scriptPath - Script Path string. Required when scriptLocation = scriptPath.
Fully qualified path of the script or a path relative to the the default working directory.
inlineScript - Inline Script string. Required when scriptLocation = inlineScript.
You can write your scripts inline here. When using Windows agent, use batch scripting. Use shell scripting when using Linux-based agents. For batch files, use the prefix call before every Azure command. You can also pass predefined and custom variables to this script using arguments
See the following examples. The first is a shell example and the second is a batch example:
azure --version || azure account show
call azure --version || call azure account show
arguments - Arguments
Input alias: args. string.
Arguments passed to the script.
addSpnToEnvironment - Access service principal details in script boolean. Default value: false.
Adds the service principal ID and key of the Azure endpoint that you chose to the script's execution environment. You can use the $servicePrincipalId and $servicePrincipalKey variables in your script.
This is honored only when the Azure endpoint has Service Principal authentication scheme.
useGlobalConfig - Use global Azure CLI configuration boolean. Default value: false.
If this is false, this task will use its own separate Azure CLI configuration directory. This can be used to run Azure CLI tasks in parallel releases.
workingDirectory - Working Directory
Input alias: cwd. string.
Current working directory where the script is run. If left blank, this input is the root of the repo (build) or artifacts (release), which is $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).
failOnStandardError - Fail on Standard Error boolean. Default value: false.
If this input is true, this task will fail when any errors are written to the StandardError stream. Clear the checkbox to ignore standard errors and instead rely on exit codes to determine the status.
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