PlayFab is introducing support for storing localized strings on behalf of game developers. In addition, we are adding the necessary logic to provide your players with the correct strings for the language they prefer.
This tutorial walks you through how to use localized email templates. With localized email templates, you can make multiple translated versions of an email, and associate all of them with one template ID.
Any templates introduced before this feature was released will retain their behavior. However, you can easily update them to use the new localized format used by new email templates.
This is an advanced tutorial. Please make sure that all requirements have been met, or you will not be able to complete this tutorial.
Please review the information on how to work with default languages on your title, and the preferred languages for your players in the Setting Default Languages tutorial. You must have a title default language set to continue with localized email templates.
Move to the Template name field, and select the Account Recovery template.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume your title default language is English. You’ll see that your existing version of the template shows up as the default language version.
Adding more languages is as simple as selecting the + ADD LANGUAGE link that is provided, then choosing the language you want to add to the template, and typing in the localized strings.
In this example, we're going to add the following French strings to our existing template.
French email subject:
Réinitialisation du mot de passe demandée
French email body:
<head></head><body><p>Vous avez récemment demandé un mot de passe avec nous. </p><p>Cliquez <ahref="$ConfirmationUrl$">ici</a> s'il vous plaît pour être dirigé vers une page pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.
Here's what it should look like:
When you select the SAVE EMAIL TEMPLATE button, you'll be redirected back to the page containing the list of your email templates.
As you can see, a new language version was added, but a new template was not added, since all language versions are stored under the same template ID.
Sending localized emails
Next, we will send our new localized version of the email. As was mentioned in the Setting Default Languages tutorial, PlayFab does the heavy lifting to match your title's supported languages with your players' preferred language. All you need to do is tell us to send the email.
To verify this behavior, create two test players.
Leave one of the new players without a preferred language. This will demonstrate how PlayFab falls back to the title's default if there is no language specified or if there is no match between the title's language and the player's language.
Set the other new player's language by using Game Manager, or by using the SetProfileLanguage API. We have used French in this example.
When using the SetProfileLanguage API, the language string must be specified in the ISO 639-1 format (for example, "en", "es", or "ja"). At the current time, the code "zh" is not supported.
Di seguito viene spiegato come rendere multilingue i report in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Questo modulo spiega come generare un report nella lingua dell'utente o del destinatario.
Tutorial that describes how to use the email template feature of PlayFab to send an account recovery player's contact email address to let a player reset their password.