IConnectorFramework Interface


The public interface for MCF

[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContract(Namespace="http://www.microsoft.com/EnterpriseManagement/ConnectorFramework", SessionMode=System.ServiceModel.SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface IConnectorFramework


The ConnectorFrameworkProxy class exposes public implementations for the IConnectorFramework interface members and is used for building monitoring connector applications that synchronize data in System Center Operations Manager 2007 with other management applications.


AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts(Guid, DateTime)

Acknowledges alerts up until the given bookmark.

AcknowledgeMonitoringAlertsForSpecificTiers(Guid, DateTime, String[], ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Acknowledges alerts up until the given bookmark, per specific tier. A (null) string specifies the local management group.

AcknowledgeMonitoringAlertsForTiers(Guid, DateTime, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Acknowledges alerts up until the given bookmark.


Removes the given connector from the system.


Gets connector bookmark for the given connector.


Gets connector state for the given connector.


Gets global configuration settings for the management group. TODO - Need a list of what these should be

GetMonitoringAlertHistoryByAlertIds(Guid, Guid[])

Gets alert history for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlerts(Guid, String)

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsByIds(Guid, Guid[], String)

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsForTiers(Guid, String, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsWithBatchSize(Guid, String, Int32)

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsWithBatchSizeForTiers(Guid, String, Int32, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsWithBookmark(Guid, String, DateTime)

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsWithBookmarkForTiers(Guid, String, DateTime, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsWithBookmarkWithBatchSize(Guid, String, DateTime, Int32)

Gets alerts for the given connector.

GetMonitoringAlertsWithBookmarkWithBatchSizeForTiers(Guid, String, DateTime, Int32, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Gets alerts for the given connector.


Initializes the connector for subsequent calls. Will use the currently stored bookmark.

InitializeForTiers(Guid, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Initializes the connector for subsequent calls. Will use the currently stored bookmark.

InitializeWithBookmark(Guid, DateTime)

Initializes the connector for subsequent calls and sets the connectors bookmark to the provided bookmark time.

InitializeWithBookmarkForTiers(Guid, DateTime, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Initializes the connector for subsequent calls and sets the connectors bookmark to the provided bookmark time.

InsertMonitoringEvents(Guid, Guid, CustomMonitoringEvent[])

Inserts events against the given monitoring object.

InsertMonitoringPerformanceData(Guid, Guid, CustomMonitoringPerformanceData[])

Inserts performance data against the given monitoring object.


Sets up a new connector.

SetupWithConnectorId(ConnectorInfo, Guid)

Sets up a new connector.


Uninitializes the connector for subsequent calls.

UninitializeForTiers(Guid, ConnectorTieredOperationFailure[])

Uninitializes the connector for subsequent calls.

UpdateMonitoringAlerts(Guid, String, ConnectorMonitoringAlert[])

Updates the given alerts.

Applies to

製品 バージョン
System Center OM SDK 2012, 2016, 2019