Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Taktu þátt í fundarröðinni til að byggja upp skalanlegar gervigreindarlausnir byggðar á raunverulegum notkunartilvikum með öðrum forriturum og sérfræðingum.
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In the realm of database management, it isn't uncommon for the initially chosen partition key for a container to become inadequate as applications evolve. It can result in suboptimal performance and increased costs for the container. Several factors contributing to this situation include:
To address these issues, Azure Cosmos DB offers the ability to seamlessly change the partition key using the Azure portal.
To change the partition key of a container in Azure Cosmos DB for the NoSQL API using the Azure portal, follow these steps:
Changing the partition key entails creating a new destination container or selecting an existing destination container within the same database.
If creating a new container using the Azure portal while changing the partition key, all configurations except for the partition key and unique keys are replicated to the destination container.
Then, data is copied from the source container to the destination container in an offline manner utilizing the Intra-account container copy job.
It is recommended to stop all updates on the source container before proceeding to change the partition key of the container for entire duration of copy process to maintain data integrity.
Once the copy is complete, you can start using the new container with desired partition key and optionally delete the old container.
Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Taktu þátt í fundarröðinni til að byggja upp skalanlegar gervigreindarlausnir byggðar á raunverulegum notkunartilvikum með öðrum forriturum og sérfræðingum.
Nýskrá núnaÞjálfun
Implement a data modeling and partitioning strategy for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL - Training
Implement a data modeling and partitioning strategy for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
Microsoft Certified: Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty - Certifications
Write efficient queries, create indexing policies, manage, and provision resources in the SQL API and SDK with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB.