UnknownIncomingEmailIntegrationError -2147209462 appears in mailbox alerts in Microsoft Dynamics 365

This article helps you resolve an error that occurs when the corresponding Queue record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is owned by a team that doesn't have any security roles assigned.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics 365
Original KB number:   4500778


When viewing the alerts section within a mailbox record in Dynamics 365, you see the following message:

An unknown error occurred while receiving email through the mailbox "Your mailbox is now connected to Dynamics 365". The owner of the associated email server profile <Mailbox Name> has been notified. The system will try to receive email again later.
Email Server Error Code: Exchange server returned UnknownIncomingEmailIntegrationError -2147209462 exception.


This error is logged if the corresponding Queue record in Dynamics 365 is owned by a team that doesn't have any security roles assigned.



To manage security roles and mailbox settings, you need to sign in to your Dynamics 365 organization as a user with the "System Administrator" role.

To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. In Dynamics 365, go to Settings > Email Configuration > Mailboxes.
  2. Select the mailbox record and select the value in the Regarding lookup to open the corresponding Queue record.
  3. Select the Owner field to verify the owner of this Queue record has a security role assigned.
  4. Select the Manage Roles button and assign a security role with sufficient access.

More information

Security roles and privileges in Power Platform