
TestCasePauseEvent Class


Describes a TestCasePauseEvent. The TestCasePauseEvent is one of the events in the TestChain or TestStreamChain.

public ref class TestCasePauseEvent sealed : Microsoft::VisualStudio::IntelliTrace::TestCaseEvent
public ref class TestCasePauseEvent sealed : Microsoft::VisualStudio::IntelliTrace::TestCaseEvent
class TestCasePauseEvent sealed : Microsoft::VisualStudio::IntelliTrace::TestCaseEvent
public sealed class TestCasePauseEvent : Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntelliTrace.TestCaseEvent
type TestCasePauseEvent = class
    inherit TestCaseEvent
Public NotInheritable Class TestCasePauseEvent
Inherits TestCaseEvent



Gets the time of the event using the high resolution counter. This value is retrieved from QueryPerformanceCounter.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)

Gets a flag that determines if this test case is a child of a test case. For example, a web test in a load test is a child test case.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)

Gets or sets the ordinal value.

(Inherited from OrdinalEvent)

Gets the test session id: a unique identifier that identifies the test session.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)

Gets the test case id: a unique identifier that identifies this test case. When the test case is in the test case management system, the lower four bytes contain the TestCaseManagerId.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)

Gets the test case manager id: the identifier of the test case in Team Foundation Server.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)

Gets the name of the test case.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)

Gets the test execution id: a unique identifier that identifies this test instance.

(Inherited from TestCaseEvent)


Compare(OrdinalEvent, OrdinalEvent)

Compares one instance with another instance and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other instance.

(Inherited from OrdinalEvent)

Compares the current instance with another instance and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other instance.

(Inherited from OrdinalEvent)

Compares the current instance with another instance and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other instance.

(Inherited from OrdinalEvent)

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current OrdinalEvent.

(Inherited from OrdinalEvent)

Gets a hash code for this OrdinalEvent.

(Inherited from OrdinalEvent)

Applies to