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BuildDetail2010 Class

Represents a build that has transitioned out of the build queue.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Compatibility
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.dll)


<ClassVisibilityAttribute(ClientVisibility.Internal)> _
<RequiredClientServiceAttribute("BuildServer")> _
Public NotInheritable Class BuildDetail2010 _
    Implements ICacheable
public sealed class BuildDetail2010 : ICacheable
public ref class BuildDetail2010 sealed : ICacheable
type BuildDetail2010 =  
        interface ICacheable 
public final class BuildDetail2010 implements ICacheable

The BuildDetail2010 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BuildDetail2010



  Name Description
Public property BuildAgentUri
Public property BuildControllerUri Gets the URI of the build controller used for this build.
Public property BuildDefinitionUri Gets the URI of the build definition to which this build belongs.
Public property BuildNumber Gets the build number.
Public property CompilationStatus Gets the compilation status.
Public property ConfigurationFolderUri
Public property Definition Gets the BuildDefinition object to which this BuildDetail belongs.
Public property DropLocation Gets the drop location for build outputs.
Public property DropLocationRoot Gets the drop location root for build outputs. This field is read only.
Public property FinishTime Gets the finish time.
Public property Information Gets the build information node hierarchy.
Public property IsDeleted Gets a value indicating whether this build has been deleted.
Public property KeepForever Gets a value indicating whether this build is included in retention policy calculations.
Public property LabelName Gets the version control label created for this build.
Public property LastChangedBy Gets the domain user name of the user who last changed the build.
Public property LastChangedOn Gets the date and time of the last modification.
Public property LogLocation Gets the log location.
Public property ProcessParameters Gets the parameters that are used.
Public property Quality Gets the quality.
Public property Reason Gets the reason this build started.
Public property RequestedBy Gets the domain user name of the user who requested the build. This field is read only.
Public property RequestedFor Gets the domain user name of the user this build was requested for. This field is read only.
Public property ShelvesetName Gets the shelveset included in this build, if there is one.
Public property SourceGetVersion Gets the version of sources to included in the build. This field is read only.
Public property StartTime Gets the start time.
Public property Status Gets the status.
Public property TeamProject Gets the team project to which this build belongs. This field is read only.
Public property TestStatus Gets the test status.
Public property Uri Gets the URI. This field is read only.



  Name Description
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Overrides Object.ToString().)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ICacheable.GetCachedSize Gets the average size in bytes of this object.


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Server.Compatibility Namespace