Control.CursorChanged Evento
Alcune informazioni sono relative alla release non definitiva del prodotto, che potrebbe subire modifiche significative prima della release definitiva. Microsoft non riconosce alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, in merito alle informazioni qui fornite.
Si verifica quando il valore della proprietà Cursor cambia.
event EventHandler ^ CursorChanged;
public event EventHandler CursorChanged;
public event EventHandler? CursorChanged;
member this.CursorChanged : EventHandler
Public Custom Event CursorChanged As EventHandler
L'esempio di codice seguente illustra la modifica del cursore del mouse usando la Control.Cursor proprietà, la Cursor classe e la Cursors classe. Nell'esempio viene creato un modulo che contiene un controllo, un ComboBoxPanel controllo e un ListView controllo. Contiene ComboBox tutti i cursori forniti dalla Cursors classe. Quando l'utente seleziona un cursore del mouse nell'oggetto ComboBox, la Control.Cursor proprietà è impostata sul cursore selezionato, che aggiorna il cursore per .Panel L'oggetto ListView viene aggiornato ogni volta che si verifica l'evento Control.CursorChanged .
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
namespace MCursor
public ref class Form1: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ cursorSelectionComboBox;
System::Windows::Forms::Panel^ testPanel;
System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label1;
System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label2;
System::Windows::Forms::ListView^ cursorEventViewer;
System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label3;
this->cursorSelectionComboBox = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox;
this->testPanel = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Panel;
this->label1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
this->label2 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
this->cursorEventViewer = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListView;
this->label3 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
// Select Cursor Label
this->label2->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 16 );
this->label2->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 16 );
this->label2->Text = "Select cursor:";
// Cursor Testing Panel Label
this->label1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 80 );
this->label1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 144, 23 );
this->label1->Text = "Cursor testing panel:";
// Cursor Changed Events Label
this->label3->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 184, 16 );
this->label3->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 128, 16 );
this->label3->Text = "Cursor changed events:";
// Cursor Selection ComboBox
this->cursorSelectionComboBox->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 40 );
this->cursorSelectionComboBox->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 152, 21 );
this->cursorSelectionComboBox->TabIndex = 0;
this->cursorSelectionComboBox->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::cursorSelectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged );
// Cursor Test Panel
this->testPanel->BackColor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::ControlDark;
this->testPanel->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 24, 104 );
this->testPanel->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 152, 160 );
this->testPanel->CursorChanged += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::testPanel_CursorChanged );
// Cursor Event ListView
this->cursorEventViewer->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 184, 40 );
this->cursorEventViewer->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 256, 224 );
this->cursorEventViewer->TabIndex = 4;
this->cursorEventViewer->View = System::Windows::Forms::View::List;
// Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 456, 286 );
array<System::Windows::Forms::Control^>^temp0 = {this->label3,this->cursorEventViewer,this->label2,this->label1,this->testPanel,this->cursorSelectionComboBox};
this->Controls->AddRange( temp0 );
this->Text = "Cursors Example";
// Add all the cursor types to the combobox.
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = CursorList()->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
System::Windows::Forms::Cursor^ cursor = safe_cast<System::Windows::Forms::Cursor^>(myEnum->Current);
cursorSelectionComboBox->Items->Add( cursor );
array<System::Windows::Forms::Cursor^>^ CursorList()
// Make an array of all the types of cursors in Windows Forms.
array<System::Windows::Forms::Cursor^>^temp1 = {Cursors::AppStarting,Cursors::Arrow,Cursors::Cross,Cursors::Default,Cursors::Hand,Cursors::Help,Cursors::HSplit,Cursors::IBeam,Cursors::No,Cursors::NoMove2D,Cursors::NoMoveHoriz,Cursors::NoMoveVert,Cursors::PanEast,Cursors::PanNE,Cursors::PanNorth,Cursors::PanNW,Cursors::PanSE,Cursors::PanSouth,Cursors::PanSW,Cursors::PanWest,Cursors::SizeAll,Cursors::SizeNESW,Cursors::SizeNS,Cursors::SizeNWSE,Cursors::SizeWE,Cursors::UpArrow,Cursors::VSplit,Cursors::WaitCursor};
return temp1;
void cursorSelectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
// Set the cursor in the test panel to be the selected cursor style.
testPanel->Cursor = dynamic_cast<System::Windows::Forms::Cursor^>(cursorSelectionComboBox->SelectedItem);
void testPanel_CursorChanged( Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
// Build up a String* containing the type of Object* sending the event, and the event.
String^ cursorEvent = String::Format( "[{0}]: {1}", sender->GetType(), "Cursor changed" );
// Record this event in the list view.
this->cursorEventViewer->Items->Add( cursorEvent );
int main()
Application::Run( gcnew MCursor::Form1 );
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MCursor
public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox cursorSelectionComboBox;
private System.Windows.Forms.Panel testPanel;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
private System.Windows.Forms.ListView cursorEventViewer;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
public Form1()
this.cursorSelectionComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
this.testPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.cursorEventViewer = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
// Select Cursor Label
this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 16);
this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 16);
this.label2.Text = "Select cursor:";
// Cursor Testing Panel Label
this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 80);
this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(144, 23);
this.label1.Text = "Cursor testing panel:";
// Cursor Changed Events Label
this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(184, 16);
this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(128, 16);
this.label3.Text = "Cursor changed events:";
// Cursor Selection ComboBox
this.cursorSelectionComboBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 40);
this.cursorSelectionComboBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(152, 21);
this.cursorSelectionComboBox.TabIndex = 0;
this.cursorSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged +=
new System.EventHandler(this.cursorSelectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
// Cursor Test Panel
this.testPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark;
this.testPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 104);
this.testPanel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(152, 160);
this.testPanel.CursorChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.testPanel_CursorChanged);
// Cursor Event ListView
this.cursorEventViewer.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(184, 40);
this.cursorEventViewer.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(256, 224);
this.cursorEventViewer.TabIndex = 4;
this.cursorEventViewer.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.List;
// Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(456, 286);
this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
this.label3, this.cursorEventViewer,
this.label2, this.label1,
this.testPanel, this.cursorSelectionComboBox});
this.Text = "Cursors Example";
// Add all the cursor types to the combobox.
foreach (Cursor cursor in CursorList())
private Cursor [] CursorList()
// Make an array of all the types of cursors in Windows Forms.
return new Cursor [] {
Cursors.AppStarting, Cursors.Arrow, Cursors.Cross,
Cursors.Default, Cursors.Hand, Cursors.Help,
Cursors.HSplit, Cursors.IBeam, Cursors.No,
Cursors.NoMove2D, Cursors.NoMoveHoriz, Cursors.NoMoveVert,
Cursors.PanEast, Cursors.PanNE, Cursors.PanNorth,
Cursors.PanNW, Cursors.PanSE, Cursors.PanSouth,
Cursors.PanSW, Cursors.PanWest, Cursors.SizeAll,
Cursors.SizeNESW, Cursors.SizeNS, Cursors.SizeNWSE,
Cursors.SizeWE, Cursors.UpArrow, Cursors.VSplit, Cursors.WaitCursor};
private void cursorSelectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Set the cursor in the test panel to be the selected cursor style.
testPanel.Cursor = (Cursor)cursorSelectionComboBox.SelectedItem;
private void testPanel_CursorChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Build up a string containing the type of object sending the event, and the event.
string cursorEvent = string.Format("[{0}]: {1}", sender.GetType().ToString(), "Cursor changed");
// Record this event in the list view.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace MCursor
' Summary description for Form1.
Public NotInheritable Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Friend WithEvents cursorSelectionComboBox As System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Friend WithEvents testPanel As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Private label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private cursorEventViewer As System.Windows.Forms.ListView
Private label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
<System.STAThread()> _
Public Shared Sub Main()
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(New Form1)
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Me.cursorSelectionComboBox = New System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Me.testPanel = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Me.label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me.label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me.cursorEventViewer = New System.Windows.Forms.ListView
Me.label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
' Select Cursor Label
Me.label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 16)
Me.label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 16)
Me.label2.Text = "Select cursor:" '
' Cursor Testing Panel Label
Me.label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 80)
Me.label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(144, 23)
Me.label1.Text = "Cursor testing panel:"
' Cursor Changed Events Label
Me.label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(184, 16)
Me.label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(128, 16)
Me.label3.Text = "Cursor changed events:"
' Cursor Selection ComboBox
Me.cursorSelectionComboBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 40)
Me.cursorSelectionComboBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 21)
Me.cursorSelectionComboBox.TabIndex = 0
' Cursor Test Panel
Me.testPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark
Me.testPanel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(24, 104)
Me.testPanel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(152, 160)
' Cursor Event ListView
Me.cursorEventViewer.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(184, 40)
Me.cursorEventViewer.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(256, 224)
Me.cursorEventViewer.TabIndex = 4
Me.cursorEventViewer.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.List
' Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(456, 286)
Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.label3, _
Me.cursorEventViewer, Me.label2, Me.label1, _
Me.testPanel, Me.cursorSelectionComboBox})
Me.Text = "Cursors Example"
' Add all the cursor types to the combobox.
Dim cursor As Cursor
For Each cursor In CursorList()
Next cursor
End Sub
Private Function CursorList() As Cursor()
' Make an array of all the types of cursors in Windows Forms.
return New Cursor() {Cursors.AppStarting, Cursors.Arrow, Cursors.Cross, _
Cursors.Default, Cursors.Hand, Cursors.Help, _
Cursors.HSplit, Cursors.IBeam, Cursors.No, _
Cursors.NoMove2D, Cursors.NoMoveHoriz, Cursors.NoMoveVert, _
Cursors.PanEast, Cursors.PanNE, Cursors.PanNorth, _
Cursors.PanNW, Cursors.PanSE, Cursors.PanSouth, _
Cursors.PanSW, Cursors.PanWest, Cursors.SizeAll, _
Cursors.SizeNESW, Cursors.SizeNS, Cursors.SizeNWSE, _
Cursors.SizeWE, Cursors.UpArrow, Cursors.VSplit, Cursors.WaitCursor}
End Function
Private Sub cursorSelectionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cursorSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
' Set the cursor in the test panel to be the selected cursor style.
testPanel.Cursor = CType(cursorSelectionComboBox.SelectedItem, Cursor)
End Sub
Private Sub testPanel_CursorChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles testPanel.CursorChanged
' Build up a string containing the type of object sending the event, and the event.
Dim cursorEvent As String = String.Format("[{0}]: {1}", sender.GetType().ToString(), "Cursor changed")
' Records this event in the list view.
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace 'MCursor
Questo evento viene generato se la Cursor proprietà viene modificata da una modifica a livello di codice o da un'interazione dell'utente.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulla gestione degli eventi, consultare gestione e generazione di eventi.
Prodotto | Versioni |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
Windows Desktop | 3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
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