Our Unity3d PlayFab SDK provides everything you need to access the PlayFab API including models, methods, an HTTP wrapper for sending and receiving web requests, and JSON serialization.
This SDK is auto-generated using our open-sourced tool—SDKGenerator. We generally build SDKs every other week to stay current with the latest API changes.
Check out our Editor Extensions in the Unity PlayFab SDK repo for the easiest and fastest way to get started using PlayFab in Unity. This tool provides a UI for automatically upgrading the SDK to stay current with the latest APIs.
PlayFab Party seamlessly integrates multiplayer networking and voice/text chat into Unity games. To get started, see Party Unity Plugin.
Istruzioni dettagliate su come inserire oggetti e modelli prefab 3D in una scena di Unity. Informazioni sugli oggetti gestibili tramite script di Unity e considerazioni sulla progettazione di realtà mista prima della distribuzione in HoloLens 2.