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MoblogUtility Members

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Specifies enumerations for a mobile Web log site.

The MoblogUtility type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member BodyStringName The Body field name of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member CategoryUrlKey The CategoryURL key of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member DispPostsFileName The name of the file that contains the display post item page of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member HomePageFileName The name of the file that contains the home page of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member NewCommentsFileName The name of the file that contains the new comments page of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member NewPostsFileName The name of the file that contains the new posts page of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member NumCommentsStringName The NumCommentsfield name of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member PostItemIdUrlKey The post item IDURL key of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member PostTitleStringName The PostTitlefield name of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member PublishedDateStringName The PublishedDatefield name of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member ViewCommentsFileName The name of the file that contains the view comments page of the mobile Web log.
Public fieldStatic member ViewTypeUrlKey The view typeURL key of the mobile Web log.


See Also


MoblogUtility Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace