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Bicep functions for Bicep parameters files

Bicep provides a function called readEnvironmentVariable() that allows you to retrieve values from environment variables. It also offers the flexibility to set a default value if the environment variable doesn't exist. This function can only be used in .bicepparam files.


getSecret(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, keyVaultName, secretName, secretVersion)

This function returns a secret from an Azure Key Vault. Use this function to pass a secret to a Bicep file's secure string parameter.


You can also use the keyVaultName.getSecret(secretName) function from within a .bicep file.

using './main.bicep'

param secureUserName = getSecret('exampleSubscription', 'exampleResourceGroup', 'exampleKeyVault', 'exampleSecretUserName')
param securePassword = getSecret('exampleSubscription', 'exampleResourceGroup', 'exampleKeyVault', 'exampleSecretPassword')

You get an error if you use this function with string interpolation.

A namespace qualifier (az) can be used, but it's optional since the function is available from the default Azure namespace.


Parameter Required Type Description
subscriptionId Yes string The ID of the subscription that has the key vault resource
resourceGroupName Yes string The name of the resource group that has the key vault resource
keyVaultName Yes string The name of the key vault
secretName Yes string The name of the secret stored in the key vault
secretVersion No string The version of the secret stored in the key vault

Return value

The value for the secret.


The following .bicepparam file has a securePassword parameter that has the latest value of the <secretName> secret:

using './main.bicep'

param securePassword = getSecret('exampleSubscription', 'exampleResourceGroup', 'exampleKeyVault', 'exampleSecretPassword')

The following .bicepparam file has a securePassword parameter that has the value of the <secretName> secret, but it's pinned to a specific <secretValue>:

using './main.bicep'

param securePassword = getSecret('exampleSubscription', 'exampleResourceGroup', 'exampleKeyVault', 'exampleSecretPassword', 'exampleSecretVersion')


readEnvironmentVariable(variableName, [defaultValue])

This function returns the value of the environment variable or sets a default value if the environment variable doesn't exist. Variable loading occurs during compilation and not at runtime.

Namespace: sys.


Parameter Required Type Description
variableName Yes string The name of the variable.
defaultValue No string A default string value to be used if the environment variable doesn't exist.

Return value

The return value is string value of the environment variable or a default value.


The following command sets the environment variable only for the PowerShell process in which it's executed. You get BCP338 from Visual Studio Code:

$env:testEnvironmentVariable = "Hello World!"

To set the environment variable at the user level, run the following command:

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('testEnvironmentVariable','Hello World!', 'User')

To set the environment variable at the machine level, run the following command:

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('testEnvironmentVariable','Hello World!', 'Machine')

For more information, see Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable Method.


The following examples show how to retrieve the values of environment variables:

use './main.bicep'

param adminPassword = readEnvironmentVariable('admin_password')
param boolfromEnvironmentVariables = bool(readEnvironmentVariable('boolVariableName','false'))

Next steps

For more information about Bicep parameters files, see Create parameters files for Bicep deployment.