Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
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The xml:space
attribute is an XML-defined attribute that declares the significant white-space processing behavior within an object element. This behavior is relevant for all content (inner text) contained within the element where xml:space
is declared, and also scopes to child elements.
<object xml:space="preserve" />
- or -
<object xml:space="default" />
The definition for the xml:space
attribute in XAML including its two possible values is derived from xml:space
as defined as a "special attribute" by W3C specifications for XML.
The default value of the xml:space
attribute is the literal value "default"
. For the value "default"
, or if xml:space
is not indicated at all, the behavior of significant white-space parsing is the default handling, as defined in the topic White-space processing in XAML.
To preserve white space within object element content, specify xml:space="preserve"
on that object element.
Under most interpretations, the xml:space
attribute effects and the value of the attribute are scoped to child elements.
For a complete discussion of white-space processing in XAML, see White-space processing in XAML.
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Mar 17, 9 PM - Mar 21, 10 AM
Taktu þátt í fundarröðinni til að byggja upp skalanlegar gervigreindarlausnir byggðar á raunverulegum notkunartilvikum með öðrum forriturum og sérfræðingum.
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