This article provides information about sample architectures, solutions, and guides that can help you explore networking in Azure.
Designing and implementing Azure networking capabilities is a critical part of your cloud solution. You'll need to make networking design decisions to properly support your workloads and services.
Azure provides a wide range of networking tools and capabilities. These are just some of the key networking services available in Azure:
Azure Virtual Network. Provision private networks, and optionally connect to on-premises datacenters.
Azure Virtual WAN. Optimize and automate branch-to-branch connectivity.
Azure Private Link. Enable private access to services that are hosted on the Azure platform while keeping your data on the Microsoft network.
Azure Firewall. Provide protection for your Azure Virtual Network resources.
Azure ExpressRoute. Create a fast, reliable, and private connection to Azure.
Azure Load Balancer. Deliver high availability and network performance to your apps.
Azure VPN Gateway. Establish high security cross-premises connectivity.
For information about more Azure networking services, see Azure networking.
Introduction to networking on Azure
If you're new to networking on Azure, the best way to learn more is with Microsoft Learn training, a free online training platform. Microsoft Learn provides interactive training for Microsoft products and more.
The Azure Well-Architected Framework is a set of guiding tenets, based on five pillars, that you can use to improve the quality of your architectures. These articles apply the pillars to the use of some Azure networking services:
The Cloud Adoption Framework is a collection of documentation, implementation guidance, best practices, and tools that are designed to accelerate your cloud adoption. You might find these articles helpful as you plan and implement your networking solution:
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