Animation Documentation - Upgrading Animation Scripts

If you are updating your Animation scripts to the latest version of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, there are a few steps needed depending on what version of Minecraft they were written in.

Upgrade from v1.17.30 to v1.18.10

The major change with 1.18.10 is:

  • Fixed an issue where animation controller events defined in the default state would get skipped if the controller immediately transitioned to another state.

Upgrade from v1.10 to v1.17.30

  • Molang expressions inside transitions that contain capital letters are properly evaluated now. Strings inside such expressions are not forced to lowercase anymore and work as expected.

Upgrade from v1.8 Beta to v1.10

Some things to keep in mind when upgrading from 1.8 to 1.10 onward:

  • The ability to have animations reference other animations in an arbitrarily deep hierarchy.
  • The parameters section of animation controllers has been replaced with the variables section.
  • In the entity definition file, animation controllers are now listed in the animations section, and a scriptAnimate section has been added to define which root animations to play. The v1.8 file format is backwards-compatible with v1.10 so you don't need to change anything (although we recommend refactoring your files in the spirit of v1.10 as there is a slight performance win with the new format, as well as it being simpler to understand.)

Upgrade from v1.18.10 to v1.18.20

The major change with 1.18.20 is:

  • Molang expressions inside animation scripts for actor resource definition (pre_animation and initialize) that contain capital letters are properly evaluated now. Strings inside such expressions are not forced to lowercase anymore and work as expected.

Upgrade from v1.7 Beta to v1.8

To upgrade previous scripts, you'll want to do the following steps to all of your Molang scripts in the order listed:

  1. -->
  2. -->
  3. -->
  4. -->
  5. The general rule is that 'query' represents read-only values from the entity the script is running on, and 'variable' represents read-write data created by the user.
  6. We've adopted snake_case for all names of things. You are welcome to use upper-case letters if you wish as we are case-insensitive, however we recommend snake_case in general.
  7. Several variables previously set on mobs have been changed to use the format. Look through the updated list below to see what has been added and changed.