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_AppointmentItem.Respond(OlMeetingResponse, Object, Object) Method


Responds to a meeting request.

public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MeetingItem Respond (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlMeetingResponse Response, object fNoUI, object fAdditionalTextDialog);
Public Function Respond (Response As OlMeetingResponse, Optional fNoUI As Object, Optional fAdditionalTextDialog As Object) As MeetingItem



The response to the request.


True to not display a dialog box; the response is sent automatically. False to display the dialog box for responding.


False to not prompt the user for input; the response is displayed in the inspector for editing. True to prompt the user to either send or send with comments. This argument is valid only if fNoUI is False.


A MeetingItem object that represents the response to the meeting request.


When you call the Respond method with the olMeetingAccepted or olMeetingTentative parameter, Outlook will create a new appointment item that duplicates the original appointment item. The new item will have a different Entry ID. Outlook will then remove the original item. You should no longer use the Entry ID of the original item, but instead call the EntryID property to obtain the Entry ID for the new item for any subsequent needs. This is to ensure that this appointment item will be properly synchronized on your calendar if more than one client computer accesses your calendar but may be offline using the cache mode occasionally.

The following table describes the behavior of the Respond method depending on the parent object, and the fNoUI and fAdditionalTextDialog parameters.

True, True Response item is returned with no user interface. To send the response, you must call the Send method.
True, False Same result as with True, True.
False, True Prompts user to Send or Edit before sending the response.
False, False New response item appears in the user interface, but no prompt is displayed.

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