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TeamFoundationVersionControlService.GetVersionedItemProperty Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Gets the properties associated with a versioned item.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server.dll)


<ObsoleteAttribute("Please use QueryItems to retrieve versioned item attributes.",  _
    False)> _
Public Function GetVersionedItemProperty ( _
    requestContext As TeamFoundationRequestContext, _
    workspaceName As String, _
    workspaceOwner As String, _
    itemSpecs As ItemSpec(), _
    versionSpec As VersionSpec, _
    deletedState As DeletedState, _
    itemType As ItemType, _
    propertyNameFilters As String() _
) As TeamFoundationDataReader
[ObsoleteAttribute("Please use QueryItems to retrieve versioned item attributes.", 
public TeamFoundationDataReader GetVersionedItemProperty(
    TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext,
    string workspaceName,
    string workspaceOwner,
    ItemSpec[] itemSpecs,
    VersionSpec versionSpec,
    DeletedState deletedState,
    ItemType itemType,
    string[] propertyNameFilters
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Please use QueryItems to retrieve versioned item attributes.", 
TeamFoundationDataReader^ GetVersionedItemProperty(
    TeamFoundationRequestContext^ requestContext, 
    String^ workspaceName, 
    String^ workspaceOwner, 
    array<ItemSpec^>^ itemSpecs, 
    VersionSpec^ versionSpec, 
    DeletedState deletedState, 
    ItemType itemType, 
    array<String^>^ propertyNameFilters
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Please use QueryItems to retrieve versioned item attributes.", 
member GetVersionedItemProperty : 
        requestContext:TeamFoundationRequestContext * 
        workspaceName:string * 
        workspaceOwner:string * 
        itemSpecs:ItemSpec[] * 
        versionSpec:VersionSpec * 
        deletedState:DeletedState * 
        itemType:ItemType * 
        propertyNameFilters:string[] -> TeamFoundationDataReader
public function GetVersionedItemProperty(
    requestContext : TeamFoundationRequestContext, 
    workspaceName : String, 
    workspaceOwner : String, 
    itemSpecs : ItemSpec[], 
    versionSpec : VersionSpec, 
    deletedState : DeletedState, 
    itemType : ItemType, 
    propertyNameFilters : String[]
) : TeamFoundationDataReader


  • workspaceName
    Type: System.String

    The name of the workspace to use for local path of server path mapping if local path itemSpecs are provided.

  • workspaceOwner
    Type: System.String

    The name of the workspace owner if workspace name is provided.

  • propertyNameFilters
    Type: array<System.String[]

    Property name filters to apply to the query. Only property names matching a filter will be returned.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.TeamFoundationDataReader
TeamFoundationDataReader with results in the following order: ArtifactPropertyValue[] - Artifact property values for each matched versioned item.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


TeamFoundationVersionControlService Class

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server Namespace