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SelfServePolicy resource

A partner sets self serve policies for a customer.


Describes a cart.

Property Type Description
id string A self-serve policy identifier that is supplied upon successful creation of the self serve policy.
SelfServeEntity SelfServeEntity The self serve entity that is being granted access.
Grantor Grantor The grantor that is granting access.
Permissions Array of Permission An Array of Permission resources.


Represents the entity being granted permissions.

Property Type Description
SelfServeEntityType string The entity being granted access, accepted values: Customer.
TenantID string The tenant identifier of the entity being granted access.


Represents the grantor granting the permissions.

Property Type Description
GrantorType string The grantor granting access, accepted values: BillToPartner.
TenantID string The tenant identifier of the entity granting access.


Represents a permission in the self serve policy.

Property Type Description
Resource string The resource access is being granted to: AzureReservedInstances or AzureSavingsPlan.
Action string The action access is being granted for: Purchase