Can't change the ConfigStoreRootPath value of a Hyper-V Cluster in Windows Server

Original KB number:   4488568

When configuring the cluster resources of a Hyper-V Cluster in Windows Server, assume that you have already set a value of the ConfigStoreRootPath attribute by using the following cmdlet:

Get-ClusterResource -Cluster "Virtual Machine Cluster WMI" | Set-ClusterParameter -Name ConfigStoreRootPath -Value <Value>

When trying to change the ConfigStoreRootPath value by using the cmdlet, you receive this error message:

The request is not supported


The value depends on the location of the shared storage volume or its subfolders. You can verify the location by using the following cmdlet:

Get-ClusterResource -Cluster "Virtual Machine Cluster WMI" | Get-ClusterParameter ConfigStoreRootPath

That's by design. No value is set for the ConfigStoreRootPath attribute in the default configuration of a cluster resource. If a value is set, this value will be propagated to several components across the platform. It can't be changed afterwards.


Changing the value of the ConfigStoreRootPath attribute in the cluster registry isn't supported either.