17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
Iscriviti subitoQuesto browser non è più supportato.
Esegui l'aggiornamento a Microsoft Edge per sfruttare i vantaggi di funzionalità più recenti, aggiornamenti della sicurezza e supporto tecnico.
Microsoft Graph provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access data in Microsoft 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security. This article provides information about what's new in Microsoft Graph APIs, documentation, SDKs, and more.
For more detailed API-level updates, see the Microsoft Graph API changelog.
For details about previous updates to Microsoft Graph, see Microsoft Graph what's new history.
Features in preview status are subject to change without notice, and might not be promoted to generally available (GA) status. Don't use preview features in production apps.
Use the printerDiscoverySettings property on printSettings to specify settings that affect printer discovery when using Universal Print.
Added teamsMessageEvidence as a supported alert evidence.
Enabled the $filter
query parameter for the list operation of the listItem resource. For more information, see Get filtered SharePoint list items with specific fields.
Replaced the following API operations for managing custom authentication extensions:
Old endpoint | Recommended endpoint |
GET /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension GET /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension GET /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.OnEmailOtpSendListener/handler/microsoft.graph.OnOtpSendCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension |
GET /identity/customAuthenticationExtensions/{customAuthenticationExtensionId} |
PUT /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionStartCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension/$ref PUT /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onAttributeCollectionSubmitCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension/$ref PUT /identity/authenticationEventListeners/{listenerId}/microsoft.graph.onEmailOtpSendListener/handler/microsoft.graph.onOtpSendCustomExtensionHandler/customExtension/$ref |
PATCH /identity/customAuthenticationExtensions/{customAuthenticationExtensionId} |
Added teamsMessageEvidence as a supported alert evidence.
Enabled the application permission Sites.Archive.All
for the site: archive and site: unarchive methods.
Enabled the $filter
query parameter for the list operation of the listItem resource. For more information, see Get filtered SharePoint list items with specific fields.
query parameter to scope the request to an externalObjectId, externalContextId, or a groupId.ChannelMember.Read.All
delegated permission instead of the Group.Read.All
delegated permission.ChannelMember.Read.Group
and ChannelMember.ReadWrite.Group
application permissions for resource-specific consent.Are there scenarios you'd like Microsoft Graph to support?
Suggest and vote for new features by using the Microsoft Graph Feedback Portal. Some new features originate as popular requests from the developer community. The Microsoft Graph team regularly evaluates customer needs and releases new features to the beta (https://graph.microsoft.com/beta
) and v1.0 (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0
) endpoints.
Join the weekly Microsoft 365 platform community call and become an active member of the Microsoft Graph community. To discover the full calendar of developer calls, visit the Microsoft 365 and Power Platform community page.
Join our research panel to provide your input on our developer experiences.
17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
Iscriviti subitoFormazione
Percorso di apprendimento
Esplorare gli scenari Graph Microsoft per lo sviluppo di ASP.NET Core - Training
Questo percorso di formazione include esercizi pratici che illustrano come eseguire le attività comuni, ad esempio visualizzare i messaggi di posta elettronica di un utente, accedere agli eventi del calendario e scaricare e caricare file in un'app ASP.NET Core utilizzando le API Microsoft Graph.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate - Certifications
Dimostrare di possedere le competenze necessarie per pianificare, distribuire, configurare e gestire Microsoft Teams in modo da focalizzarsi sull'efficienza e l'efficacia a livello di collaborazione e comunicazione in un ambiente Microsoft 365.
Use Graph Explorer to try Microsoft Graph APIs - Microsoft Graph
Try Microsoft Graph APIs on the default sample tenant to explore capabilities, or sign in to your tenant and use it as a prototyping tool to fulfill your app scenarios.
Best practices for working with Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Graph
Apply these best practices to improve your Microsoft Graph application's performance and make your app more reliable for end users.
Microsoft Graph REST API beta endpoint reference - Microsoft Graph beta
Find reference content for the Microsoft Graph REST APIs in the beta endpoint, which includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available.