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TeamFoundationServicingService Class

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.dll)


<TeamFoundationServiceDependency(GetType(TeamFoundationFileService))> _
<TeamFoundationServiceDependency(GetType(TeamFoundationRegistryService))> _
<TeamFoundationServiceDependency(GetType(TeamFoundationLockingService))> _
<TeamFoundationServiceDependency(GetType(TeamFoundationHostManagementService))> _
<TeamFoundationServiceDependency(GetType(TeamFoundationDatabaseManagementService))> _
<TeamFoundationServiceDependency(GetType(TeamFoundationJobService))> _
Public Class TeamFoundationServicingService _
    Implements ITeamFoundationService
public class TeamFoundationServicingService : ITeamFoundationService
public ref class TeamFoundationServicingService : ITeamFoundationService
type TeamFoundationServicingService =  
        interface ITeamFoundationService 
public class TeamFoundationServicingService implements ITeamFoundationService

The TeamFoundationServicingService type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TeamFoundationServicingService



  Name Description
Public method AddServicingOperation(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Stream, TeamFoundationLock) Adds a new servicing operation to the configuration database. All servicing step groups specified in the XML file must be added to the configuration database before you call this method.
Public method AddServicingOperation(TeamFoundationRequestContext, String, IEnumerable<String>, IEnumerable<String>) Adds a new servicing operation to the configuration database. All servicing step groups listed in the stepGroups collection must be added to the configuration database before you call this method.
Public method AddServicingOperation(TeamFoundationRequestContext, String, IEnumerable<String>, IEnumerable<String>, TeamFoundationLock) Adds a new servicing operation to the configuration database. All servicing step groups listed in the stepGroups collection must be added to the configuration database before you call this method.
Public method AddServicingResource
Public method AddServicingStepGroups(TeamFoundationRequestContext, IEnumerable<ServicingStepGroup>) Adds servicing step groups and servicing steps listed in the stepGroups collection to the configuration database.
Public method AddServicingStepGroups(TeamFoundationRequestContext, IEnumerable<ServicingStepGroup>, TeamFoundationLock) Adds servicing step groups and servicing steps listed in the stepGroups collection to the configuration database.
Public method AddUpdatePackageHistoryEntry
Public method DeleteServicingOperation Deletes specified servicing operation.
Public method DeleteServicingResources
Public method DeleteServicingStepGroups Deletes servicing step group and servicing steps listed in the stepGroups collection.
Public method DisableServicing DisableServicing is used to prevent servicing jobs from being performed. All servicing must be completed before servicing can be disabled.
Public method EnableServicing
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetDatabasePseudoHostId
Public methodStatic member GetDeltaOperations Get the upgrade delta operations.
Public methodStatic member GetDeltaOperationsByLevel Get the upgrade delta operations.
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetServicingDetails(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Guid, ServicingStepDetailFilterOptions, ServicingJobDetail%) Retrieves log entries for a servicing job.
Public method GetServicingDetails(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Guid, DateTime, ServicingJobDetail%) Retrieves log entries for a servicing job.
Public method GetServicingDetails(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Guid, ServicingStepDetailFilterOptions, Int64, ServicingJobDetail%) Retrieves log entries for a servicing job.
Public method GetServicingDetails(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Guid, DateTime, Int64, ServicingJobDetail%) Retrieves log entries for a servicing job.
Public method GetServicingJobInfo
Public method GetServicingJobStats
Public method GetServicingOperation Gets a specified servicing operation.
Public method GetServicingOperationNames Gets names of all servicing operations.
Public method GetServicingResources
Public method GetServicingStepGroupOperations Returns a list of for servicing operations that a specified step group belongs to.
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method PerformServicingJob(TeamFoundationRequestContext, ServicingJobData)
Public method PerformServicingJob(TeamFoundationRequestContext, ServicingJobData, Guid, DateTime)
Public method QueryServicingJobsInfo
Public method QueryUpdatePackageHistory
Public method QueueMoveCollection(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Guid, Int32, Boolean) Move a collection into the target database.
Public method QueueMoveCollection(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Guid, String, Boolean) Move a collection into the specified database pool.
Public method QueuePatchCollections Queues servicing jobs to patch collections.
Public method QueuePatchDatabases
Public method QueueServicingJob
Public method QueueServicingJobs
Public method RequeueServicingJob
Public method ServiceEnd
Public method ServiceStart
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UpdateServicingOperation(TeamFoundationRequestContext, Stream, TeamFoundationLock) Updates the servicing operation. All servicing step groups listed in the stepGroups collection must be added to the configuration database before you call this method.
Public method UpdateServicingOperation(TeamFoundationRequestContext, String, IEnumerable<String>, IEnumerable<String>, TeamFoundationLock) Updates the servicing operation. All servicing step groups listed in the stepGroups collection must be added to the configuration database before you call this method.
Public method UpdateServicingStepGroups Updates servicing step groups and servicing steps listed in the stepGroups collection.



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member CreateProjectServicingProvider Used to delegate the creation of the project specific servicing provider.


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server Namespace