Chart trendline formula is inaccurate in Excel - Microsoft 365 Apps
This article documents an issue with the trendline function of an Excel chart when you manually enter X values.
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When you add a trendline to a chart, and then display the equation and R-squared value for the trendline, the equation shows only the first five digits of each coefficient. For some purposes, this may not be a sufficient number of significant figures. This article explains how to display more digits in the coefficients.
The trendline equation and R-squared value are initially displayed as rounded to five digits. To display a greater number of digits, use one of the following methods:
Even though you can set the number of decimal places to 30 for the Number category, Excel only displays values to a maximum of 15 digits of precision. Additional digits are displayed as zero.
Chart trendline formula is inaccurate in Excel - Microsoft 365 Apps
This article documents an issue with the trendline function of an Excel chart when you manually enter X values.