Konferensi Komunitas Microsoft 365
6 Mei, 14 - 9 Mei, 00
Keterampilan untuk era AI di acara Microsoft 365 yang dipimpin komunitas utama, 6-8 Mei di Las Vegas.
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Applies to: Exchange Online admin
To configure settings for personal insights, you have a few options:
We cover both configuration options in this article.
To access Microsoft Viva Insights, users need to have licenses that include a Viva Insights service plan, as described in plans and environments.
For information on how to assign a license, refer to:
You need to be an Exchange Online (EXO) admin role to configure users for Viva Insights in PowerShell.
When you set defaults at the tenant or user level, you’re setting users’ initial access to Viva Insights. However, users have the flexibility to keep the status you set or change it. Users can learn how to opt in or out of Viva Insights here: Opt out of Viva Insights. The exception is if a user's license with a Viva Insights service plan expires. In that case, the user can't opt in.
Defaults you can set are:
Beginning at the end of March 2024, we’ll be pausing the digest email, which are typically sent twice a month. All the content from digest emails will still be available within the Viva Insights app in Teams or on the web. You can continue to explore and analyze your data insights seamlessly. To learn more about this change, refer to the Digest email pause.
Refer to the Privacy guide to understand how privacy is built into Viva Insights and to learn what you can configure to address specific privacy requirements.
Through the Microsoft admin center, you can configure access to Viva Insights elements for all users in your organization.
You need to have an Exchange Online admin role to configure tenant-level settings in the admin center. Make sure you're signed in to the Microsoft admin center as an Exchange Online admin before configuring settings.
In the Microsoft admin center, go to the settings tab and select Viva, then Viva Insights.
Under Viva Insights in Microsoft 365, select Manage availability in the Teams admin center. This option takes you directly to the Teams admin center, where you can configure the appropriate settings.
Go to our Teams admin tasks doc for more information about setting up the Viva Insights app in Teams.
Use for Default on and Default off rollout scenarios, as explained in Personal insights deployment guide
In the Microsoft admin center, go to the settings tab and select Viva, then Viva Insights.
Under Viva Insights in Microsoft 365, select Manage settings for Viva Insights.
In the resulting pane:
Select Viva Insights web experience to keep all Viva Insights users in your organization opted in for access to the Viva Insights app on the web. Clear the selection for Viva Insights web experience to opt out users.
Select Digest email to keep all Viva Insights users in your organization opted in for access to the digest mails. Clear the selection for Digest email to opt out users.
Select Insights Outlook add-in and inline suggestions to keep all users in your organization opted in for access to the add-in. Deselect it to opt out users. If you opt out of the Viva Insights Outlook add-in, the Productivity inline suggestions are also turned off for all users. Individuals can also turn inline suggestions on or off through their own Settings within the Viva Insights add-in.
Select Meeting effectiveness surveys to keep all users in your organization opted in for access to the surveys. Deselect it to opt out users. If you opt out users, they won't see an option for meeting effectiveness surveys in their settings.
Meeting effectiveness surveys are only available in the classic Teams client, not the new Teams.
Select Schedule send suggestions to keep all Viva Insights users in your organization opted in for access to schedule send suggestions, and then select Save changes. Deselect Schedule send suggestions to opt out users. These will be default settings for all users. Users can change them at any time from their Viva Insights Outlook add-in and Viva Insights app settings page. It may take up to 24 hours for all changes to take effect.
After a new tenant is established, it can take up to 48 hours for this functionality to become available.
Select Save.
You can also get to these settings in from the main Microsoft 365 admin center:
For user configuration settings, you’ll use the Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig and Get-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig cmdlets. For tenant configuration settings, you’ll use the Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig and Get-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig cmdlets. Before you can use any of these cmdlets, you'll need to install a module and sign in to be authenticated.
Connect to Exchange Online and, when prompted, sign in with your admin credentials.
After you've signed in, you're ready to work with user and tenant configuration settings:
To connect to Exchange Online, you install prerequisites and then you install the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module.
Open PowerShell.
Prerequisite #1: Installing packages from the PowerShell Gallery requires the latest version of the PowerShellGet module. Run these commands to install it:
Install-Module PowerShellGet –Repository PSGallery –Force
For more information, see Installing PowerShellGet.
Prerequisite #2: Install the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module:
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -RequiredVersion 2.0.4
For more information, see Install-Module.
Connect to Exchange Online. In PowerShell, run the command Connect-ExchangeOnline.
This will prompt you to authenticate, which you do by entering your admin credentials.
Use PowerShell to configure access for all users in a tenant. For example, you could opt out everyone completely, which would turn off all Viva Insights functionality for all users. However, users can choose to opt in again.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default value |
Feature |
No |
SamplingRate |
No | Value from 0.1 to 0.7 . The sampling rate you specify here is the percentage of meetings that get checked to receive a meeting effectiveness survey. For example, 0.1 indicates 10%. |
Also refer to Parameters: Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig.
Configure access settings for a tenant with the PowerShell cmdlet Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig.
[-Feature <String>]
[-IsEnabled <Boolean>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
The PowerShell command Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig
can be used to enable or disable Viva Insights features for all users in the tenant.
Use for the Mixed deployment rollout scenario, as explained in Personal insights deployment guide
Command syntax – Features:
Set-DeafultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig -Feature <opt-in/opt-out> -Feature <dashboard/add-in/digest-email/all> -isEnabled <$true/$false>
Example – Features: Running the following command opts all users in the tenant in (by setting Feature
to Opt-in
) and enables all the personal insights features except the digest email:
Set-DefaultTenantMyAnalyticsFeatureConfig -Feature opt-in -Feature digest-email -isEnabled $false
This granular feature access control allows admins to enable or disable the Digest Welcome Email for Viva Insights users in their tenant. The Digest Welcome Email is automatically sent to employees upon their assignment of a Viva Insights license. You can disable these emails using PowerShell, prior to assigning the employees their license. When you disable the Digest Welcome Email, all future Digest Emails are also disabled. If you want to send the Digest Welcome Email at a later date, remove the employee from the policy or delete the policy. This policy is for the tenant level only.
Default state: Enabled, meaning that users with a Viva Insights license will receive the email a few days (up to four weeks) after license assignment.
Disable or enable: Admins can disable or enable the Digest Welcome Email control using VFAM cmdlets. Disabling the control prevents users from receiving the email. See the command syntax and example code below for more details.
You can set this policy using the Add-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy cmdlet:
ModuleId : VivaInsights
FeatureId : DigestWelcomeEmail
Name : DisableFeatureForAll
IsFeatureEnabled : false
Learn more about how to set these policies.
Use the following command to confirm whether users in a tenant have access to Viva Insights (the value for Feature
reveals the tenant’s current configuration settings. The following is a sample output of this cmdlet. This output indicates that users in the tenant are currently opted in and that they have all Viva Insights features turned on except the digest email:
TenantId : x0xx10-00x0-0x01-0xxx-x0x0x01xx100
IsDashboardEnabled : true
IsAddInEnabled : true
IsDigestEmailEnabled : false
IsMeetingEffectivenessSurveyEnabled : opted-in
IsScheduleSendEnabled : true
You can use PowerShell to configure Viva Insights access for individual users in your organization. For example, you could opt out the user completely, which would turn off all Viva Insights functionality for that user. However, the user can choose to opt back in.
The PowerShell cmdlets Get-UserAnalyticsConfig and Set-UserAnalyticsConfig, which you might have used to configure access to Viva Insights, are no longer available. Instead, use the following new cmdlets: Get-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig and Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig, which offer the same functionality along with some additional granular control.
Viva Insights has core features and premium features. Access to features and types of data processing depends on a user's assigned service plan.
As an admin, you have the ability to configure opt-in/opt-out behavior for end users. For premium plans, you can also allow users to control what’s included in advanced and some aggregated insights. Then, users can choose to opt out through their Viva Insights app in Teams or on the web. When users opt out of Viva Insights:
Also, if users have a premium plan:
Configure access settings for a user with the PowerShell cmdlet Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig:
Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig –Identity <string> [-Feature <string[]>]
Parameter | Required | Description | Default value |
Identity |
Yes | User ID for the current user as stored in Microsoft Entra ID | -- |
Use Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig
to change the configuration settings of the user who is identified by the -Identity
parameter. The following is a sample output of this cmdlet. It indicates that the user was opted in and that all of that user's Viva Insights features were turned on except the digest email:
UserId : <username>@<domain>
`Feature` : opt-in
IsDashboardEnabled : true
IsAddInEnabled : true
IsDigestEmailEnabled : false
Also refer to Command reference: Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig.
Use the following to confirm whether a user has access to Viva Insights:
Get-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig –Identity <string>
Parameter | Required | Description | Default value |
Identity |
Yes | User ID for the current user as stored in Microsoft Entra ID | - |
reveals the current configuration settings of the user who is identified by the -Identity parameter. The following is a sample output of this cmdlet. It indicates that the user is currently opted in and that they have all Viva Insights features turned on except the digest email:
UserId : <username>@<domain>
`Feature` : opt-in
IsDashboardEnabled : true
IsAddInEnabled : true
IsDigestEmailEnabled : false
Use the following steps in the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module to change access to Viva Insights for multiple users by running a PowerShell script that iterates through the users, changing the value one user at a time.
Create a comma-separated value (.csv) text file that contains the UserPrincipalName field of the users you want to configure. For example:
Specify the location of the input .csv file, the output .csv file, and the value of Feature
that you want to set for each user:
$inFileName="<path and file name of the input .csv file that contains the users, example: C:\admin\Users2License..csv>"
$outFileName="<path and file name of the output .csv file that records the results, example: C:\admin\Users2License-Done..csv>"
$feature = "Opt-in"
$users=Import-Csv $inFileName
ForEach ($user in $users)
Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig –Identity $upn -Feature $feature
Get-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig –Identity $upn | Export-Csv $outFileName
Run the resulting commands at the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module command prompt. For more information about the module, refer to Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module.
This PowerShell script:
The PowerShell command Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig can be used in two different ways:
Command syntax - features on or off:
Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig -Identity \<string\> -Feature <dashboard/add-in/digest-email/all> -isEnabled <$true/$false>`
Example - features on or off: Running the following command disables the digest email for the user:
Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig -Identity <string> -Feature digest-email -isEnabled $false
Set-MyAnalyticsFeatureConfig -Identity \<string\> -Feature <opt-in/opt-out> -Feature <dashboard/add-in/digest-email/all> -isEnabled <$true/$false>`
Applies to: Teams Service Administrator and Exchange Online admin
Konferensi Komunitas Microsoft 365
6 Mei, 14 - 9 Mei, 00
Keterampilan untuk era AI di acara Microsoft 365 yang dipimpin komunitas utama, 6-8 Mei di Las Vegas.
Pelajari lebih lanjutPelatihan
Jalur pembelajaran
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
Bersertifikat Microsoft: Rekan Administrator Perlindungan Informasi dan Kepatuhan - Certifications
Menunjukkan dasar-dasar keamanan data, manajemen siklus hidup, keamanan informasi, dan kepatuhan untuk melindungi penyebaran Microsoft 365.
Get an overview of Viva Insights setup tasks
Delegate access to organizational insights and Copilot Dashboard
Learn how to delegate access to organization insights and Copilot Dashboard in Viva Insights.
Manage settings for the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard
This article provides instructions to Viva Insights admins on how to configure several settings for the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard.