

Definitions of MMC Terms


Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server Technical Preview, Windows Vista

This topic lists commonly used MMC terms.



Actions Pane

This is the rightmost pane in the MMC console. It provides a menu of operations that may be performed for the selected scope node, for its selected view and for the selected data in the view. It contains the same commands as the action menu bar, and the context menus that are available in the tree pane and results pane. There are three areas in the actions pane that are populated depending on what is selected. There is a scope actions area (view actions are included in the scope actions area), a selection actions area, and a description area.

Extension Snap-in

A snap-in whose purpose is to extend a primary snap-in. Typically, contextual information is used from the primary snap-in by the extension to determine what functionality to extend.

Form View

Provides a standard MMC WinForm view. It allows the results pane to be populated with a WinForm control.

Html View

A custom webpage view which hosts an HTML page in the results pane.

List View

A view which displays a list of items in the results pane. It displays a collection of items using a list control.

Managed Extension

An extension snap-in that is implemented using managed code.

Management Console Namespace

A framework classes that are available to managed snap-ins.

Message View

Displays a simple message (with an icon, a title, and body text) in the results pane.


A representation of a managed entity.

Primary Snap-in

Also called a base snap-in, it is a snap-in which provides stand-alone functionality in the MMC console.

Property Page

A snap-in can inherit from this class to create WinForm control based property pages. It provides methods for handling notifications with default implementations and for manipulating the parent property sheet or wizard.

Property Sheet

It is the abstraction of the Win32 property sheet common control. It is a collection of property pages with title and style information.

Tree Pane

This is the leftmost pane in the MMC console. It is the primary navigation mechanism for MMC snap-ins. The nodes in the tree represent the organization of objects in the namespace. Selecting a node in the tree defines the scope of the results pane and the actions pane.


A program which interacts with the MMC console to expose a discrete piece of management functionality. A snap-in may contain various elements that constitute a management solution. This may include nodes, views, context menus, property sheets, and wizards.


The abstraction of the pane that displays the result contents in the MMC console.

View Description

  • Form View Description

  • HTML View Description

  • List View Description

  • Message View Description

Because of the MDI architecture of MMC, the number and lifetime of view instances is determined by the user and not by the snap-in. There is a specialized view description that corresponds to each view type. Each view description provides a factory for view generation. It describes the type of view to present and provides the data that is needed during view creation and initialization.

View Description Collection

A collection of view descriptions for a scope node. The view description collection has methods such as add, clear, and remove that can be used to manipulate a collection of view description instances. It has a default index property that specifies the view description to use when a scope node is selected the first time.

Results Pane

This is the central pane in the MMC console. Sometimes, it is also referred to as the result pane. This pane provides additional information about the selected scope node. A snap-in may even define multiple views for the same scope node and the user can switch between them.


A special type of property sheet that provides a simple and powerful way to guide users through complex procedures.

See Also

MMC Programming Elements