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ValidationVisitor.AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent Proprietà



This property is deprecated and is no longer used by the runtime.

Ottiene o imposta un valore che determina se ValidationVisitor la convalida può corto circuito quando un modello non dispone di validator associati.

 property bool AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent { bool get(); void set(bool value); };
public bool AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent { get; set; }
[System.Obsolete("This property is deprecated and is no longer used by the runtime.")]
public bool AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent { get; set; }
member this.AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent : bool with get, set
[<System.Obsolete("This property is deprecated and is no longer used by the runtime.")>]
member this.AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent : bool with get, set
Public Property AllowShortCircuitingValidationWhenNoValidatorsArePresent As Boolean

Valore della proprietà

Il valore predefinito è true.



Questa proprietà è attualmente ignorata.

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