .NET Web Service provider endpoint appears and is selected.

Depending on the scenario, note the following results and possible actions you might need to take:

See Also


Walkthrough: Defining Applications on Application Diagrams

Other Resources

Defining Applications on Application Diagrams