InstanceData Classe
Alcune informazioni sono relative alla release non definitiva del prodotto, che potrebbe subire modifiche significative prima della release definitiva. Microsoft non riconosce alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, in merito alle informazioni qui fornite.
Contiene i dati di istanza associati al campione del contatore delle prestazioni.
public ref class InstanceData
public class InstanceData
type InstanceData = class
Public Class InstanceData
- Ereditarietà
Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene visualizzato il contenuto degli InstanceData oggetti presenti in un determinato PerformanceCounterCategory computer locale. Visualizza prima un elenco numerato di PerformanceCounter categorie. Dopo che l'utente immette il numero di una delle categorie, viene visualizzato l'esempio, per ognuno PerformanceCounter in PerformanceCounterCategory, i dati dell'istanza associati a ogni istanza di PerformanceCounter.
// InstanceData_CopyTo.cpp : main project file.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
// Console Utility Functions:
void InitConsole(); // Init console size
void TitleBlock(); // Write the title block
void CW(String^strText , // Write a colored string
String^ C = "", int LF = 1);
// InstanceData subroutines
// Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
void ProcessInstanceDataObject(String^ name, CounterSample CSRef);
// Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection^ idCol);
void main()
String^ categoryName;
String^ catNumStr;
int categoryNum;
array<PerformanceCounterCategory^>^ categories =
// Create and sort an array of category names.
array<String^>^ categoryNames = gcnew array<String^>(categories->Length);
int catX;
for(catX=0; catX < categories->Length; catX++)
categoryNames[catX] = categories[catX]->CategoryName;
CW("These PerformanceCounterCategory categories are registered \n"
+"on this computer:","Red");
for(catX=0; catX < categories->Length; catX++)
Console::WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX+1, categoryNames[catX]);
// Ask the user to choose a category.
Console::Write("\nEnter a category number from the above list: ");
catNumStr = Console::ReadLine();
// Validate the entered category number.
try {
categoryNum = int::Parse(catNumStr);
if (categoryNum < 1 || categoryNum > categories->Length)
throw gcnew Exception(String::Format("The category number "+
" must be in the range 1..{0}.", categories->Length));
categoryName = categoryNames[(categoryNum-1)];
// Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
PerformanceCounterCategory^ pcc =
gcnew PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
InstanceDataCollectionCollection^ idColCol = pcc->ReadCategory();
array<InstanceDataCollection^>^ idColArray =
gcnew array<InstanceDataCollection^>(idColCol->Count);
CW("\nInstanceDataCollectionCollection for \"" +categoryName+"\" "
+"has "+idColCol->Count+" elements.","Blue");
idColCol->CopyTo(idColArray, 0);
for each ( InstanceDataCollection ^ idCol in idColArray )
catch(Exception^ ex)
Console::WriteLine("\"{0}\" is not a valid category number." +
"\n{1}", catNumStr, ex->Message);
CW("\n\nRun again (Y,N)?","Yellow");
catNumStr = Console::ReadLine();
if ("Y" != catNumStr && "y" != catNumStr) break;
void InitConsole()
Console::BufferHeight = 4000;
Console::WindowHeight = 40;
void TitleBlock()
Console::Title = "InstDataCopyTo.cpp Sample";
+"// PROGRAM instdatacopyto.cpp\n"
+"// PURPOSE Show how to use InstanceData objects\n"
+"// OUTPUT 1) Displays a numbered list of PerformanceCounter\n"
+"// categories that exist on the local computer.\n"
+"// 2) Prompts the user to select a category.\n"
+"// 3) Displays the instance data associated with each\n"
+"// instance of the PerformanceCounter in the\n"
+"// selected PerformanceCounterCategory\n"
+ "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"
// Utility function: ConsoleWrite: Write a colored string
void CW(String^ strText , String^ C, int LF)
if (C != "") Console::ForegroundColor = *dynamic_cast<ConsoleColor^>
(Enum::Parse(ConsoleColor::typeid, C));
// Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection ^ idCol)
array<InstanceData^>^ instDataArray = gcnew array<InstanceData^>(idCol->Count);
CW("\n InstanceDataCollection for \""
+ idCol->CounterName + "\" has " + idCol->Count + " elements.", "Red");
// Copy and process the InstanceData array.
idCol->CopyTo(instDataArray, 0);
int idX;
for(idX=0; idX < instDataArray->Length; idX++)
// Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
void ProcessInstanceDataObject(String ^ name, CounterSample CSRef)
InstanceData ^ instData = gcnew InstanceData(name, CSRef);
CW(" Data from InstanceData object:","Red",0);
CW(" InstanceName: "+instData->InstanceName,"Green",0);
CW(" RawValue: " + instData->RawValue);
CounterSample sample = instData->Sample;
Console::Write(" Data from CounterSample object:\n" +
" CounterType: {0,-27} SystemFrequency: {1}\n" +
" BaseValue: {2,-27} RawValue: {3}\n" +
" CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}\n" +
" TimeStamp: {6,-27} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}\n\n",
sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue,
sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp,
sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class InstDataCopyToMod
private static string categoryName;
public static void Main()
string catNumStr;
int categoryNum;
PerformanceCounterCategory[] categories = PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories();
// Create and sort an array of category names.
string[] categoryNames = new string[categories.Length];
int catX;
for(catX=0; catX<categories.Length; catX++)
categoryNames[catX] = categories[catX].CategoryName;
Console.WriteLine("These categories are registered on this computer:");
for(catX=0; catX<categories.Length; catX++)
Console.WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX+1, categoryNames[catX]);
// Ask the user to choose a category.
Console.Write("Enter the category number from the above list: ");
catNumStr = Console.ReadLine();
// Validate the entered category number.
categoryNum = int.Parse(catNumStr);
if (categoryNum<1||categoryNum>categories.Length)
throw new Exception(String.Format("The category number must be in the " +
"range 1..{0}.", categories.Length));
categoryName = categoryNames[(categoryNum-1)];
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" is not a valid category number." +
"\r\n{1}", catNumStr, ex.Message);
// Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
PerformanceCounterCategory pcc = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName);
InstanceDataCollectionCollection idColCol = pcc.ReadCategory();
InstanceDataCollection[] idColArray = new InstanceDataCollection[idColCol.Count];
Console.WriteLine("InstanceDataCollectionCollection for \"{0}\" " +
"has {1} elements.", categoryName, idColCol.Count);
// Copy and process the InstanceDataCollection array.
idColCol.CopyTo(idColArray, 0);
foreach ( InstanceDataCollection idCol in idColArray )
// Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
public static void ProcessInstanceDataCollection(InstanceDataCollection idCol)
InstanceData[] instDataArray = new InstanceData[idCol.Count];
Console.WriteLine(" InstanceDataCollection for \"{0}\" " +
"has {1} elements.", idCol.CounterName, idCol.Count);
// Copy and process the InstanceData array.
idCol.CopyTo(instDataArray, 0);
int idX;
for(idX=0; idX<instDataArray.Length; idX++)
ProcessInstanceDataObject(instDataArray[idX].InstanceName, instDataArray[idX].Sample);
// Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
public static void ProcessInstanceDataObject(string name, CounterSample CSRef)
InstanceData instData = new InstanceData(name, CSRef);
Console.WriteLine(" Data from InstanceData object:\r\n" +
" InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", instData.InstanceName, instData.RawValue);
CounterSample sample = instData.Sample;
Console.WriteLine(" Data from CounterSample object:\r\n" +
" CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}\r\n" +
" BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}\r\n" +
" CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}\r\n" +
" TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec);
Imports System.Diagnostics
Module InstDataCopyToMod
Private categoryName As String
Sub Main()
Dim catNumStr As String
Dim categoryNum As Integer
Dim categories() As PerformanceCounterCategory = _
' Create and sort an array of category names.
Dim categoryNames(categories.Length - 1) As String
Dim catX As Integer
For catX = 0 To categories.Length - 1
categoryNames(catX) = categories(catX).CategoryName
Console.WriteLine( _
"These categories are registered on this computer:")
For catX = 0 To categories.Length - 1
Console.WriteLine("{0,4} - {1}", catX + 1, _
Next catX
' Ask the user to choose a category.
Console.Write( _
"Enter the category number from the above list: ")
catNumStr = Console.ReadLine()
' Validate the entered category number.
categoryNum = Integer.Parse(catNumStr)
If categoryNum < 1 Or categoryNum > categories.Length Then
Throw New Exception( _
String.Format("The category number must be in the " & _
"range 1..{0}.", categories.Length))
End If
categoryName = categoryNames((categoryNum - 1))
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("""{0}"" is not a valid category number." & _
vbCrLf & "{1}", catNumStr, ex.Message)
End Try
' Process the InstanceDataCollectionCollection for this category.
Dim pcc As New PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName)
Dim idColCol As InstanceDataCollectionCollection = pcc.ReadCategory()
Dim idColArray(idColCol.Count - 1) As InstanceDataCollection
Console.WriteLine("InstanceDataCollectionCollection for ""{0}"" " & _
"has {1} elements.", categoryName, idColCol.Count)
' Copy and process the InstanceDataCollection array.
idColCol.CopyTo(idColArray, 0)
Dim idCol As InstanceDataCollection
For Each idCol In idColArray
Next idCol
End Sub
' Display the contents of an InstanceDataCollection.
Sub ProcessInstanceDataCollection(ByVal idCol As InstanceDataCollection)
Dim instDataArray(idCol.Count - 1) As InstanceData
Console.WriteLine(" InstanceDataCollection for ""{0}"" " & _
"has {1} elements.", idCol.CounterName, idCol.Count)
' Copy and process the InstanceData array.
idCol.CopyTo(instDataArray, 0)
Dim idX As Integer
For idX = 0 To instDataArray.Length - 1
ProcessInstanceDataObject(instDataArray(idX).InstanceName, _
Next idX
End Sub
' Display the contents of an InstanceData object.
Sub ProcessInstanceDataObject(ByVal name As String, _
ByVal CSRef As CounterSample)
Dim instData As New InstanceData(name, CSRef)
Console.WriteLine(" Data from InstanceData object:" & vbCrLf & _
" InstanceName: {0,-31} RawValue: {1}", _
instData.InstanceName, instData.RawValue)
Dim sample As CounterSample = instData.Sample
Console.WriteLine(" Data from CounterSample object:" & vbCrLf & _
" CounterType: {0,-32} SystemFrequency: {1}" & vbCrLf & _
" BaseValue: {2,-34} RawValue: {3}" & vbCrLf & _
" CounterFrequency: {4,-27} CounterTimeStamp: {5}" & vbCrLf & _
" TimeStamp: {6,-34} TimeStamp100nSec: {7}", _
sample.CounterType, sample.SystemFrequency, sample.BaseValue, _
sample.RawValue, sample.CounterFrequency, sample.CounterTimeStamp, _
sample.TimeStamp, sample.TimeStamp100nSec)
End Sub
End Module
Instance |
Consente di inizializzare una nuova istanza della classe InstanceData, utilizzando il campione e l'istanza specificati del contatore delle prestazioni. |
Instance |
Ottiene il nome dell'istanza associata a questi dati di istanza. |
Raw |
Ottiene il valore dei dati non elaborati associato al campione del contatore delle prestazioni. |
Sample |
Ottiene il campione del contatore delle prestazioni che ha generato questi dati. |
Equals(Object) |
Determina se l'oggetto specificato è uguale all'oggetto corrente. (Ereditato da Object) |
Get |
Funge da funzione hash predefinita. (Ereditato da Object) |
Get |
Ottiene l'oggetto Type dell'istanza corrente. (Ereditato da Object) |
Memberwise |
Crea una copia superficiale dell'oggetto Object corrente. (Ereditato da Object) |
To |
Restituisce una stringa che rappresenta l'oggetto corrente. (Ereditato da Object) |
Prodotto | Versioni |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
Windows Desktop | 3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
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