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ITransformProperty Interface

The ITransformProperty interface describes an effect or transition property. It wraps a param XML element (or equivalent custom parameter element) in the XML initialization file. To add a new property to the collection, call ITransformPropertiesConfig::CreateProperty.

To examine any child properties, you can query this interface for ITransformProperties. If the property has no children, the retrieved interface will report no elements.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the ITransformProperty interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AddPoint Adds a data point to the property.
CalcValueAtTime Calculates the property value at a particular time, using the evaluation function type that was specified for the property.
Clone Creates a duplicate ITransformProperty interface.
get_EvaluationFunction Retrieves the evaluation function used for a transform.
get_Name Retrieves the name of a property.
get_Point Retrieves a point by index.
get_PointCount Retrieves a count of time points in the current property.
get_Type Retrieves the data type of the property value, as a VARTYPE.
put_EvaluationFunction Specifies the evaluation function that is used to calculate intermediary data between property points.
SetValueAtTime Specifies a property value at a particular time.

See Also