The Azure OpenAI client library for .NET is a companion to the official OpenAI client library for .NET. The Azure OpenAI library configures a client for use with Azure OpenAI and provides extra strongly typed extension support for request and response models specific to Azure OpenAI scenarios.
Unlike the Azure OpenAI client libraries for Python and JavaScript, the Azure OpenAI .NET package is limited to targeting a specific subset of the Azure OpenAI API versions. Generally each Azure OpenAI .NET package unlocks access to newer Azure OpenAI API release features. Having access to the latest API versions impacts feature availability.
A secure, keyless authentication approach is to use Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) via the Azure Identity library. To use the library:
using Azure.AI.OpenAI;
using Azure.Identity;
using OpenAI.Audio;
AzureOpenAIClient azureClient = new(
new Uri(""),
new DefaultAzureCredential());
AudioClient client = azureClient.GetAudioClient("tts-hd"); //Replace with your Azure OpenAI model deploymentstring input = "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3";
BinaryData speech = client.GenerateSpeech(input, GeneratedSpeechVoice.Alloy);
using FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite($"{Guid.NewGuid()}.mp3");
AzureOpenAIClient azureClient = new(
new Uri(""),
new DefaultAzureCredential());
ChatClient chatClient = azureClient.GetChatClient("my-gpt-4o-deployment");
ChatCompletion completion = chatClient.CompleteChat(
// System messages represent instructions or other guidance about how the assistant should behave
new SystemChatMessage("You are a helpful assistant that talks like a pirate."),
// User messages represent user input, whether historical or the most recent input
new UserChatMessage("Hi, can you help me?"),
// Assistant messages in a request represent conversation history for responses
new AssistantChatMessage("Arrr! Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?"),
new UserChatMessage("What's the best way to train a parrot?"),
Console.WriteLine($"{completion.Role}: {completion.Content[0].Text}");
Stream chat messages
Streaming chat completions use the CompleteChatStreaming and CompleteChatStreamingAsync method, which return a ResultCollection<StreamingChatCompletionUpdate> or AsyncCollectionResult<StreamingChatCompletionUpdate> instead of a ClientResult<ChatCompletion>.
These result collections can be iterated over using foreach or await foreach, with each update arriving as new data is available from the streamed response.
AzureOpenAIClient azureClient = new(
new Uri(""),
new DefaultAzureCredential());
ChatClient chatClient = azureClient.GetChatClient("my-gpt-4o-deployment");
CollectionResult<StreamingChatCompletionUpdate> completionUpdates = chatClient.CompleteChatStreaming(
new SystemChatMessage("You are a helpful assistant that talks like a pirate."),
new UserChatMessage("Hi, can you help me?"),
new AssistantChatMessage("Arrr! Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?"),
new UserChatMessage("What's the best way to train a parrot?"),
foreach (StreamingChatCompletionUpdate completionUpdate in completionUpdates)
foreach (ChatMessageContentPart contentPart in completionUpdate.ContentUpdate)
using Azure.AI.OpenAI;
using Azure.Identity;
using OpenAI.Embeddings;
AzureOpenAIClient azureClient = new(
new Uri(""),
new DefaultAzureCredential());
EmbeddingClient client = azureClient.GetEmbeddingClient("text-embedding-3-large"); //Replace with your model deployment namestring description = "This is a test embedding";
OpenAIEmbedding embedding = client.GenerateEmbedding(description);
ReadOnlyMemory<float> vector = embedding.ToFloats();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", vector.ToArray()));
Currently not supported with the Azure OpenAI .NET packages.
Currently not supported with the Azure OpenAI .NET packages.
Unlike the Azure OpenAI client libraries for Python and JavaScript, the Azure OpenAI Go library is targeted to a specific Azure OpenAI API version. Having access to the latest API versions impacts feature availability.
Current Azure OpenAI API version target: 2024-10-01-preview
The azidentity module is used for Azure Active Directory authentication with Azure OpenAI.
package main
import (
funcmain() {
dac, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
// NOTE: this constructor creates a client that connects to an Azure OpenAI endpoint.// To connect to the public OpenAI endpoint, use azopenai.NewClientForOpenAI
client, err := azopenai.NewClient("https://<your-azure-openai-host>", dac, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
_ = client
package main
import (
funcmain() {
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential("<Azure-OpenAI-APIKey>")
// NOTE: this constructor creates a client that connects to an Azure OpenAI endpoint.// To connect to the public OpenAI endpoint, use azopenai.NewClientForOpenAI
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential("https://<your-azure-openai-host>", keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
_ = client
ackage main
import (
funcmain() {
openAIKey := os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
// Ex: ""
openAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("OPENAI_ENDPOINT")
modelDeploymentID := "tts-1"if openAIKey == "" || openAIEndpoint == "" || modelDeploymentID == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(openAIKey)
client, err := azopenai.NewClientForOpenAI(openAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
audioResp, err := client.GenerateSpeechFromText(context.Background(), azopenai.SpeechGenerationOptions{
Input: to.Ptr("i am a computer"),
Voice: to.Ptr(azopenai.SpeechVoiceAlloy),
ResponseFormat: to.Ptr(azopenai.SpeechGenerationResponseFormatFlac),
DeploymentName: to.Ptr("tts-1"),
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
defer audioResp.Body.Close()
audioBytes, err := io.ReadAll(audioResp.Body)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Got %d bytes of FLAC audio\n", len(audioBytes))
package main
import (
funcmain() {
azureOpenAIKey := os.Getenv("AOAI_WHISPER_API_KEY")
// Ex: "https://<your-azure-openai-host>"
azureOpenAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("AOAI_WHISPER_ENDPOINT")
modelDeploymentID := os.Getenv("AOAI_WHISPER_MODEL")
if azureOpenAIKey == "" || azureOpenAIEndpoint == "" || modelDeploymentID == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(azureOpenAIKey)
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential(azureOpenAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
mp3Bytes, err := os.ReadFile("testdata/sampledata_audiofiles_myVoiceIsMyPassportVerifyMe01.mp3")
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
resp, err := client.GetAudioTranscription(context.TODO(), azopenai.AudioTranscriptionOptions{
File: mp3Bytes,
// this will return _just_ the translated text. Other formats are available, which return// different or additional metadata. See [azopenai.AudioTranscriptionFormat] for more examples.
ResponseFormat: to.Ptr(azopenai.AudioTranscriptionFormatText),
DeploymentName: &modelDeploymentID,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Transcribed text: %s\n", *resp.Text)
package main
import (
funcmain() {
azureOpenAIKey := os.Getenv("AOAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_API_KEY")
modelDeploymentID := os.Getenv("AOAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_MODEL")
// Ex: "https://<your-azure-openai-host>"
azureOpenAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("AOAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_ENDPOINT")
if azureOpenAIKey == "" || modelDeploymentID == "" || azureOpenAIEndpoint == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(azureOpenAIKey)
// In Azure OpenAI you must deploy a model before you can use it in your client. For more information// see here:
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential(azureOpenAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
// This is a conversation in progress.// NOTE: all messages, regardless of role, count against token usage for this API.
messages := []azopenai.ChatRequestMessageClassification{
// You set the tone and rules of the conversation with a prompt as the system role.
&azopenai.ChatRequestSystemMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestSystemMessageContent("You are a helpful assistant. You will talk like a pirate.")},
// The user asks a question
&azopenai.ChatRequestUserMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestUserMessageContent("Can you help me?")},
// The reply would come back from the ChatGPT. You'd add it to the conversation so we can maintain context.
&azopenai.ChatRequestAssistantMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestAssistantMessageContent("Arrrr! Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?")},
// The user answers the question based on the latest reply.
&azopenai.ChatRequestUserMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestUserMessageContent("What's the best way to train a parrot?")},
// from here you'd keep iterating, sending responses back from ChatGPT
gotReply := false
resp, err := client.GetChatCompletions(context.TODO(), azopenai.ChatCompletionsOptions{
// This is a conversation in progress.// NOTE: all messages count against token usage for this API.
Messages: messages,
DeploymentName: &modelDeploymentID,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
for _, choice := range resp.Choices {
gotReply = trueif choice.ContentFilterResults != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Content filter results\n")
if choice.ContentFilterResults.Error != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " Error:%v\n", choice.ContentFilterResults.Error)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " Hate: sev: %v, filtered: %v\n", *choice.ContentFilterResults.Hate.Severity, *choice.ContentFilterResults.Hate.Filtered)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " SelfHarm: sev: %v, filtered: %v\n", *choice.ContentFilterResults.SelfHarm.Severity, *choice.ContentFilterResults.SelfHarm.Filtered)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " Sexual: sev: %v, filtered: %v\n", *choice.ContentFilterResults.Sexual.Severity, *choice.ContentFilterResults.Sexual.Filtered)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " Violence: sev: %v, filtered: %v\n", *choice.ContentFilterResults.Violence.Severity, *choice.ContentFilterResults.Violence.Filtered)
if choice.Message != nil && choice.Message.Content != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Content[%d]: %s\n", *choice.Index, *choice.Message.Content)
if choice.FinishReason != nil {
// this choice's conversation is complete.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Finish reason[%d]: %s\n", *choice.Index, *choice.FinishReason)
if gotReply {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Got chat completions reply\n")
package main
import (
funcmain() {
azureOpenAIKey := os.Getenv("AOAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_API_KEY")
modelDeploymentID := os.Getenv("AOAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_MODEL")
// Ex: "https://<your-azure-openai-host>"
azureOpenAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("AOAI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_ENDPOINT")
if azureOpenAIKey == "" || modelDeploymentID == "" || azureOpenAIEndpoint == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(azureOpenAIKey)
// In Azure OpenAI you must deploy a model before you can use it in your client. For more information// see here:
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential(azureOpenAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
// This is a conversation in progress.// NOTE: all messages, regardless of role, count against token usage for this API.
messages := []azopenai.ChatRequestMessageClassification{
// You set the tone and rules of the conversation with a prompt as the system role.
&azopenai.ChatRequestSystemMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestSystemMessageContent("You are a helpful assistant. You will talk like a pirate and limit your responses to 20 words or less.")},
// The user asks a question
&azopenai.ChatRequestUserMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestUserMessageContent("Can you help me?")},
// The reply would come back from the ChatGPT. You'd add it to the conversation so we can maintain context.
&azopenai.ChatRequestAssistantMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestAssistantMessageContent("Arrrr! Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?")},
// The user answers the question based on the latest reply.
&azopenai.ChatRequestUserMessage{Content: azopenai.NewChatRequestUserMessageContent("What's the best way to train a parrot?")},
// from here you'd keep iterating, sending responses back from ChatGPT
resp, err := client.GetChatCompletionsStream(context.TODO(), azopenai.ChatCompletionsStreamOptions{
// This is a conversation in progress.// NOTE: all messages count against token usage for this API.
Messages: messages,
N: to.Ptr[int32](1),
DeploymentName: &modelDeploymentID,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
defer resp.ChatCompletionsStream.Close()
gotReply := falsefor {
chatCompletions, err := resp.ChatCompletionsStream.Read()
if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
for _, choice := range chatCompletions.Choices {
gotReply = true
text := ""if choice.Delta.Content != nil {
text = *choice.Delta.Content
role := ""if choice.Delta.Role != nil {
role = string(*choice.Delta.Role)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Content[%d], role %q: %q\n", *choice.Index, role, text)
if gotReply {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Got chat completions streaming reply\n")
package main
import (
funcmain() {
azureOpenAIKey := os.Getenv("AOAI_EMBEDDINGS_API_KEY")
modelDeploymentID := os.Getenv("AOAI_EMBEDDINGS_MODEL")
// Ex: "https://<your-azure-openai-host>"
azureOpenAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("AOAI_EMBEDDINGS_ENDPOINT")
if azureOpenAIKey == "" || modelDeploymentID == "" || azureOpenAIEndpoint == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(azureOpenAIKey)
// In Azure OpenAI you must deploy a model before you can use it in your client. For more information// see here:
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential(azureOpenAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
resp, err := client.GetEmbeddings(context.TODO(), azopenai.EmbeddingsOptions{
Input: []string{"Testing, testing, 1,2,3."},
DeploymentName: &modelDeploymentID,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
for _, embed := range resp.Data {
// embed.Embedding contains the embeddings for this input index.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Got embeddings for input %d\n", *embed.Index)
Image Generation
package main
import (
funcmain() {
azureOpenAIKey := os.Getenv("AOAI_DALLE_API_KEY")
// Ex: "https://<your-azure-openai-host>"
azureOpenAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("AOAI_DALLE_ENDPOINT")
azureDeployment := os.Getenv("AOAI_DALLE_MODEL")
if azureOpenAIKey == "" || azureOpenAIEndpoint == "" || azureDeployment == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(azureOpenAIKey)
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential(azureOpenAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
resp, err := client.GetImageGenerations(context.TODO(), azopenai.ImageGenerationOptions{
Prompt: to.Ptr("a cat"),
ResponseFormat: to.Ptr(azopenai.ImageGenerationResponseFormatURL),
DeploymentName: &azureDeployment,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
for _, generatedImage := range resp.Data {
// the underlying type for the generatedImage is dictated by the value of// ImageGenerationOptions.ResponseFormat. In this example we used `azopenai.ImageGenerationResponseFormatURL`,// so the underlying type will be ImageLocation.
resp, err := http.Head(*generatedImage.URL)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
_ = resp.Body.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Image generated, HEAD request on URL returned %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
Completions (legacy)
package main
import (
funcmain() {
azureOpenAIKey := os.Getenv("AOAI_COMPLETIONS_API_KEY")
modelDeployment := os.Getenv("AOAI_COMPLETIONS_MODEL")
// Ex: "https://<your-azure-openai-host>"
azureOpenAIEndpoint := os.Getenv("AOAI_COMPLETIONS_ENDPOINT")
if azureOpenAIKey == "" || modelDeployment == "" || azureOpenAIEndpoint == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Skipping example, environment variables missing\n")
keyCredential := azcore.NewKeyCredential(azureOpenAIKey)
// In Azure OpenAI you must deploy a model before you can use it in your client. For more information// see here:
client, err := azopenai.NewClientWithKeyCredential(azureOpenAIEndpoint, keyCredential, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
resp, err := client.GetCompletions(context.TODO(), azopenai.CompletionsOptions{
Prompt: []string{"What is Azure OpenAI, in 20 words or less"},
MaxTokens: to.Ptr(int32(2048)),
Temperature: to.Ptr(float32(0.0)),
DeploymentName: &modelDeployment,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Update the following line with your application specific error handling logic
log.Printf("ERROR: %s", err)
for _, choice := range resp.Choices {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Result: %s\n", *choice.Text)
Error handling
All methods that send HTTP requests return *azcore.ResponseError when these requests fail. ResponseError has error details and the raw response from the service.
This module uses the logging implementation in azcore. To turn on logging for all Azure SDK modules, set AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING to all. By default, the logger writes to stderr. Use the azcore/log package to control log output. For example, logging only HTTP request and response events, and printing them to stdout:
import azlog ""// Print log events to stdout
azlog.SetListener(func(cls azlog.Event, msg string) {
// Includes only requests and responses in credential logs
azlog.SetEvents(azlog.EventRequest, azlog.EventResponse)
Unlike the Azure OpenAI client libraries for Python and JavaScript, to ensure compatibility the Azure OpenAI Java package is limited to targeting a specific subset of the Azure OpenAI API versions. Generally each Azure OpenAI Java package unlocks access to newer Azure OpenAI API release features. Having access to the latest API versions impacts feature availability.
In order to interact with the Azure OpenAI Service you'll need to create an instance of client class, OpenAIAsyncClient or OpenAIClient by using OpenAIClientBuilder. To configure a client for use with Azure OpenAI, provide a valid endpoint URI to an Azure OpenAI resource along with a corresponding key credential, token credential, or Azure Identity credential that's authorized to use the Azure OpenAI resource.
After setup, you can choose which type of credential from azure.identity to use. As an example, DefaultAzureCredential can be used to authenticate the client: Set the values of the client ID, tenant ID, and client secret of the Microsoft Entra ID application as environment variables: AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET.
Authorization is easiest using DefaultAzureCredential. It finds the best credential to use in its running environment.
TokenCredential defaultCredential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();
OpenAIClient client = new OpenAIClientBuilder()
String deploymentOrModelId = "{azure-open-ai-deployment-model-id}";
SpeechGenerationOptions options = new SpeechGenerationOptions(
"Today is a wonderful day to build something people love!",
BinaryData speech = client.generateSpeechFromText(deploymentOrModelId, options);
// Checkout your generated speech in the file system.
Path path = Paths.get("{your-local-file-path}/speech.wav");
Files.write(path, speech.toBytes());
List<ChatRequestMessage> chatMessages = new ArrayList<>();
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestSystemMessage("You are a helpful assistant. You will talk like a pirate."));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage("Can you help me?"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestAssistantMessage("Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage("What's the best way to train a parrot?"));
ChatCompletions chatCompletions = client.getChatCompletions("{deploymentOrModelName}",
new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages));
System.out.printf("Model ID=%s is created at %s.%n", chatCompletions.getId(), chatCompletions.getCreatedAt());
for (ChatChoice choice : chatCompletions.getChoices()) {
ChatResponseMessage message = choice.getMessage();
System.out.printf("Index: %d, Chat Role: %s.%n", choice.getIndex(), message.getRole());
List<ChatRequestMessage> chatMessages = new ArrayList<>();
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestSystemMessage("You are a helpful assistant. You will talk like a pirate."));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage("Can you help me?"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestAssistantMessage("Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage("What's the best way to train a parrot?"));
ChatCompletions chatCompletions = client.getChatCompletions("{deploymentOrModelName}",
new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages));
System.out.printf("Model ID=%s is created at %s.%n", chatCompletions.getId(), chatCompletions.getCreatedAt());
for (ChatChoice choice : chatCompletions.getChoices()) {
ChatResponseMessage message = choice.getMessage();
System.out.printf("Index: %d, Chat Role: %s.%n", choice.getIndex(), message.getRole());
Chat completions with images
List<ChatRequestMessage> chatMessages = new ArrayList<>();
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestSystemMessage("You are a helpful assistant that describes images"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage(Arrays.asList(
new ChatMessageTextContentItem("Please describe this image"),
new ChatMessageImageContentItem(
new ChatMessageImageUrl(""))
ChatCompletionsOptions chatCompletionsOptions = new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages);
ChatCompletions chatCompletions = client.getChatCompletions("{deploymentOrModelName}", chatCompletionsOptions);
System.out.println("Chat completion: " + chatCompletions.getChoices().get(0).getMessage().getContent());
EmbeddingsOptions embeddingsOptions = new EmbeddingsOptions(
Arrays.asList("Your text string goes here"));
Embeddings embeddings = client.getEmbeddings("{deploymentOrModelName}", embeddingsOptions);
for (EmbeddingItem item : embeddings.getData()) {
System.out.printf("Index: %d.%n", item.getPromptIndex());
for (Float embedding : item.getEmbedding()) {
System.out.printf("%f;", embedding);
Image generation
ImageGenerationOptions imageGenerationOptions = new ImageGenerationOptions(
"A drawing of the Seattle skyline in the style of Van Gogh");
ImageGenerations images = client.getImageGenerations("{deploymentOrModelName}", imageGenerationOptions);
for (ImageGenerationData imageGenerationData : images.getData()) {
"Image location URL that provides temporary access to download the generated image is %s.%n",
Handling errors
Enable client logging
To troubleshoot issues with Azure OpenAI library, it's important to first enable logging to monitor the
behavior of the application. The errors and warnings in the logs generally provide useful insights into what went wrong
and sometimes include corrective actions to fix issues. The Azure client libraries for Java have two logging options:
Refer to the instructions in this reference document on how to [configure logging in Azure SDK for Java][logging_overview].
Enable HTTP request/response logging
Reviewing the HTTP request sent or response received over the wire to/from the Azure OpenAI service can be
useful in troubleshooting issues. To enable logging the HTTP request and response payload, the [OpenAIClient][openai_client]
can be configured as shown below. If there's no SLF4J's Logger on the class path, set an environment variable
[AZURE_LOG_LEVEL][azure_log_level] in your machine to enable logging.
OpenAIClient openAIClient = new OpenAIClientBuilder()
.credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}"))
.httpLogOptions(new HttpLogOptions().setLogLevel(HttpLogDetailLevel.BODY_AND_HEADERS))
// or
DefaultAzureCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();
OpenAIClient configurationClientAad = new OpenAIClientBuilder()
.httpLogOptions(new HttpLogOptions().setLogLevel(HttpLogDetailLevel.BODY_AND_HEADERS))
Alternatively, you can configure logging HTTP requests and responses for your entire application by setting the
following environment variable. Note that this change will enable logging for every Azure client that supports logging
HTTP request/response.
Logs only URLs, HTTP methods, and time to finish the request.
Logs everything in BASIC, plus all the request and response headers.
Logs everything in BASIC, plus all the request and response body.
Logs everything in HEADERS and BODY.
When logging the body of request and response, ensure that they don't contain confidential
information. When logging headers, the client library has a default set of headers that are considered safe to log
but this set can be updated by updating the log options in the builder as shown below.
Azure OpenAI service methods throw a[HttpResponseException or its subclass on failure.
The HttpResponseException thrown by the OpenAI client library includes detailed response error object
that provides specific useful insights into what went wrong and includes corrective actions to fix common issues.
This error information can be found inside the message property of the HttpResponseException object.
Here's the example of how to catch it with synchronous client
List<ChatRequestMessage> chatMessages = new ArrayList<>();
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestSystemMessage("You are a helpful assistant. You will talk like a pirate."));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage("Can you help me?"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestAssistantMessage("Of course, me hearty! What can I do for ye?"));
chatMessages.add(new ChatRequestUserMessage("What's the best way to train a parrot?"));
try {
ChatCompletions chatCompletions = client.getChatCompletions("{deploymentOrModelName}",
new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages));
} catch (HttpResponseException e) {
// Do something with the exception
With async clients, you can catch and handle exceptions in the error callbacks:
asyncClient.getChatCompletions("{deploymentOrModelName}", new ChatCompletionsOptions(chatMessages))
.doOnSuccess(ignored -> System.out.println("Success!"))
error -> error instanceof ResourceNotFoundException,
error -> System.out.println("Exception: 'getChatCompletions' could not be performed."));
Authentication errors
Azure OpenAI supports Microsoft Entra ID authentication. OpenAIClientBuilder
has method to set the credential. To provide a valid credential, you can use azure-identity dependency.
There are several ways to authenticate with the Azure OpenAI service using Microsoft Entra ID tokens. The default way is to use the DefaultAzureCredential class from the @azure/identity package.
import { DefaultAzureCredential } from"@azure/identity";
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
This object is then passed as part of the AzureClientOptions object to the AzureOpenAI and AssistantsClient client constructors.
In order to authenticate the AzureOpenAI client, however, we need to use the getBearerTokenProvider function from the @azure/identity package. This function creates a token provider that AzureOpenAI uses internally to obtain tokens for each request. The token provider is created as follows:
The AzureClientOptions object extends the OpenAI ClientOptions object. This Azure-specific client object is used to configure the connection and behavior of the Azure OpenAI client. It includes properties for specifying the properties unique to Azure.
apiVersion: string
Specifies the API version to use.
azureADTokenProvider: (() => Promise<string>)
A function that returns an access token for Microsoft Entra (formerly known as Azure Active Directory), invoked on every request.
deployment: string
A model deployment. If provided, sets the base client URL to include /deployments/{deployment}. Non-deployment endpoints can't be used (not supported with Assistants APIs).
endpoint: string
Your Azure OpenAI endpoint with the following format:
API keys aren't recommended for production use because they're less secure than other authentication methods.
The AzureClientOptions object extends the OpenAI ClientOptions object. This Azure-specific client object is used to configure the connection and behavior of the Azure OpenAI client. It includes properties for specifying the properties unique to Azure.
apiKey: string
Your API key for authenticating requests.
apiVersion: string
Specifies the API version to use.
deployment: string
A model deployment. If provided, sets the base client URL to include /deployments/{deployment}. Non-deployment endpoints can't be used (not supported with Assistants APIs).
endpoint: string
Your Azure OpenAI endpoint with the following format:
Use API keys with caution. Don't include the API key directly in your code, and never post it publicly. If you use an API key, store it securely in Azure Key Vault. For more information about using API keys securely in your apps, see API keys with Azure Key Vault.
The following errors are automatically retired twice by default with a brief exponential backoff:
Connection Errors
408 Request Timeout
429 Rate Limit
>=500 Internal Errors
Use maxRetries to set/disable the retry behavior:
// Configure the default for all requests:const client = new AzureOpenAI({
maxRetries: 0, // default is 2
// Or, configure per-request:await{ messages: [{ role: 'user', content: 'How can I get the name of the current day in Node.js?' }], model: '' }, {
maxRetries: 5,
Use API keys with caution. Don't include the API key directly in your code, and never post it publicly. If you use an API key, store it securely in Azure Key Vault. For more information about using API keys securely in your apps, see API keys with Azure Key Vault.
# from openai import AzureOpenAI# client = AzureOpenAI()
completion =
model="gpt-4o", # Replace with your model dpeloyment name.
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "When was Microsoft founded?"}
# from openai import AzureOpenAI# client = AzureOpenAI()
completion =
model="gpt-4o", # Replace with your model dpeloyment name.
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "When was Microsoft founded?"}
for chunk in completion:
if chunk.choices and chunk.choices[0].delta.content isnotNone:
print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end='',)
Microsoft was founded on April 4, 1975, by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
# from openai import AzureOpenAI# client = AzureOpenAI()
embedding = client.embeddings.create(
model="text-embedding-3-large", # Replace with your model deployment name
input="Attenion is all you need",
# from openai import AzureOpenAI# client = AzureOpenAI()import openai
except openai.APIConnectionError as e:
print("The server could not be reached")
print(e.__cause__) # an underlying Exception, likely raised within httpx.except openai.RateLimitError as e:
print("A 429 status code was received; we should back off a bit.")
except openai.APIStatusError as e:
print("Another non-200-range status code was received")
Error codes
Status Code
Error Type
Request IDs
To retrieve the ID of your request you can use the _request_id property which corresponds to the x-request-id response header.
The following errors are automatically retired twice by default with a brief exponential backoff:
Connection Errors
408 Request Timeout
429 Rate Limit
>=500 Internal Errors
Use max_retries to set/disable the retry behavior:
# For all requestsfrom openai import AzureOpenAI
client = AzureOpenAI(
# max retires for specific requests
"role": "user",
"content": "When was Microsoft founded?",
შემოუერთდით Meetup სერიას, რათა შექმნათ მასშტაბური AI გადაწყვეტილებები რეალურ სამყაროში გამოყენების შემთხვევებზე დაყრდნობით თანამემამულე დეველოპერებთან და ექსპერტებთან.
Learn how to use Azure OpenAI's powerful models including the GPT-4o, GPT-4o mini, GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo with Vision, GPT-3.5-Turbo, DALL-E 3 and Embeddings model series