Ordenación y filtrado de resultados en T-SQL - Training
Ordenación y filtrado de resultados en T-SQL
ეს ბრაუზერი აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი.
გადადით Microsoft Edge-ზე, რათა ისარგებლოთ უახლესი ფუნქციებით, უსაფრთხოების განახლებებითა და ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერით.
Filtering and sorting allows you to build a unique view of the content you're interested in, based on what you're trying to do in Q&A.
You need to be signed into Q&A to use the "My content" filter.
The Questions and Tag details pages share the same filtering options.
On the "Filters" option on the left, select one of the following options:
Option | Explanation |
All | Shows all the questions. |
No answers | Shows questions without an answer. |
Has answers | Shows questions with at least one answer. |
No answers or comments | Shows questions without an answer or a comment. |
With accepted answer | Shows questions with an accepted answer. |
My content | Shows any questions you contributed to (asked, answered, commented, or edited). |
Questions I follow | Shows any questions you follow. |
The Questions and Tag details pages share the same sorting options.
On the "Short by" option on the right, select one of the following options:
Option | Explanation |
Updated (DEFAULT) | Shows questions ordered from newest to oldest based on their last updated time. Updated means asked, answered, commented, marked as answered, edited, voted/rated. |
Created | Shows questions ordered from newest to oldest based on when a user posted the question object. |
Answers | Shows questions ordered from the most to the least number of answers. If there are two or more questions with the same number of answers, then we sort by Updated date. |
There are not filters in this page.
Comments for both questions and comments are sorted from oldest to newest on creation date, to ensure you can follow the conversation chronologically.
You can short the way answers are displayed on the Question details page.
Accepted answers always show right after the question, and they do not follow any sorting.
Option | Explanation |
Most helpful (DEFAULT) | Answers ordered by number of helpful votes. If two or more answers have the same amount of votes, the answers are sorted form oldest to newest. |
Newest | Answers ordered from newest to oldest based on their last updated time. Updated means asked, answered, commented, marked as answered, edited, voted/rated. |
Oldest | Answers ordered from oldest to newest based on their last updated time. Updated means asked, answered, commented, marked as answered, edited, voted/rated. |
The Questions and Tag details pages share the same filtering options.
On the "Filters" option on the left, select one of the following options:
Option | Explanation |
All tags | Shows all the tags in Q&A. |
Tags I follow | Shows all the tags you follow. |
Option | Explanation |
Popular (DEFAULT) | Shows questions per tag in descending order (tag with the most questions appear first). In case two or more tags have the same number of questions, then the order based on name (English A-Z alphabetical order). |
Name | English A-Z alphabetical order from the tag’s display label. |
Ordenación y filtrado de resultados en T-SQL - Training
Ordenación y filtrado de resultados en T-SQL