Step 2 - Create Dataverse tables

  1. Create the Dataverse tables that are described below. For more information on creating Dataverse tables, see Create a custom table.

Yume Cards

Column Description
TitleId Whole number: Unique ID for the Title and Suggestions
TitleName Text (850): (Primary column, Option Required) Title for the main category (needed only for the title card)
TitleType Text (100): Defines what the TitleName will be used for; MainTitle: Identify TitleName as the main card title; ContentTitle: Identify the TitleName as the title for the content.
TitleContent Text (2048): Content for the card
ContentType Text (100): Defines what the TitleContent will be used for; MainTitle: Identify the TitleContent as the Description content for the main card title; ContentTitle: Identify the TitleContent as the content of the main card.
CardType Text (100): Identifies how the display area content for the card will be presented. Metrics: Predefined Viva Personal Insights based on graph data; Horizontal: Left/right control for navigating the content for the main card; Vertical: Vertical gallery (list) display of the content.
DisplayOrder Whole Number: The order to display the content in the horizontal/vertical format.

Yume Meeting Notes

Column Description
MeetingId Text (512): (Primary) Outlook meeting ID
MeetingDateTime Date and time
MeetingName Text (1024): Outlook meeting subject line
MeetingTasks Text (2048): Delimited task list
CaIds Text (1024): Delimited card IDs
Emp Feedback Text(1024): Emp meeting feedback
Emp Feeling Text(100): Emp meeting sentiment

Yume User Options

Column Description
SettingName Text(100): (Primary) Setting Name
SettingValue Text (512): Content for the card
  1. During the Dataverse table creation, make a note of the table prefix name.

    Tables containing Yume card data

Once you create the Dataverse table, you must import the data into this table. See Import data into Dataverse tables.

You can also edit/update the data in the Dataverse tables, based on your requirement. For information on how to do this task, see Edit the Dataverse tables. Note that if you edit/update the Dataverse table, you must (mandatorily) add content with regard to the Yume cards. For information on how to add Yume cards content in the Dataverse table, see Create new Yume Cards content.