ServiceFabricComposeDeploy@0 - Service Fabric Compose deploy v0 task
Use this task to deploy a Docker Compose application to a Service Fabric cluster. This task deploys an Azure Service Fabric application to a cluster according to the settings defined in the Compose file.
Use this task to deploy a Docker Compose application to a Service Fabric cluster. This task deploys an Azure Service Fabric application to a cluster according to the settings defined in the Compose file.
Specifies the path to the compose file that is to be deployed. Variables and wildcards can be used in the path. Example: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/drop/projectartifacts/**/docker-compose.yml.
Combining compose files is not supported as part of this task.
applicationName - Application Name string. Required. Default value: fabric:/Application1.
Specifies the Service Fabric application name of the deployed application. Use fabric:/ as a prefix. Application names within a Service Fabric cluster must be unique.
registryCredentials - Registry Credentials Source string. Required. Allowed values: AzureResourceManagerEndpoint (Azure Resource Manager service connection), ContainerRegistryEndpoint (Container Registry service connection), UsernamePassword (Username and Password), None. Default value: AzureResourceManagerEndpoint.
Specifies how credentials for the Docker container registry will be provided to the deployment task. The allowed values are:
AzureResourceManagerEndpoint (Azure Resource Manager service connection): uses azureSubscription to obtain a service principal ID and key for an Azure Container Registry.
ContainerRegistryEndpoint (Container Registry service connection): uses dockerRegistryConnection to select a Docker registry service connection. If a certificate matching the Server Certificate Thumbprint in the Cluster Service Connection is installed on the build agent, it will be used to encrypt the password; otherwise, the password will not be encrypted.
UsernamePassword (Username and Password): uses registryUsername and registryPassword to store the username and password for the Docker registry. Passwords should be encrypted using Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText with the Password Encrypted option. If passwords are not encrypted with Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText, and a certificate matching the Server Certificate Thumbprint in the Cluster Connection is installed on the build agent, the certificate will be used to encrypt the password. Otherwise, the password will not be encrypted and will be sent in clear text.
None: No registry credentials are provided. This is used for accessing public container registries.
dockerRegistryConnection - Docker Registry Service Connection
Input alias: dockerRegistryEndpointName. string. Optional. Use when registryCredentials = ContainerRegistryEndpoint.
Specifies a Docker registry service connection. If a certificate matching the Server Certificate Thumbprint in the Cluster Service Connection is installed on the build agent, it will be used to encrypt the password; otherwise, the password will not be encrypted.
registryUserName - Registry User Name string. Optional. Use when registryCredentials = UsernamePassword.
Specifies the username for the Docker registry.
registryPassword - Registry Password string. Optional. Use when registryCredentials = UsernamePassword.
Specifies the password for the Docker registry. If the password is not encrypted, it is recommended that you use a custom release pipeline secret variable to store it.
passwordEncrypted - Password Encrypted boolean. Optional. Use when registryCredentials = UsernamePassword. Default value: true.
Encrypts your password using Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText. If you do not encrypt your password, and a certificate matching the Server Certificate Thumbprint in the Cluster Service Connection is installed on the build agent, it will be used to encrypt the password; otherwise, an error will occur.
upgrade - Upgrade boolean. Default value: false.
Upgrades an existing deployment rather than removing it.
deployTimeoutSec - Deploy Timeout (s) string.
Specifies the timeout, in seconds,for deploying the application.
removeTimeoutSec - Remove Timeout (s) string.
Specifies the timeout, in seconds,for removing an existing application.
getStatusTimeoutSec - Get Status Timeout (s) string.
Specifies the timeout, in seconds,for getting the status of an existing application.
Use this task to deploy a Docker-compose application to a Service Fabric cluster.
This task deploys an Azure Service Fabric application to a cluster according to the settings defined in the compose file.
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