IComparable<T>.CompareTo(T) Metodo
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Confronta l'istanza corrente con un altro oggetto dello stesso tipo e restituisce un intero che indica se l'istanza corrente precede, segue o si trova nella stessa posizione dell'altro oggetto all'interno dell'ordinamento.
int CompareTo(T other);
public int CompareTo(T other);
public int CompareTo(T? other);
abstract member CompareTo : 'T -> int
Public Function CompareTo (other As T) As Integer
- other
- T
Oggetto da confrontare con l'istanza.
Valore che indica l'ordine relativo degli oggetti confrontati. Il valore restituito ha i seguenti significati:
Valore | Significato |
Minore di zero | Questa istanza precede other nell'ordinamento.
Zero | Questa istanza si presenta nella stessa posizione di other all'interno dell'ordinamento.
Maggiore di zero | Questa istanza segue other nei criteri di ordinamento.
Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrata l'implementazione di IComparable<T> per un oggetto semplice Temperature
. L'esempio crea una SortedList<TKey,TValue> raccolta di stringhe con Temperature
chiavi oggetto e aggiunge diverse coppie di temperature e stringhe all'elenco fuori sequenza. Nella chiamata al Add metodo, l'insieme SortedList<TKey,TValue> usa l'implementazione per ordinare le voci dell'elenco IComparable<T> , che vengono quindi visualizzate in ordine di aumento della temperatura.
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
public ref class Temperature: public IComparable<Temperature^> {
// The underlying temperature value.
Double m_value;
// Implement the generic CompareTo method with the Temperature class
// as the Type parameter.
virtual Int32 CompareTo( Temperature^ other ) {
// If other is not a valid object reference, this instance
// is greater.
if (other == nullptr) return 1;
// The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of the
// the underlying Double values.
return m_value.CompareTo( other->m_value );
// Define the is greater than operator.
bool operator>= (Temperature^ other)
return CompareTo(other) >= 0;
// Define the is less than operator.
bool operator< (Temperature^ other)
return CompareTo(other) < 0;
// Define the is greater than or equal to operator.
bool operator> (Temperature^ other)
return CompareTo(other) > 0;
// Define the is less than or equal to operator.
bool operator<= (Temperature^ other)
return CompareTo(other) <= 0;
property Double Celsius {
Double get() {
return m_value + 273.15;
property Double Kelvin {
Double get() {
return m_value;
void set( Double value ) {
if (value < 0)
throw gcnew ArgumentException("Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero.");
m_value = value;
Temperature(Double kelvins) {
this->Kelvin = kelvins;
int main() {
SortedList<Temperature^, String^>^ temps =
gcnew SortedList<Temperature^, String^>();
// Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(2017.15), "Boiling point of Lead");
temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(0), "Absolute zero");
temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(273.15), "Freezing point of water");
temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(5100.15), "Boiling point of Carbon");
temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(373.15), "Boiling point of water");
temps->Add(gcnew Temperature(600.65), "Melting point of Lead");
for each( KeyValuePair<Temperature^, String^>^ kvp in temps )
Console::WriteLine("{0} is {1} degrees Celsius.", kvp->Value, kvp->Key->Celsius);
/* The example displays the following output:
Absolute zero is 273.15 degrees Celsius.
Freezing point of water is 546.3 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of water is 646.3 degrees Celsius.
Melting point of Lead is 873.8 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Lead is 2290.3 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Carbon is 5373.3 degrees Celsius.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Temperature : IComparable<Temperature>
// Implement the generic CompareTo method with the Temperature
// class as the Type parameter.
public int CompareTo(Temperature other)
// If other is not a valid object reference, this instance is greater.
if (other == null) return 1;
// The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of
// the underlying Double values.
return m_value.CompareTo(other.m_value);
// Define the is greater than operator.
public static bool operator > (Temperature operand1, Temperature operand2)
return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) > 0;
// Define the is less than operator.
public static bool operator < (Temperature operand1, Temperature operand2)
return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) < 0;
// Define the is greater than or equal to operator.
public static bool operator >= (Temperature operand1, Temperature operand2)
return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) >= 0;
// Define the is less than or equal to operator.
public static bool operator <= (Temperature operand1, Temperature operand2)
return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) <= 0;
// The underlying temperature value.
protected double m_value = 0.0;
public double Celsius
return m_value - 273.15;
public double Kelvin
return m_value;
if (value < 0.0)
throw new ArgumentException("Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero.");
m_value = value;
public Temperature(double kelvins)
this.Kelvin = kelvins;
public class Example
public static void Main()
SortedList<Temperature, string> temps =
new SortedList<Temperature, string>();
// Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
temps.Add(new Temperature(2017.15), "Boiling point of Lead");
temps.Add(new Temperature(0), "Absolute zero");
temps.Add(new Temperature(273.15), "Freezing point of water");
temps.Add(new Temperature(5100.15), "Boiling point of Carbon");
temps.Add(new Temperature(373.15), "Boiling point of water");
temps.Add(new Temperature(600.65), "Melting point of Lead");
foreach( KeyValuePair<Temperature, string> kvp in temps )
Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} degrees Celsius.", kvp.Value, kvp.Key.Celsius);
/* This example displays the following output:
Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
Melting point of Lead is 327.5 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Lead is 1744 degrees Celsius.
Boiling point of Carbon is 4827 degrees Celsius.
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
type Temperature(kelvins: double) =
// The underlying temperature value.
let mutable kelvins = kelvins
if kelvins < 0. then
invalidArg (nameof kelvins) "Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero."
// Define the is greater than operator.
static member op_GreaterThan (operand1: Temperature, operand2: Temperature) =
operand1.CompareTo operand2 > 0
// Define the is less than operator.
static member op_LessThan (operand1: Temperature, operand2: Temperature) =
operand1.CompareTo operand2 < 0
// Define the is greater than or equal to operator.
static member op_GreaterThanOrEqual (operand1: Temperature, operand2: Temperature) =
operand1.CompareTo operand2 >= 0
// Define the is less than or equal to operator.
static member op_LessThanOrEqual (operand1: Temperature, operand2: Temperature) =
operand1.CompareTo operand2 <= 0
member _.Celsius =
kelvins - 273.15
member _.Kelvin
with get () =
and set (value) =
if value < 0. then
invalidArg (nameof value) "Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero."
kelvins <- value
// Implement the generic CompareTo method with the Temperature
// class as the Type parameter.
member _.CompareTo(other: Temperature) =
// If other is not a valid object reference, this instance is greater.
match box other with
| null -> 1
| _ ->
// The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of
// the underlying Double values.
interface IComparable<Temperature> with
member this.CompareTo(other) = this.CompareTo other
let temps = SortedList()
// Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
temps.Add(Temperature 2017.15, "Boiling point of Lead")
temps.Add(Temperature 0., "Absolute zero")
temps.Add(Temperature 273.15, "Freezing point of water")
temps.Add(Temperature 5100.15, "Boiling point of Carbon")
temps.Add(Temperature 373.15, "Boiling point of water")
temps.Add(Temperature 600.65, "Melting point of Lead")
for kvp in temps do
printfn $"{kvp.Value} is {kvp.Key.Celsius} degrees Celsius."
// This example displays the following output:
// Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
// Freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.
// Boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
// Melting point of Lead is 327.5 degrees Celsius.
// Boiling point of Lead is 1744 degrees Celsius.
// Boiling point of Carbon is 4827 degrees Celsius.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class Temperature
Implements IComparable(Of Temperature)
' Implement the generic CompareTo method with the Temperature class
' as the type parameter.
Public Overloads Function CompareTo(ByVal other As Temperature) As Integer _
Implements IComparable(Of Temperature).CompareTo
' If other is not a valid object reference, this instance is greater.
If other Is Nothing Then Return 1
' The temperature comparison depends on the comparison of the
' the underlying Double values.
Return m_value.CompareTo(other.m_value)
End Function
' Define the is greater than operator.
Public Shared Operator > (operand1 As Temperature, operand2 As Temperature) As Boolean
Return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) > 0
End Operator
' Define the is less than operator.
Public Shared Operator < (operand1 As Temperature, operand2 As Temperature) As Boolean
Return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) < 0
End Operator
' Define the is greater than or equal to operator.
Public Shared Operator >= (operand1 As Temperature, operand2 As Temperature) As Boolean
Return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) >= 0
End Operator
' Define the is less than operator.
Public Shared Operator <= (operand1 As Temperature, operand2 As Temperature) As Boolean
Return operand1.CompareTo(operand2) <= 0
End Operator
' The underlying temperature value.
Protected m_value As Double = 0.0
Public ReadOnly Property Celsius() As Double
Return m_value - 273.15
End Get
End Property
Public Property Kelvin() As Double
Return m_value
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Double)
If value < 0.0 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Temperature cannot be less than absolute zero.")
m_value = Value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New(ByVal kelvins As Double)
Me.Kelvin = kelvins
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim temps As New SortedList(Of Temperature, String)
' Add entries to the sorted list, out of order.
temps.Add(New Temperature(2017.15), "Boiling point of Lead")
temps.Add(New Temperature(0), "Absolute zero")
temps.Add(New Temperature(273.15), "Freezing point of water")
temps.Add(New Temperature(5100.15), "Boiling point of Carbon")
temps.Add(New Temperature(373.15), "Boiling point of water")
temps.Add(New Temperature(600.65), "Melting point of Lead")
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Temperature, String) In temps
Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} degrees Celsius.", kvp.Value, kvp.Key.Celsius)
End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
' Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
' Freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.
' Boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
' Melting point of Lead is 327.5 degrees Celsius.
' Boiling point of Lead is 1744 degrees Celsius.
' Boiling point of Carbon is 4827 degrees Celsius.
CompareTo fornisce un metodo di confronto fortemente tipizzato per ordinare membri di un oggetto raccolta generico. A causa di questo, in genere non viene chiamato direttamente dal codice per sviluppatori. Viene invece chiamato automaticamente da metodi come List<T>.Sort() e Add.
Questo metodo è solo una definizione e deve essere implementato da una classe o un tipo di valore specifico per avere effetto. Il significato dei confronti specificati nella sezione Valori restituiti ("precede", "si verifica nella stessa posizione di" e "segue) dipende dall'implementazione specifica.
Per definizione, qualsiasi oggetto confronta più di null
e due riferimenti Null confrontano tra loro uguali.
Per gli oggetti A, B e C, è necessario che sia true:
è necessario restituire zero.
Se A.CompareTo(B)
restituisce zero, B.CompareTo(A)
è necessario restituire zero.
Se A.CompareTo(B)
restituisce zero e B.CompareTo(C)
restituisce zero, A.CompareTo(C)
è necessario restituire zero.
Se A.CompareTo(B)
restituisce un valore diverso da zero, B.CompareTo(A)
è necessario restituire un valore del segno opposto.
Se A.CompareTo(B)
restituisce un valore x
non uguale a zero e B.CompareTo(C)
restituisce un valore dello stesso segno di , è A.CompareTo(C)
necessario restituire un valore y
dello stesso segno x
e .
Utilizzare il metodo per determinare l'ordinamento CompareTo(T) delle istanze di una classe.
Prodotto | Versioni |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
.NET Framework | 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |
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