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Command.AddControl Method

Creates a persistent command bar control for the command.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


Function AddControl ( _
    Owner As Object, _
    Position As Integer _
) As Object
Object AddControl(
    Object Owner,
    int Position
Object^ AddControl(
    [InAttribute] Object^ Owner, 
    [InAttribute] int Position
abstract AddControl : 
        Owner:Object * 
        Position:int -> Object 
function AddControl(
    Owner : Object, 
    Position : int
) : Object


  • Position
    Type: System.Int32
    Optional. The index position, starting at one, in the command bar to place the new control.

Return Value

Type: System.Object
A CommandBarControl object.


The environment saves the control and its placement, making it available according to the command's ContextUIGUIDs or its responses to QueryStatus Method during each new session of the environment, regardless of whether the Add-in is loaded.


' Macro code.
Imports Microsoft.Office.Core
Sub AddControlExample()
   ' Before running, you must add a reference to
   ' Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars. Also, 
   ' for this example to work correctly, there should be an add-in 
   ' available in the Visual Studio environment.
   Dim cmds As Commands
   Dim cmdobj As Command
   Dim customin, customout As Object
   Dim cmdbarobj As CommandBar
   Dim colAddins As AddIns

   ' Set references.
   colAddins = DTE.AddIns()
   cmds = DTE.Commands
   cmdobj = cmds.Item("File.NewFile")

   ' Create a toolbar and add the File.NewFile command to it.
   cmdbarobj = cmds.AddCommandBar("MyCmdBar", vsCommandBarType.vsCommandBarTypeToolbar)
   MsgBox("Commandbar name: " & cmdbarobj.Name)
   cmds.AddNamedCommand(colAddins.Item(1), "MyCommand", "Button Text", "Some tooltip", True)
End Sub

.NET Framework Security

See Also


Command Interface

EnvDTE Namespace