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DateTimeFormatInfo.YearMonthPattern Property


Gets or sets the custom format string for a year and month value.

 property System::String ^ YearMonthPattern { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string YearMonthPattern { get; set; }
member this.YearMonthPattern : string with get, set
Public Property YearMonthPattern As String

Property Value

The custom format string for a year and month value.


The property is being set to null.

The property is being set and the DateTimeFormatInfo object is read-only.


The following example displays the value of YearMonthPattern for a few cultures.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintPattern( String^ myCulture )
   CultureInfo^ MyCI = gcnew CultureInfo( myCulture,false );
   DateTimeFormatInfo^ myDTFI = MyCI->DateTimeFormat;
   Console::WriteLine( " {0} {1}", myCulture, myDTFI->YearMonthPattern );

int main()

   // Displays the values of the pattern properties.
   Console::WriteLine( " CULTURE    PROPERTY VALUE" );
   PrintPattern( "en-US" );
   PrintPattern( "ja-JP" );
   PrintPattern( "fr-FR" );

This code produces the following output.  The question marks take the place of native script characters.

  en-US     MMMM yyyy
  ja-JP     yyyy年M月
  fr-FR     MMMM yyyy

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesDTFI  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Displays the values of the pattern properties.
      Console.WriteLine( " CULTURE    PROPERTY VALUE" );
      PrintPattern( "en-US" );
      PrintPattern( "ja-JP" );
      PrintPattern( "fr-FR" );

   public static void PrintPattern( String myCulture )  {

      DateTimeFormatInfo myDTFI = new CultureInfo( myCulture, false ).DateTimeFormat;
      Console.WriteLine( "  {0}     {1}", myCulture, myDTFI.YearMonthPattern );

This code produces the following output.  The question marks take the place of native script characters.

  en-US     MMMM yyyy
  ja-JP     yyyy年M月
  fr-FR     MMMM yyyy

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesDTFI

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Displays the values of the pattern properties.
      Console.WriteLine(" CULTURE    PROPERTY VALUE")

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintPattern(myCulture As [String])

      Dim myDTFI As DateTimeFormatInfo = New CultureInfo(myCulture, False).DateTimeFormat
      Console.WriteLine("  {0}     {1}", myCulture, myDTFI.YearMonthPattern)

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  The question marks take the place of native script characters.
'  en-US     MMMM yyyy
'  ja-JP     yyyy年M月
'  fr-FR     MMMM yyyy


The YearMonthPattern property defines the culture-specific format of date strings that are returned by calls to the DateTime.ToString and DateTimeOffset.ToString methods and by composite format strings that are supplied the "y" and "Y" standard format strings.

This property is affected if the value of the Calendar property changes.

We recommend that you set the date separator in the year month pattern to an exact string instead of using the date separator placeholder. For example, to get the pattern MM-yyyy, set the year month pattern to "MM-yyyy".

Applies to

See also