InkD2DRenderer class
Implements the IInkD2DRenderer interface.
An IInkD2DRenderer object enables the rendering of ink strokes onto the designated Direct2D device context of a Universal Windows app, instead of the default InkCanvas control.
The InkD2DRenderer class inherits from the IUnknown interface. InkD2DRenderer also has these types of members:
- Methods
The InkD2DRenderer class has these methods.
Method | Description |
Draw | Renders the ink stroke to the designated Direct2D device context of the app. |
Use the following to retrieve a reference to the object:
CoCreateInstance | Call CoCreateInstance with the class identifier InkD2DRenderer. This snippet is taken from the "InkRenderer.cpp" file of the Complex ink sample.
This snippet from the "SceneComposer.cpp" file of the Complex ink sample demonstrates the rendering of a collection of ink strokes to a Direct2D device context.
_inkRenderer->Render(strokes, _deviceResources->GetD2DDeviceContext());
This snippet from the "InkRenderer.cpp" file of the Complex ink sample shows the Render method (called in the previous snippet) that calls the Draw method for rendering the strokes.
void InkRenderer::Render(
Windows::UI::Input::Inking::InkStroke^>^ strokes,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1DeviceContext> d2dContext)
if (_spInkD2DRenderer != nullptr)
if (strokes != nullptr && strokes->Size > 0)
// Cast the stroke collection into IUnknown to call Inkd2dRenderer
ComPtr<IUnknown> spUnkStrokes =
hr = _spInkD2DRenderer->Draw(d2dContext.Get(), spUnkStrokes.Get(), false);
if (FAILED(hr))
Minimum supported client |
Windows 10 |
Minimum supported server |
None supported |
Header |
Inkrenderer.h |
Inkrenderer.idl |
IID_IInkD2DRenderer is defined as 4044e60c-7b01-4671-a97c-04e0210a07a5 |