userlastsignInrecommendationinsightsetting resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

The userLastSignInRecommendationInsightSetting allows you to configure the last sign-in date and time of a user as an insight to aid the reviewers to make decisions for an accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.

Inherits from accessReviewRecommendationInsightSetting.


Property Type Description
recommendationLookBackDuration Duration Optional. Indicates the time period of inactivity (with respect to the start date of the review instance) that recommendations will be configured from. The recommendation will be to deny if the user is inactive during the look-back duration. For reviews of groups and Microsoft Entra roles, any duration is accepted. For reviews of applications, 30 days is the maximum duration. If not specified, the duration is 30 days.
signInScope userSignInRecommendationScope Indicates whether inactivity is calculated based on the user's inactivity in the tenant or in the application. The possible values are tenant, application, unknownFutureValue. application is only relevant when the access review is a review of an assignment to an application.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.userlastsignInrecommendationinsightsetting",
  "recommendationLookBackDuration": "String (duration)",
  "signInScope": "String"