SqlDataAdapter.RowUpdating Evento


Si verifica durante l'applicazione del metodo Update(DataSet) prima che un comando sia eseguito nell'origine dati. L'esecuzione del tentativo di aggiornamento determina la generazione dell'evento.

 event System::Data::SqlClient::SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler ^ RowUpdating;
public event System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating;
public event System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating;
member this.RowUpdating : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler 
member this.RowUpdating : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler 
Public Custom Event RowUpdating As SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler 

Tipo evento



Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come usare gli RowUpdating eventi e RowUpdated .

L'evento RowUpdating restituisce questo output:

argomenti dell'evento: (command=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand commandType=2 status=0)

L'evento RowUpdated restituisce questo output:

event args: (command=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand commandType=2 recordsAffected=1 row=System.Data.DataRow[37] status=0)

// handler for RowUpdating event
private static void OnRowUpdating(object sender, SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs e)

// handler for RowUpdated event
private static void OnRowUpdated(object sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e)

public static int Main()
    const string connectionString =
              "Integrated Security=SSPI;database=Northwind;server=MSSQL1";
    const string queryString = "SELECT * FROM Products";

    // create DataAdapter
    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, connectionString);
    SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);

    // Create and fill DataSet (select only first 5 rows)
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
    adapter.Fill(dataSet, 0, 5, "Table");

    // Modify DataSet
    DataTable table = dataSet.Tables["Table"];
    table.Rows[0][1] = "new product";

    // add handlers
    adapter.RowUpdating += new SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler( OnRowUpdating );
    adapter.RowUpdated += new SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler( OnRowUpdated );

    // update, this operation fires two events
    // (RowUpdating/RowUpdated) per changed row
    adapter.Update(dataSet, "Table");

    // remove handlers
    adapter.RowUpdating -= new SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler( OnRowUpdating );
    adapter.RowUpdated -= new SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler( OnRowUpdated );
    return 0;

private static void PrintEventArgs(SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs args)
    Console.WriteLine("  event args: ("+
        " command=" + args.Command +
        " commandType=" + args.StatementType +
        " status=" + args.Status + ")");

private static void PrintEventArgs(SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs args)
    Console.WriteLine( "  event args: ("+
        " command=" + args.Command +
        " commandType=" + args.StatementType +
        " recordsAffected=" + args.RecordsAffected +
        " status=" + args.Status + ")");
    ' handler for RowUpdating event
    Private Shared Sub OnRowUpdating(sender As Object, e As SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs)
    End Sub 

    ' handler for RowUpdated event
    Private Shared Sub OnRowUpdated(sender As Object, e As SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs)
    End Sub 
    'Entry point which delegates to C-style main Private Function
    Public Overloads Shared Sub Main()
        System.Environment.ExitCode = Main(System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs())
    End Sub
    Overloads Public Shared Function Main(args() As String) As Integer
        Const connectionString As String = _
            "Integrated Security=SSPI;database=Northwind;server=MSSQL1"
        Const queryString As String = "SELECT * FROM Products"
        ' create DataAdapter
        Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(queryString, connectionString)
        Dim builder As New SqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
        ' Create and fill DataSet (select only first 5 rows)
        Dim dataSet As New DataSet()
        adapter.Fill(dataSet, 0, 5, "Table")
        ' Modify DataSet
        Dim table As DataTable = dataSet.Tables("Table")
        table.Rows(0)(1) = "new product"
        ' add handlers
        AddHandler adapter.RowUpdating, AddressOf OnRowUpdating
        AddHandler adapter.RowUpdated, AddressOf OnRowUpdated
        ' update, this operation fires two events 
        '(RowUpdating/RowUpdated) per changed row 
        adapter.Update(dataSet, "Table")
        ' remove handlers
        RemoveHandler adapter.RowUpdating, AddressOf OnRowUpdating
        RemoveHandler adapter.RowUpdated, AddressOf OnRowUpdated
        Return 0
    End Function 
    Overloads Private Shared Sub PrintEventArgs(args As SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs)
        Console.WriteLine("  event args: (" & " command=" & args.Command.CommandText & _
           " commandType=" & args.StatementType & " status=" & args.Status & ")")
    End Sub 
    Overloads Private Shared Sub PrintEventArgs(args As SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs)
        Console.WriteLine("  event args: (" & " command=" & args.Command.CommandText & _
           " commandType=" & args.StatementType & " recordsAffected=" & _
           args.RecordsAffected & " status=" & args.Status & ")")
    End Sub 
End Class


Quando si usa Update, sono presenti due eventi che si verificano per ogni riga di dati aggiornata. L'ordine di esecuzione è il seguente:

  1. I valori in DataRow vengono spostati nei valori dei parametri.

  2. Viene generato l'evento OnRowUpdating.

  3. Il comando viene eseguito.

  4. Se il comando è impostato su FirstReturnedRecord, il primo risultato restituito viene inserito in DataRow.

  5. Se sono presenti parametri di output, vengono inseriti in DataRow.

  6. Viene generato l'evento OnRowUpdated.

  7. Chiamata del metodo AcceptChanges.

Si applica a

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