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rxCreateColInfo: Function to generate a 'colInfo' list from a data source


Generates a colInfo list from a data source that can be used in rxImport or an RxDataSource constructor.


  rxCreateColInfo(data, includeLowHigh = FALSE, factorsOnly = FALSE, 
       varsToKeep = NULL, sortLevels = FALSE, computeInfo = TRUE,
        useFactorIndex = FALSE)



An RxDataSource object, a character string containing an .xdf file name, or a data frame. An object returned from rxGetVarInfo is also supported.


If TRUE, the low/high values will be included in the colInfo object. Note that this will override any actual low/high values in the data set if the colInfo object is applied to a different data source.


If TRUE, only column information for factor variables will be included in the output.


NULL to include all variables, or character vector of variables to include.


If TRUE, factor levels will be sorted. If factor levels represent integers, they will be put in numeric order.


If TRUE, a pass through the data will be taken for non-xdf data sources in order to compute factor levels and low/high values.


If TRUE, the factorIndex variable type will be used instead of factor.


This function can be used to ensure consistent factor levels when importing a series of text files to xdf. It is also useful for repeated analysis on non-xdf data sources.


A colInfo list that can be used as input for rxImport and in data sources such as RxTextData and RxSqlServerData.


Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

RxDataSource-class, RxTextData, RxSqlServerData, RxSpssData, RxSasData, RxOdbcData, RxTeradata, RxXdfData, rxImport.


 # Get the low/high values and factor levels before using a data source
 # for import or analysis

 # Create a text data source, specifying the 'yearsEmploy' should be a factor
 mort1 <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv")
 mort1DS <- RxTextData(file = mort1, colClasses = c(yearsEmploy = "factor", default = "logical"))

 # By default, rxCreateColInfo will make a pass through the data to compute factor levels
 # and low/high values.  We'll also request that the levels be sorted
 mortColInfo <- rxCreateColInfo(data = mort1DS, includeLowHigh = TRUE, sortLevels = TRUE)

 # Re-create the data source, now using the computed colInfo
 mort1DS <- RxTextData(file = mort1, colInfo = mortColInfo)
 # Import the data
 mort1DF <- rxImport(mort1DS)

 # Or use the text data source directly in an analysis 
 # (not needing a pass through the data to compute the factor levels)
 logitObj <- rxLogit(default~yearsEmploy, data = mort1DS)


 # Train a model on one imported data set, then score using another
 # Train a model on the first year of the data, importing it from text to a data frame

 mort1 <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv")
 mort1DS <- RxTextData(file = mort1, colClasses = c(yearsEmploy = "factor", default = "logical"))
 # Since we haven't specified factor levels, they will be created 'first come, first serve'
 mort1DF <- rxImport(mort1DS)
 # Estimate a logit model
 logitObj <- rxLogit(default~yearsEmploy, data = mort1DF)

 # Now import the second year of data
 mort2 <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2001.csv")
 mort2DS <- RxTextData(file = mort2, colClasses = c(yearsEmploy = "factor", default = "logical"))
 mort2DF <- rxImport(mort2DS)
 # The levels are in a different order

 # If we try to use the model estimated from the first data set to predict on the seoond,
 # predOut <- rxPredict(logitObj, data = mort2DF)
 # We will get an error
 #ERROR: order of factor levels in the data are inconsistent with
 #the order of the model coefficients

 # Instead, we can extract the colInfo from the first data set
 mortColInfo <- rxCreateColInfo(data = mort1DF)
 # And use it when importing the second
 mort2DS <- RxTextData(file = mort2, colInfo = mortColInfo)
 mort2DF <- rxImport(mort2DS)
 predOut <- rxPredict(logitObj, data = mort2DF)