Kaizala group policies


Microsoft Kaizala has retired on August 31, 2023. We recommend using Microsoft Teams for continued connection, sharing, and collaboration.

Policies enable the admins to make groups more secure. Policies can be applied based on an organization's scenarios and needs.

To change group policies, select a group, select the icon near the group name, and then select Edit policies.

Policy What happens on selecting this policy?
Access Selecting this policy mandates Office 365 sign-in to access the group.
Intune Selecting this policy mandates Microsoft Intune policy to sign in to access the group.
Copy Selecting this policy restricts the users to copy posts in this group.
Share Selecting this policy restricts the users to share posts out of this group.
Forward Selecting this policy restricts the users to forward posts from this group.
Likes Selecting this policy restricts the users to like a post or see who else has liked a post.
Chat history By default, users see posts from the time they join the group. Selecting this policy enables new participants to also see historical posts.
Comments Selecting this policy restricts participants to comment on a post or view other users’ comments.
Invitations Selecting this policy restricts SMS invitations sent to the users in the group.
Chat Selecting this policy restricts system-generated messages in the group chat window, when participants join or leave group.
Delete for everyone By default, admins can delete posts sent by anyone in the group. Selecting this policy restricts admins to be able to delete other users’ posts.