Búðu til gervigreindarforrit og umboðsmenn
Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Taktu þátt í fundarröðinni til að byggja upp skalanlegar gervigreindarlausnir byggðar á raunverulegum notkunartilvikum með öðrum forriturum og sérfræðingum.
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Diagnostics logs provide information about the media transfers that occur in a call. Every log corresponds to an individual media stream and contains information about the emitting endpoint (e.g. the user sending the stream).
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | microsoft.communication/communicationservices |
Categories | Azure Resources |
Solutions | LogManagement |
Basic log | Yes |
Ingestion-time transformation | No |
Sample Queries | Yes |
Column | Type | Description |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
CallUpdatesVersion | int | Experience Version of the log. |
Category | string | The log category of the event. Logs with the same log category and resource type will have the same properties fields. |
CodecName | string | Codec used for the media stream. |
CorrelationId | string | The ID for correlated events. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables. |
EndpointId | string | ID of the endpoint. |
EndpointType | string | Type of the endpoint. |
HealedDataRatioAvg | real | Average healed data ratio for incoming audio. |
HealedDataRatioMax | real | Maximum healed data ratio for incoming audio. |
Identifier | string | The indentifier of the call used to correlate. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables. |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
JitterAvg | int | Average delay of sending the packages in milliseconds. |
JitterBufferSizeAvg | int | Average jitter buffer size in milliseconds. |
JitterBufferSizeMax | int | Maximum jitter buffer size in milliseconds. |
JitterMax | int | Max delay of sending the packages in milliseconds. |
MediaType | string | Type of Media. |
OperationName | string | The operation associated with log record. |
OperationVersion | string | The API-version associated with the operation or version of the operation (if there is no API version). |
PacketLossRateAvg | real | Average lost packages. |
PacketLossRateMax | real | Max lost packages. |
PacketUtilization | int | Utilized packets for the media stream. |
ParticipantId | string | ID of the participant. |
RecvFreezeDurationPerMinuteInMs | real | Average receive freeze duration per minute in microseconds. |
RecvResolutionHeight | int | Receive average resolution height. |
_ResourceId | string | A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with |
RoundTripTimeAvg | int | Average time of a round trip in milliseconds. |
RoundTripTimeMax | int | Max time of a trip in milliseconds. |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
StreamDirection | string | The direction of the stream, can be inbound or outbound. |
StreamId | long | ID of the stream. |
_SubscriptionId | string | A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
TimeGenerated | datetime | The timestamp (UTC) of when the log was generated. |
TransportType | string | Type of the internet transport layer, it can be UDP, TCP or unknown. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
VideoBitRateAvg | int | Average bitrate. |
VideoBitRateMax | int | Maximum bitrate. |
VideoFrameRateAvg | real | Average frames per second. |
Búðu til gervigreindarforrit og umboðsmenn
Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Taktu þátt í fundarröðinni til að byggja upp skalanlegar gervigreindarlausnir byggðar á raunverulegum notkunartilvikum með öðrum forriturum og sérfræðingum.
Nýskrá núnaÞjálfun
Troubleshoot audio, video, and client issues - Training
Learn about the troubleshooting approaches for audio, video, and client issues in Teams, including collecting appropriate logs and identifying problems with different reports and dashboards.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Associate - Certifications
Demonstrate skills to configure, deploy, monitor, and manage Microsoft Teams Phone, meetings, and certified devices.