AppCenterDistribute@3 - App Center distribute v3 task
Use this task to distribute app builds to testers and users via Visual Studio App Center.
# App Center distribute v3# Distribute app builds to testers and users via Visual Studio App Center.- task:AppCenterDistribute@3 inputs: serverEndpoint:# string. Required. App Center service connection. appSlug:# string. Required. App slug. appFile:# string. Alias: app. Required. Binary file path. #buildVersion: # string. Build version. releaseNotesOption:'input'# 'input' | 'file'. Alias: releaseNotesSelection. Required. Create release notes. Default: input. releaseNotesInput:# string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = input. Release notes. #releaseNotesFile: # string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = file. Release notes file. #isMandatory: false # boolean. Require users to update to this release. Default: false. destinationType:'groups'# 'groups' | 'store'. Required. Release destination. Default: groups.#distributionGroupId: # string. Alias: destinationGroupIds. Optional. Use when destinationType = groups. Destination IDs. #destinationStoreId: # string. Required when destinationType = store. Destination ID. #isSilent: # boolean. Optional. Use when destinationType = groups. Do not notify testers. Release will still be available to install. # Symbols#symbolsOption: 'Apple' # 'Apple' | 'Android' | 'UWP'. Alias: symbolsType. Symbols type. Default: Apple.#symbolsPath: # string. Optional. Use when symbolsType == AndroidNative || symbolsType = Windows. Symbols path. #appxsymPath: # string. Optional. Use when symbolsType = UWP. Symbols path (*.appxsym). #symbolsDsymFiles: # string. Alias: dsymPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple. dSYM path. #symbolsMappingTxtFile: # string. Alias: mappingTxtPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Android. Mapping file. #nativeLibrariesPath: # string. Optional. Use when symbolsType == Android. Native Library File Path. #symbolsIncludeParentDirectory: # boolean. Alias: packParentFolder. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple. Include all items in parent folder.
# App Center distribute v3# Distribute app builds to testers and users via Visual Studio App Center.- task:AppCenterDistribute@3 inputs: serverEndpoint:# string. Required. App Center service connection. appSlug:# string. Required. App slug. appFile:# string. Alias: app. Required. Binary file path. releaseNotesOption:'input'# 'input' | 'file'. Alias: releaseNotesSelection. Required. Create release notes. Default: input. releaseNotesInput:# string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = input. Release notes. #releaseNotesFile: # string. Required when releaseNotesSelection = file. Release notes file. #isMandatory: false # boolean. Require users to update to this release. Default: false. destinationType:'groups'# 'groups' | 'store'. Required. Release destination. Default: groups.#distributionGroupId: # string. Alias: destinationGroupIds. Optional. Use when destinationType = groups. Destination IDs. #destinationStoreId: # string. Required when destinationType = store. Destination ID. #isSilent: # boolean. Optional. Use when destinationType = groups. Do not notify testers. Release will still be available to install. # Symbols#symbolsOption: 'Apple' # 'Apple' | 'Android'. Alias: symbolsType. Symbols type. Default: Apple.#symbolsPath: # string. Optional. Use when symbolsType == AndroidNative || symbolsType = Windows. Symbols path. #symbolsPdbFiles: '**/*.pdb' # string. Alias: pdbPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = UWP. Symbols path (*.pdb). Default: **/*.pdb.#symbolsDsymFiles: # string. Alias: dsymPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple. dSYM path. #symbolsMappingTxtFile: # string. Alias: mappingTxtPath. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Android. Mapping file. #symbolsIncludeParentDirectory: # boolean. Alias: packParentFolder. Optional. Use when symbolsType = Apple. Include all items in parent folder.
serverEndpoint - App Center service connection string. Required.
Selects the service connection for Visual Studio App Center. To create one, click the Manage link and create a new service connection.
appSlug - App slug string. Required.
The app slug is in the format of {username}/{app_identifier}. To locate {username} and {app_identifier} for an app, click on its name from App Center, and the resulting URL is in the format of**{username}**/apps/**{app_identifier}**. If you are using orgs, the app slug is of the format {orgname}/{app_identifier}.
The relative path from the repo root to the APK/AAB or IPA file you want to publish.
buildVersion - Build version string.
The build version of the uploading binary which needs to be specified for .zip and .msi. This value will be ignored unless the platform is WPF or WinForms.
Each release is distributed to either groups or a store.
distributionGroupId - Destination IDs
Input alias: destinationGroupIds. string. Optional. Use when destinationType = groups.
The IDs of the distribution groups who will receive the build release. Leave it empty to use the default group, and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.
destinationStoreId - Destination ID string. Required when destinationType = store.
The IDs of the distribution store that will receive the build release.
isSilent - Do not notify testers. Release will still be available to install. boolean. Optional. Use when destinationType = groups.
Testers do not receive an email for new releases.
symbolsPdbFiles - Symbols path (*.pdb)
Input alias: pdbPath. string. Optional. Use when symbolsType = UWP. Default value: **/*.pdb.
The relative path from the repo root to PDB symbols files. Path may contain wildcards.
This example pipeline builds an Android app, runs tests, and publishes the app using App Center Distribute.
# Android# Build your Android project with Gradle.# Add steps that test, sign, and distribute the APK, save build artifacts, and more:# vmImage:'macOS-latest'steps:- script:sudonpminstall-gappcenter-cli- script:appcenterlogin--token{YOUR_TOKEN}- task:Gradle@2 inputs: workingDirectory:'' gradleWrapperFile:'gradlew' gradleOptions:'-Xmx3072m' publishJUnitResults:false testResultsFiles:'**/TEST-*.xml' tasks:build- task:CopyFiles@2 inputs: contents:'**/*.apk' targetFolder:'$(build.artifactStagingDirectory)'- task:PublishBuildArtifacts@1 inputs: pathToPublish:'$(build.artifactStagingDirectory)' artifactName:'outputs' artifactType:'container'# Run tests using the App Center CLI- script:appcentertestrunespresso--app"{APP_CENTER_SLUG}"--devices"{DEVICE}"--app-path{APP_FILE}--test-series"master"--locale"en_US"--build-dir{PAT_ESPRESSO}--debug# Distribute the app- task:AppCenterDistribute@3 inputs: serverEndpoint:'AppCenter' appSlug:'$(APP_CENTER_SLUG)' appFile:'$(APP_FILE)'# Relative path from the repo root to the APK or IPA file you want to publish symbolsOption:'Android' releaseNotesOption:'input' releaseNotesInput:'Here are the release notes for this version.' destinationType:'groups'
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