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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AccessDeniedException Thrown when the client attempts to perform an action to which access is denied.
Public class AdministrationException
Public class AdministrationWebService4
Public class AgentReservation
Public class AgentReservationWebService4
Public class BuildAgent Represents a build agent in a team project collection.
Public class BuildAgentAlreadyExistsException
Public class BuildAgentDeletionException
Public class BuildAgentDoesNotExistException
Public class BuildAgentQueryResult
Public class BuildAgentSpec Provides properties for querying build agents in a team project collection.
Public class BuildAgentUpdateException
Public class BuildAgentUpdateOptions Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build agent.
Public class BuildArtifactProvider
Public class BuildCompletionEvent
Public class BuildCompletionEvent2
Public class BuildCompletionNotificationEvent
Public class BuildController Represents a build controller in a team project collection.
Public class BuildControllerAlreadyExistsException
Public class BuildControllerDeletionException
Public class BuildControllerDoesNotExistException
Public class BuildControllerQueryResult
Public class BuildControllerSpec Provides properties for querying build controllers in a team project collection.
Public class BuildControllerUpdateException
Public class BuildControllerUpdateOptions Provides properties that can be updated on an existing build controller.
Public class BuildDefinition
Public class BuildDefinitionAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the user attempts to add a new build definition or update an existing build definition with a name that already exists.
Public class BuildDefinitionChangedEvent
Public class BuildDefinitionChangingEvent
Public class BuildDefinitionDisabledException Thrown when a build queue try is made against a disabled definition.
Public class BuildDefinitionDoesNotExistException Thrown when the user attempts to reference a build definition in an update or a build request and the definition does not exist.
Public class BuildDefinitionQueryResult
Public class BuildDefinitionSpec Provides properties for querying build definitions in a team project collection.
Public class BuildDefinitionUpdateException
Public class BuildDefinitionUpgradeCompletionEvent
Public class BuildDeletedEvent
Public class BuildDeletionResult Represents the result of deleting an individual build.
Public class BuildDeployment This class contains the build summary for the actual deployment and the build summary for source build being deployed.
Public class BuildDeploymentSpec Provides properties for querying build deployments in a team project collection.
Public class BuildDeploymentWebService
Public class BuildDetail Represents a build that has transitioned out of the build queue.
Public class BuildDetailSpec Provides properties for querying builds in a team project collection.
Public class BuildGroupAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the client attempts to create a build group that already exists on the server.
Public class BuildGroupDoesNotExistException Thrown when the client attempts to add an item to a nonexistent build group.
Public class BuildInformationNode Represents a single information node in the build information hierarchy.
Public class BuildMachineRequestDoesNotExistException
Public class BuildMachineRequestInProgressException
Public class BuildMachineRequestUpdateException
Public class BuildNotDeletedException
Public class BuildNumberAlreadyExistsException Thrown when the client attempts to add a build number that already exists for the given build definition.
Public class BuildQualityChangedNotificationEvent
Public class BuildQualityDoesNotExistException Thrown when the user attempts to use a non-existent build quality to update a build.
Public class BuildQueryResult
Public class BuildQueueQueryResult
Public class BuildQueueSpec Provides properties for querying the build queue in a team project collection.
Public class BuildQueueWebService4
Public class BuildReasonNotSupportedException Thrown when the user attempts to queue a build with a reason that is not supported by the definition's process.
Public class BuildRequest Specifies parameters for queuing a build.
Public class BuildResourceChangedEvent
Public class BuildServerException Base class for common functionality. All exceptions that occur on the build server should use this as a base class.
Public class BuildServiceHost Represents a build service host in a team project collection.
Public class BuildServiceHostAlreadyExistsException
Public class BuildServiceHostDeletionException
Public class BuildServiceHostDoesNotExistException
Public class BuildServiceHostOwnershipException
Public class BuildServiceHostQueryResult
Public class BuildServiceHostUpdateException
Public class BuildServiceHostUpdateOptions Provides properties that can be updated on an existing build service host.
Public class BuildStatusChangeEvent
Public class BuildSummary This class contains basic build information so the UI can display what it needs
Public class BuildTeamProjectPermission Represents a build project permission for a particular user.
Public class BuildUpdateOptions Provides properties that may be updated on an existing build.
Public class BuildWebService4
Public class BuildWebServiceBase
Public class CannotDeleteDefinitionBuildExistsException Thrown by the server when the user attempts to delete a build definition that still has builds associated with it on the server.
Public class CannotDeleteInProgressBuildException Thrown when the user attempts to delete a build that is currently in progress.
Public class CannotRedeployException
Public class CannotStartBuildException Thrown when the user attempts to start a queued build but the build cannot start.
Public class CannotStopBuildException Thrown when the user attempts to stop a build before it is received and started on the agent.
Public class Change
Public class ChangedEvent
Public class ChangesetDisplayInformation This class contains changeset number, user display name
Public class CoverageServiceRestartFailureDuringDeleteException Thrown when [EDTInteraction] attempts to delete a test run and the coverage service restarts in the middle.
Public class DeploymentEnvironment This class contains all the deployment environment metadata and also the secret environment properties. This class does not serialize the secret values, those are fetched from the client on demand.
Public class DeploymentEnvironmentCreationData
Public class DeploymentEnvironmentMetadata This class contains the "public" information about a DeploymentEnvironent. This includes the Name, TeamProject, ConnectedServiceName, FriendlyName, Kind, and Description. Used by Clients to display DeploymentEnviornment without revealing the secret information.
Public class DeploymentEnvironmentNotFoundException
Public class DeployWebServiceBase
Public class DuplicateBuildUpdateRequestException This exception is thrown when a request is made to update a build two times in the same request.
Public class DuplicateInformationChangeRequestException This exception is thrown when a request is made to delete an information node that has children but the recursive flag was not set.
Public class DuplicateProcessTemplateException
Public class Failure Represents a failure that occurred during a bulk query.
Public class GatedCheckInTicketValidationException
Public class InformationAddRequest Represents a request to add a new build information node.
Public class InformationAddRequestCycleException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add a cycle to the information tree.
Public class InformationChangeRequest Represents a change request for a build information node.
Public class InformationChangeRequestException This class of exception is thrown when an error is encountered while you try to change build information associated with a particular build.
Public class InformationDeleteRequest Represents a request to delete a build information node.
Public class InformationEditRequest Represents a request to update an existing build information node.
Public class InformationField Represents a key-value pair of strings associated with an information node.
Public class InformationNodeDoesNotExistException
Public class InformationParentNodeDoesNotExistException This exception is thrown when the user attempts to perform an add or a re-parent during an edit and the required node does not exist.
Public class InvalidBuildAgentReservationException
Public class InvalidBuildGroupItemUpdateException Thrown when the user attempts to relocate a build group item to another team project.
Public class InvalidBuildRequestException
Public class InvalidBuildUriException Thrown when the client specifies a build URI that doesn't exist.
Public class InvalidPlatformFlavorException Thrown when the client specifies an unknown platform and flavor combination.
Public class InvalidQueueRequestException
Public class InvalidSharedResourceRequestException
Public class MultipleDefaultProcessTemplatesException
Public class MultipleUpgradeProcessTemplatesException
Public class ProcessTemplate Represents a process template in a team project.
Public class ProcessTemplateDeletedException Thrown when the user attempts to queue a build for a definition whose process template no longer exists.
Public class ProcessTemplateNotFoundException
Public class PropertyChange
Public class PropertyChange<T>
Public class QueuedBuild Represents an entry in the build queue.
Public class QueuedBuildDoesNotExistException
Public class QueuedBuildUpdateException
Public class QueuedBuildUpdateOptions Provides properties that can be updated on an existing queued build.
Public class RequestedForDisplayInformation This class contains requestedFor user tfid and display name
Public class RetentionPolicy Represents an automatic deletion policy for a build definition.
Public class Schedule Represents a build definition schedule.
Public class SecurityException Thrown when the client attempts to perform an action and does not have sufficient permissions.
Public class SharedResource
Public class SharedResourceAlreadyAcquiredException
Public class SharedResourceAlreadyRequestedException
Public class SharedResourceRequest
Public class SharedResourceWebService4
Public class SoapNamespaces SOAP namespaces for all build types and services.
Public class StopBuildTimeoutException Thrown when the build could not be stopped due to a misbehaving activity.
Public class TeamFoundationBuildResourceService Provides methods for manipulating build agents, build controllers, and build service hosts.
Public class TeamFoundationBuildService Provides methods for manipulating builds, build definitions, process templates, and the build queue. Use TeamFoundationServiceHost.GetService<T>() or TeamFoundationRequestContext.GetService<T>() to obtain an instance of this class.
Public class TeamFoundationDeploymentService
Public class WorkspaceMapping
Public class WorkspaceTemplate Represents a workspace template for a build definition.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AgentStatus Specifies the current status of a build agent.
Public enumeration BuildAgentUpdate Specifies the fields that should be updated for a build agent.
Public enumeration BuildControllerUpdate Specifies the fields that should be updated for a build controller.
Public enumeration BuildPhaseStatus Specifies the status for a particular build phase, such as compilation or tests.
Public enumeration BuildQueryOrder Specifies the desired ordering of builds.
Public enumeration BuildReason Specifies the reason a build was started.
Public enumeration BuildServiceHostUpdate Specifies the fields that should be updated for a build service host.
Public enumeration BuildStatus Specifies the status for a build.
Public enumeration BuildUpdate Specifies the fields that should be updated for a build.
Public enumeration ChangedType
Public enumeration ControllerStatus Specifies the current status of a build controller.
Public enumeration DefinitionFilterType Specifies the type of definition filter that is used in a query.
Public enumeration DefinitionQueueStatus Specifies the status of a definition queue.
Public enumeration DefinitionTriggerType Specifies the trigger type that is used for a build definition.
Public enumeration DeleteOptions Specifies the data that should be deleted when you delete a build.
Public enumeration DeploymentEnvironmentKind
Public enumeration GetOption Specifies the behavior to use when it determines the version of sources to download.
Public enumeration InformationEditOptions Specifies the behavior to use when modifying the fields of an information node.
Public enumeration ProcessTemplateType Specifies the process template type.
Public enumeration QueryDeletedOption Specifies how deleted builds are treated in a query.
Public enumeration QueryOptions Specifies the data that should be returned from a query and also to the data directly queried.
Public enumeration QueuedBuildRetryOption Specifies the options to requeue a build request.
Public enumeration QueuedBuildUpdate Specifies the fields that should be updated for a queued build.
Public enumeration QueueOptions Specifies the options to use when queuing a build.
Public enumeration QueuePriority Specifies the priority of a build in the queue.
Public enumeration QueueStatus Specifies the status of a queued build.
Public enumeration ScheduleDays Specifies the days a particular schedule should run.
Public enumeration ServiceHostStatus Specifies the current status of a build service host.
Public enumeration TagComparison Specifies the comparison operator to use when matching the tags of a build agent.
Public enumeration WorkspaceMappingType Specifies the type for a workspace mapping.