Math.Log10(Double) Metodo


Restituisce il logaritmo in base 10 del numero specificato.

 static double Log10(double d);
public static double Log10 (double d);
static member Log10 : double -> double
Public Shared Function Log10 (d As Double) As Double



Numero di cui trovare il logaritmo.


Uno dei valori della tabella seguente.

Parametro d. Valore restituito
Positivo Logaritmo in base 10 di d: log 10d.
Uguale a NaNNaN
Uguale a PositiveInfinityPositiveInfinity


Nell'esempio seguente viene usato il Log10 metodo per restituire il logaritmo di base 10 per i valori selezionati.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      double[] numbers = {-1, 0, .105, .5, .798, 1, 4, 6.9, 10, 50,
                          100, 500, 1000, Double.MaxValue};

      foreach (double number in numbers)
         Console.WriteLine("The base 10 log of {0} is {1}.",
                           number, Math.Log10(number));
// The example dislays the following output:
//       The base 10 log of -1 is NaN.
//       The base 10 log of 0 is -Infinity.
//       The base 10 log of 0.105 is -0.978810700930062.
//       The base 10 log of 0.5 is -0.301029995663981.
//       The base 10 log of 0.798 is -0.0979971086492706.
//       The base 10 log of 1 is 0.
//       The base 10 log of 4 is 0.602059991327962.
//       The base 10 log of 6.9 is 0.838849090737255.
//       The base 10 log of 10 is 1.
//       The base 10 log of 50 is 1.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 100 is 2.
//       The base 10 log of 500 is 2.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 1000 is 3.
//       The base 10 log of 1.79769313486232E+308 is 308.254715559917.
open System

let numbers =
    [ -1.; 0; 0.105; 0.5; 0.798; 1; 4; 6.9; 10
      50; 100; 500; 1000; Double.MaxValue ]

for number in numbers do
    // the F# log10 function may be used instead
    printfn $"The base 10 log of {number} is {Math.Log10 number}."
// The example dislays the following output:
//       The base 10 log of -1 is NaN.
//       The base 10 log of 0 is -Infinity.
//       The base 10 log of 0.105 is -0.978810700930062.
//       The base 10 log of 0.5 is -0.301029995663981.
//       The base 10 log of 0.798 is -0.0979971086492706.
//       The base 10 log of 1 is 0.
//       The base 10 log of 4 is 0.602059991327962.
//       The base 10 log of 6.9 is 0.838849090737255.
//       The base 10 log of 10 is 1.
//       The base 10 log of 50 is 1.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 100 is 2.
//       The base 10 log of 500 is 2.69897000433602.
//       The base 10 log of 1000 is 3.
//       The base 10 log of 1.79769313486232E+308 is 308.254715559917.
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim numbers() As Double = {-1, 0, .105, .5, .798, 1, 4, 6.9, 10, 50, _
                                 100, 500, 1000, Double.MaxValue}
      For Each number As Double In numbers
         Console.WriteLine("The base 10 log of {0} is {1}.", _
                           number, Math.Log10(number))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       The base 10 log of -1 is NaN.
'       The base 10 log of 0 is -Infinity.
'       The base 10 log of 0.105 is -0.978810700930062.
'       The base 10 log of 0.5 is -0.301029995663981.
'       The base 10 log of 0.798 is -0.0979971086492706.
'       The base 10 log of 1 is 0.
'       The base 10 log of 4 is 0.602059991327962.
'       The base 10 log of 6.9 is 0.838849090737255.
'       The base 10 log of 10 is 1.
'       The base 10 log of 50 is 1.69897000433602.
'       The base 10 log of 100 is 2.
'       The base 10 log of 500 is 2.69897000433602.
'       The base 10 log of 1000 is 3.
'       The base 10 log of 1.79769313486232E+308 is 308.254715559917.


Il parametro d viene specificato come numero base 10.

Questo metodo chiama il runtime C sottostante e il risultato esatto o l'intervallo di input valido può essere diverso tra sistemi operativi o architetture diverse.

Si applica a