Heimsmeistaramót Power BI DataViz
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
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Power BI Report Builder
Power BI Desktop
This article provides an overview of the differences between embedding a Power BI report, and embedding a Power BI paginated report. The article is aimed at developers using Power BI embedded analytics to embed a paginated report.
A Power BI report is always bound to a single data source. However, a paginated report doesn't require a Power BI semantic model as a data source. A paginated report can also be built on multiple semantic models. This means you cannot rely on the datasetId
property of a report object, when embedding a paginated report.
There are some special considerations when generating an embed token for a paginated report with an Embed for your customers solution. If the paginated report has one or more Power BI semantic models configured as its data sources, you must create a GenerateTokenRequestV2Dataset object for each semantic model, with the following parameters:
must be set to ReadOnly
must be set to false
Before embedding a paginated report, consider the following Power BI features which aren't supported:
Edit mode or any type of self-service authoring
Client-side events such as loaded
and rendered
Reading or updating filter settings
Retrieving a parameter value that’s been updated by the user using an API
The following code listing demonstrates generating an embed token to embed a paginated report built on top of a Power BI semantic model.
string datasetId = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111";
Guid reportId = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
// create semantic model request for embed token with XmlaPermissions.ReadOnly
var datasetRequests = new List<GenerateTokenRequestV2Dataset> {
new GenerateTokenRequestV2Dataset(datasetId, xmlaPermissions: XmlaPermissions.ReadOnly)
// create report request for embed token with allowEdit set to false
var reportRequests = new List<GenerateTokenRequestV2Report>{
new GenerateTokenRequestV2Report(reportId, allowEdit: false)
// create token request
var tokenRequest = new GenerateTokenRequestV2 {
Datasets = datasetRequests,
Reports = reportRequests,
// call GenerateToken to retrieve embed token from Power BI REST API
var EmbedTokenResult = pbiClient.EmbedToken.GenerateToken(tokenRequest);
// extract embed token for embed token result
var embedToken = EmbedTokenResult.Token;
Heimsmeistaramót Power BI DataViz
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
Með 4 tækifæri til að taka þátt gætirðu unnið ráðstefnupakka og komist í LIVE Grand Finale í Las Vegas
Nánari upplýsingarÞjálfun
Create reports with Power BI and Dataverse for Teams - Training
Learn how to build your first report with Microsoft Power BI and Dataverse for Teams.
Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate - Certifications
Demonstrate methods and best practices that align with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Microsoft Power BI.